Germany shows us why Republican policies will ALWAYS "fail".

You are the one who brought up Germany as a model for sensible governance. The three more (From a US standpoint) conservative parties have been the government since 2005.

Conversely, Greece is run by the socialists, as is spain, as is Ireland and they are circling the drain.

You might argue the Berlescoini's party is conservative. And that therefore Italy is a mess. But Italy is unusual in that respect.

It's not the Germans I'm pointing out as a "model", rather, their "priorities". These are the Republican Priorities:

Slash education.

End Social Security.

End Medicare.

No infrastructure improvements.

End Romneycare.

Tax cuts for billionaires.

Subsidies for corporations.

German Conservatives are to our Conservatives as German Evangelicals are to our Evangelicals:

The Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) has just published a booklet for school teachers urging them not to advocate creationism or intelligent design (ID). That’s “evangelical” as in the German evangelisch (meaning Protestant, mostly Lutheran), and not “evangelical” as it’s more commonly used in the United States.

Sorry, I can’t translate them all but they boil down to saying that biblically literal creationism is unseriös (“unserious” is a serious put-down in German). ID turns God into a god-of-the-gaps, it adds. So how does the EKD want German schools to deal with creation? Unlike in the U.S., even state schools in Germany have religion classes, separated according to religions and denominations. The EKD says it believes the Biblical story of creation explains the overall purpose of life while science explains the physical details. “God the creator is part of this belief, but not creationism,” the booklet writes. “So Protestant religion class can discuss creationism, but not advocate it.”

Evangelical Church in Germany knocks creationism, ID in school | FaithWorld


Do you see what I mean? There is no comparison. Just the fact that "conservatives" in Germany are raising the scientific research budget by 10% in a single year says it all.

You guys are a bunch of howler monkeys. Screaming and screaming and not even knowing what you are screaming about.

This one thread has made the right wing look more pathetic than any other thread at the USMB.

Good luck to the party of "Let him die" who "applauds executions". You are not conservatives. You're crazies. Even Chris Christie called you that.

Chris Christie Blasts ‘Crazies’ After Appointing Muslim Judge: The ‘Sharia Law Business Is Just Crap’

Chris Christie Blasts
I usually ignore your dumbass psycho-babble but since I've lived in Germany a couple times, I will slam you.

First, Germany is mostly a white hard working country compared to the USA overrun with illegals and lazy ass people wanting a handout.

Germans think working at McDonalds is a good job, compare that to the USA.

Germany is now cracking down on illegal gypsies, Turks, etc that have snuck into their country while we do nothing about our scurge from south of the border.

Germans pay most of their salaries to the Govt so that they can give everyone stuff, so I guess you want to raise your own taxes to live in a small apartment and give others stuff.

The adjusted level of joblessness has now fallen to 2.92 million people, or 6.9 percent, the lowest for 20 years. The figures also show how Germany, Europe’s largest economy and one of the world’s leading export-driven economies, has fully recovered from the financial crisis of 2008, when almost 3.2 million people were registered as unemployed.

Figures from the labor agency showed that fewer companies were still working with short-time workers, especially the automobile industry, which has been lifted by growth in the Chinese market and the expansion there of the luxury car market as the middle class expands.


Remember, Germany had to absorb another "entire" country, East Germany, after the collapse of the USSR. They are also being counted on to bail out other European countries.

Germany has almost no natural resources, yet, they are a leading exporter and have the worlds 5h largest economy.

They live longer.

Take more vacations.

The middle class is buying "luxury" cars.

They work fewer hours.

Everyone is covered by health care.

More people are educated.

They are a democratic country.

They have fast rail.

They are are using renewable energy.

They have the most strict laws in Europe for clean air and clean water.

The rich and the middle class are much closer together.

Government is involved with every aspect of business.

Government, Universities and Business works together.

It was only a couple of years before I was born the US was rebuilding Germany. Now, Republicans won't even let us rebuild this country. You don't see companies "fleeing" Germany because their corporate tax is too high. You don't see the rich taking their money and leaving because they don't like the tax rate. You don't see them slashing funding for education.

GOP Plans for America:

Slash education.

End Social Security.

End Medicare.

No infrastructure improvements.

End Romneycare.

Tax cuts for billionaires.

Subsidies for corporations.

If the Republican Plan is to turn us into a third world country, it's working. On the news, it was mentioned that at the Conservative Women's Convention in Kansas last week, 60% said they didn't believe in evolution. I never met a German who didn't believe in evolution. What does that have to do with anything? It's part of science and education.
I usually ignore your dumbass psycho-babble but since I've lived in Germany a couple times, I will slam you.

First, Germany is mostly a white hard working country compared to the USA overrun with illegals and lazy ass people wanting a handout.

Germans think working at McDonalds is a good job, compare that to the USA.

Germany is now cracking down on illegal gypsies, Turks, etc that have snuck into their country while we do nothing about our scurge from south of the border.

Germans pay most of their salaries to the Govt so that they can give everyone stuff, so I guess you want to raise your own taxes to live in a small apartment and give others stuff.

The adjusted level of joblessness has now fallen to 2.92 million people, or 6.9 percent, the lowest for 20 years. The figures also show how Germany, Europe’s largest economy and one of the world’s leading export-driven economies, has fully recovered from the financial crisis of 2008, when almost 3.2 million people were registered as unemployed.

Figures from the labor agency showed that fewer companies were still working with short-time workers, especially the automobile industry, which has been lifted by growth in the Chinese market and the expansion there of the luxury car market as the middle class expands.


Remember, Germany had to absorb another "entire" country, East Germany, after the collapse of the USSR. They are also being counted on to bail out other European countries.

Germany has almost no natural resources, yet, they are a leading exporter and have the worlds 5h largest economy.

They live longer.

Take more vacations.

The middle class is buying "luxury" cars.

They work fewer hours.

Everyone is covered by health care.

More people are educated.

They are a democratic country.

They have fast rail.

They are are using renewable energy.

They have the most strict laws in Europe for clean air and clean water.

The rich and the middle class are much closer together.

Government is involved with every aspect of business.

Government, Universities and Business works together.

It was only a couple of years before I was born the US was rebuilding Germany. Now, Republicans won't even let us rebuild this country. You don't see companies "fleeing" Germany because their corporate tax is too high. You don't see the rich taking their money and leaving because they don't like the tax rate. You don't see them slashing funding for education.

GOP Plans for America:

Slash education.

End Social Security.

End Medicare.

No infrastructure improvements.

End Romneycare.

Tax cuts for billionaires.

Subsidies for corporations.

If the Republican Plan is to turn us into a third world country, it's working. On the news, it was mentioned that at the Conservative Women's Convention in Kansas last week, 60% said they didn't believe in evolution. I never met a German who didn't believe in evolution. What does that have to do with anything? It's part of science and education.

Oh, I get it. America doesn't have enough "white" people. Well, the Republican Party does. It's 90% white.




I usually ignore your dumbass psycho-babble but since I've lived in Germany a couple times, I will slam you.

First, Germany is mostly a white hard working country compared to the USA overrun with illegals and lazy ass people wanting a handout.

Germans think working at McDonalds is a good job, compare that to the USA.

Germany is now cracking down on illegal gypsies, Turks, etc that have snuck into their country while we do nothing about our scurge from south of the border.

Germans pay most of their salaries to the Govt so that they can give everyone stuff, so I guess you want to raise your own taxes to live in a small apartment and give others stuff.

The adjusted level of joblessness has now fallen to 2.92 million people, or 6.9 percent, the lowest for 20 years. The figures also show how Germany, Europe’s largest economy and one of the world’s leading export-driven economies, has fully recovered from the financial crisis of 2008, when almost 3.2 million people were registered as unemployed.

Figures from the labor agency showed that fewer companies were still working with short-time workers, especially the automobile industry, which has been lifted by growth in the Chinese market and the expansion there of the luxury car market as the middle class expands.


Remember, Germany had to absorb another "entire" country, East Germany, after the collapse of the USSR. They are also being counted on to bail out other European countries.

Germany has almost no natural resources, yet, they are a leading exporter and have the worlds 5h largest economy.

They live longer.

Take more vacations.

The middle class is buying "luxury" cars.

They work fewer hours.

Everyone is covered by health care.

More people are educated.

They are a democratic country.

They have fast rail.

They are are using renewable energy.

They have the most strict laws in Europe for clean air and clean water.

The rich and the middle class are much closer together.

Government is involved with every aspect of business.

Government, Universities and Business works together.

It was only a couple of years before I was born the US was rebuilding Germany. Now, Republicans won't even let us rebuild this country. You don't see companies "fleeing" Germany because their corporate tax is too high. You don't see the rich taking their money and leaving because they don't like the tax rate. You don't see them slashing funding for education.

GOP Plans for America:

Slash education.

End Social Security.

End Medicare.

No infrastructure improvements.

End Romneycare.

Tax cuts for billionaires.

Subsidies for corporations.

If the Republican Plan is to turn us into a third world country, it's working. On the news, it was mentioned that at the Conservative Women's Convention in Kansas last week, 60% said they didn't believe in evolution. I never met a German who didn't believe in evolution. What does that have to do with anything? It's part of science and education.

Oh, I get it. America doesn't have enough "white" people. Well, the Republican Party does. It's 90% white.





Also, Germany has scientists whereas Republicans do not!

I usually ignore your dumbass psycho-babble but since I've lived in Germany a couple times, I will slam you.

First, Germany is mostly a white hard working country compared to the USA overrun with illegals and lazy ass people wanting a handout.

Germans think working at McDonalds is a good job, compare that to the USA.

Germany is now cracking down on illegal gypsies, Turks, etc that have snuck into their country while we do nothing about our scurge from south of the border.

Germans pay most of their salaries to the Govt so that they can give everyone stuff, so I guess you want to raise your own taxes to live in a small apartment and give others stuff.

Oh, I get it. America doesn't have enough "white" people. Well, the Republican Party does. It's 90% white.





Also, Germany has scientists whereas Republicans do not!


Now THAT was "hilarious". Fucking funny. All too true.
Oh, I get it. America doesn't have enough "white" people. Well, the Republican Party does. It's 90% white.





Also, Germany has scientists whereas Republicans do not!


Now THAT was "hilarious". Fucking funny. All too true.

yea that was a real snortler Dean.....which one is you? seriously? betting its the guy holding the drink.....
I usually ignore your dumbass psycho-babble but since I've lived in Germany a couple times, I will slam you.

First, Germany is mostly a white hard working country compared to the USA overrun with illegals and lazy ass people wanting a handout.

Germans think working at McDonalds is a good job, compare that to the USA.

Germany is now cracking down on illegal gypsies, Turks, etc that have snuck into their country while we do nothing about our scurge from south of the border.

Germans pay most of their salaries to the Govt so that they can give everyone stuff, so I guess you want to raise your own taxes to live in a small apartment and give others stuff.

Oh, I get it. America doesn't have enough "white" people. Well, the Republican Party does. It's 90% white.





Also, Germany has scientists whereas Republicans do not!


Gotta love the Dem scientists faking the AGW data.
The adjusted level of joblessness has now fallen to 2.92 million people, or 6.9 percent, the lowest for 20 years. The figures also show how Germany, Europe’s largest economy and one of the world’s leading export-driven economies, has fully recovered from the financial crisis of 2008, when almost 3.2 million people were registered as unemployed.

Figures from the labor agency showed that fewer companies were still working with short-time workers, especially the automobile industry, which has been lifted by growth in the Chinese market and the expansion there of the luxury car market as the middle class expands.


Remember, Germany had to absorb another "entire" country, East Germany, after the collapse of the USSR. They are also being counted on to bail out other European countries.

Germany has almost no natural resources, yet, they are a leading exporter and have the worlds 5h largest economy.

They live longer.

Take more vacations.

The middle class is buying "luxury" cars.

They work fewer hours.

Everyone is covered by health care.

More people are educated.

They are a democratic country.

They have fast rail.

They are are using renewable energy.

They have the most strict laws in Europe for clean air and clean water.

The rich and the middle class are much closer together.

Government is involved with every aspect of business.

Government, Universities and Business works together.

It was only a couple of years before I was born the US was rebuilding Germany. Now, Republicans won't even let us rebuild this country. You don't see companies "fleeing" Germany because their corporate tax is too high. You don't see the rich taking their money and leaving because they don't like the tax rate. You don't see them slashing funding for education.

GOP Plans for America:

Slash education.

End Social Security.

End Medicare.

No infrastructure improvements.

End Romneycare.

Tax cuts for billionaires.

Subsidies for corporations.

If the Republican Plan is to turn us into a third world country, it's working. On the news, it was mentioned that at the Conservative Women's Convention in Kansas last week, 60% said they didn't believe in evolution. I never met a German who didn't believe in evolution. What does that have to do with anything? It's part of science and education.

Was that a trick post? According to David Cameron today, the German economy has slowed to a standstill. One of the looming problems for the EU.

I live here and thats bullshat, stop doing your Michele Bachmann "I heard this/that" impression and seach out the facts for yourself.
The "conservatives" that are running Germany for the last few years are "conservatives" that support social programs that Repugs call socialist and marxist in America an yet these dickweeds actually think "conservatives" in Germany are the same as Republicans in the United States. Germany's "conservatives" are more like Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins and not like the far right pieces of shat that USMB right wingers worship here. The Bachmann's, Palins, Limbaughs and Becks are universally reviled here by Germans.
I usually ignore your dumbass psycho-babble but since I've lived in Germany a couple times, I will slam you.

First, Germany is mostly a white hard working country compared to the USA overrun with illegals and lazy ass people wanting a handout.

Germans think working at McDonalds is a good job, compare that to the USA.

Germany is now cracking down on illegal gypsies, Turks, etc that have snuck into their country while we do nothing about our scurge from south of the border.

Germans pay most of their salaries to the Govt so that they can give everyone stuff, so I guess you want to raise your own taxes to live in a small apartment and give others stuff.

The adjusted level of joblessness has now fallen to 2.92 million people, or 6.9 percent, the lowest for 20 years. The figures also show how Germany, Europe’s largest economy and one of the world’s leading export-driven economies, has fully recovered from the financial crisis of 2008, when almost 3.2 million people were registered as unemployed.

Figures from the labor agency showed that fewer companies were still working with short-time workers, especially the automobile industry, which has been lifted by growth in the Chinese market and the expansion there of the luxury car market as the middle class expands.


Remember, Germany had to absorb another "entire" country, East Germany, after the collapse of the USSR. They are also being counted on to bail out other European countries.

Germany has almost no natural resources, yet, they are a leading exporter and have the worlds 5h largest economy.

They live longer.

Take more vacations.

The middle class is buying "luxury" cars.

They work fewer hours.

Everyone is covered by health care.

More people are educated.

They are a democratic country.

They have fast rail.

They are are using renewable energy.

They have the most strict laws in Europe for clean air and clean water.

The rich and the middle class are much closer together.

Government is involved with every aspect of business.

Government, Universities and Business works together.

It was only a couple of years before I was born the US was rebuilding Germany. Now, Republicans won't even let us rebuild this country. You don't see companies "fleeing" Germany because their corporate tax is too high. You don't see the rich taking their money and leaving because they don't like the tax rate. You don't see them slashing funding for education.

GOP Plans for America:

Slash education.

End Social Security.

End Medicare.

No infrastructure improvements.

End Romneycare.

Tax cuts for billionaires.

Subsidies for corporations.

If the Republican Plan is to turn us into a third world country, it's working. On the news, it was mentioned that at the Conservative Women's Convention in Kansas last week, 60% said they didn't believe in evolution. I never met a German who didn't believe in evolution. What does that have to do with anything? It's part of science and education.

so you lived in a part of germany, where germans thought working at mcdonald's is a good job.

where was that?

The "conservatives" that are running Germany for the last few years are "conservatives" that support social programs that Repugs call socialist and marxist in America an yet these dickweeds actually think "conservatives" in Germany are the same as Republicans in the United States. Germany's "conservatives" are more like Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins and not like the far right pieces of shat that USMB right wingers worship here. The Bachmann's, Palins, Limbaughs and Becks are universally reviled here by Germans.

this is 100% true.

but it does not matter on this message board.
The "conservatives" that are running Germany for the last few years are "conservatives" that support social programs that Repugs call socialist and marxist in America an yet these dickweeds actually think "conservatives" in Germany are the same as Republicans in the United States. Germany's "conservatives" are more like Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins and not like the far right pieces of shat that USMB right wingers worship here. The Bachmann's, Palins, Limbaughs and Becks are universally reviled here by Germans.

this is 100% true.

but it does not matter on this message board.

The truth never matters to dumb ass uneducated people like the California Girls, Si modos and other residents of Right-Wingistan. They don't even know Germans and have never lived here for an extended period of time to know anything about the political parties here.
Conversely, Greece is run by the socialists, as is spain, as is Ireland and they are circling the drain.

You're not often wrrong on the facts Baruch, but this time your must have been guessing.

Ireland crafted its national economic policies along the lines of free market conservatism that would please any GOP con.

That's why Ireland became the CELTIC TIGER of Europe. That's why, as one example, computers were built there and that economy was THRIVING

Ireland isn't in trouble because of socialist policies.

Ireland is in trouble because of SOCIALISM FOR THE INTERNATIONAL BANSTERS polices.

Pretty much the same damned thing that's put our economy into a tailspin.
Last edited:
Conversely, Greece is run by the socialists, as is spain, as is Ireland and they are circling the drain.

You're not often wrrong on the facts Baruch, but this time your must have been guessing.

Ireland crafted its national economic policies along the lines of free market conservatism that would please any GOP con.

That's why Ireland became the CELTIC TIGER of Europe. That's why, as one example, computers were built there and that economy was THRIVING

Ireland isn't in trouble because of socialist policies.

Ireland is in trouble because of SOCIALISM FOR THE INTERNATIONAL BANSTERS polices.

Pretty much the same damned thing that's put our economy into a tailspin.

baruch has been consistently wrong in this thread, specifically about the political landscape of germany.
Conversely, Greece is run by the socialists, as is spain, as is Ireland and they are circling the drain.

You're not often wrrong on the facts Baruch, but this time your must have been guessing.

Ireland crafted its national economic policies along the lines of free market conservatism that would please any GOP con.

That's why Ireland became the CELTIC TIGER of Europe. That's why, as one example, computers were built there and that economy was THRIVING

Ireland isn't in trouble because of socialist policies.

Ireland is in trouble because of SOCIALISM FOR THE INTERNATIONAL BANSTERS polices.

Pretty much the same damned thing that's put our economy into a tailspin.

baruch has been consistently wrong in this thread, specifically about the political landscape of germany.

Most people commenting in this thread are pretty clueless about the topic at hand. But that's true about pretty much everyone in every thread.
You're not often wrrong on the facts Baruch, but this time your must have been guessing.

Ireland crafted its national economic policies along the lines of free market conservatism that would please any GOP con.

That's why Ireland became the CELTIC TIGER of Europe. That's why, as one example, computers were built there and that economy was THRIVING

Ireland isn't in trouble because of socialist policies.

Ireland is in trouble because of SOCIALISM FOR THE INTERNATIONAL BANSTERS polices.

Pretty much the same damned thing that's put our economy into a tailspin.

baruch has been consistently wrong in this thread, specifically about the political landscape of germany.

Most people commenting in this thread are pretty clueless about the topic at hand. But that's true about pretty much everyone in every thread.

i can tolerate clueless to some point, if the clueless one is at least witty, eloquent and/or handsome.

not everyone can be cluefull, witty, eloquent and handsome like me.
baruch has been consistently wrong in this thread, specifically about the political landscape of germany.

Most people commenting in this thread are pretty clueless about the topic at hand. But that's true about pretty much everyone in every thread.

i can tolerate clueless to some point, if the clueless one is at least witty, eloquent and/or handsome.

not everyone can be cluefull, witty, eloquent and handsome like me.

A stupid newspaper is writing wrong articles about us. The commentary below the articles is priceless, and shows how utterly clueless the posters are. I assume it is no different here.
Conversely, Greece is run by the socialists, as is spain, as is Ireland and they are circling the drain.

You're not often wrrong on the facts Baruch, but this time your must have been guessing.

Ireland crafted its national economic policies along the lines of free market conservatism that would please any GOP con.

That's why Ireland became the CELTIC TIGER of Europe. That's why, as one example, computers were built there and that economy was THRIVING

Ireland isn't in trouble because of socialist policies.

Ireland is in trouble because of SOCIALISM FOR THE INTERNATIONAL BANSTERS polices.

Pretty much the same damned thing that's put our economy into a tailspin.

The Developers put Ireland into a tailspin, it was Capitalism, not Socialism.
You realize that the party that has run Germany for the last several years is not the SDP but the CDU/CSU conservative coalition? In other words, the German version of the Republican party has been in power since November of 2005.

I was assuming that's why the OP put "fail" in quotes... because a right wing Government has successfully pulled Germany out of recession.

You are so fucking dumb, the CDU/CSU are not rightwingers in Germany, the NPD are rightwingers, the closest party that Germany has to the Republican type rightwingers is the FDP and they have talen a thrashing these few years, even the Nazi NPD gained more votes than the FDP, but in the former East Germany where the NPD is more likely to be found.

:eek: You said a bad word. You need to head down to your laundry and have your soldiers wash your mouth out with soap.

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