German Police chief: "We were too weak"; "We'll keep an eye on those North Africans" during carnival


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
German police were 'too weak' at New Year's Eve attacks, says union chief

Oh man. Poor German police. They haven't felt the wrath of leftist cop hate yet...but will soon. After the mass rape event by Muslim migrants on New Years....the Cologne Police chief said his officers were "too weak and too few" to stop it.

They are having one of Europe's largest festivals this month and he's boosting his manpower to the thousands.

ASKED if his officers would use "racial profiling" to prevent attacks like the NYE ones he says......."We'll keep our eyes on those North Africans" hahahaha!!! Holy shit that is refreshing to hear such a lack of concern for political correctness.

Sorry chief. The liberals are gonna blow a gasket over this.
German officers were too weak. The next time they see some German woman diplaying her body the police will beat her until she returns to the women's area.

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