It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.

This is great!

Now all that Georgia needs to do is start a "Pay 'em enough that they don't need food stamps" program!

That's not the responsibility of the state, that's the responsibility of the individual. If you don't make enough money, YOU do something about it. Don't expect government to force people to pay you more than your labor is worth.

If people got paid what their labor was actually worth, there wouldn't be any wealthy people.

And if there were no wealthy people, there would be nobody TO pay you.

Sent from my iPhone using

Wrong! If wealth were distributed fairly, there would be hundreds of millions more investors and millions more jobs.

Imagine a world where everyone was moderately wealthy, not just a few enormously wealthy.

That was what was happening in America back in the 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. Then Reagan started the whole supply side crap and the country has gone to shit since then.
Fucking idiot. Wealth is not distributed, it is earned. Fucking liberals. Head on down to the latest liberal utopian failed state (Venezuela) and see for yourself how well your failed ideas play out in the real world. These morons are incapable of learning from history. Just painfully stupid.
This is great!

Now all that Georgia needs to do is start a "Pay 'em enough that they don't need food stamps" program!

That's not the responsibility of the state, that's the responsibility of the individual. If you don't make enough money, YOU do something about it. Don't expect government to force people to pay you more than your labor is worth.

If people got paid what their labor was actually worth, there wouldn't be any wealthy people.

And if there were no wealthy people, there would be nobody TO pay you.

Sent from my iPhone using

Wrong! If wealth were distributed fairly, there would be hundreds of millions more investors and millions more jobs.

Imagine a world where everyone was moderately wealthy, not just a few enormously wealthy.

That was what was happening in America back in the 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. Then Reagan started the whole supply side crap and the country has gone to shit since then.
Fucking idiot. Wealth is not distributed, it is earned. Fucking liberals. Head on down to the latest liberal utopian failed state (Venezuela) and see for yourself how well your failed ideas play out in the real world. These morons are incapable of learning from history. Just painfully stupid.
They refuse to teach it in their schools. They deny it.

Evidence that arranged marriages, restrictions on out of wedlock breeding, and a rigorous system that separates crazy people out from the herd and locks them up have a purpose.
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.
Republicans have just about ruined Georgia's agriculture.

Crops Rot While Trump-Led Immigration Backlash Idles Farm Work

The death of meaningful U.S. immigration reform, done in by Washington partisanship and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s incendiary comments on foreigners, is leaving crops withering in the field and the farm lobby with nowhere to turn as a labor shortage intensifies.

If Trump Builds the Wall, What Will Happen to our Food System? - Modern Farmer

According to the Farm Bureau report, “closing the border” (i.e. building a wall) would greatly exacerbate existing farm labor shortages found in many parts of the country, resulting in crops left to rot in the fields and a vast reduction in agricultural productivity—which could put some farmers out of business.

“Many migrants who begin their careers as farm laborers move onto other sectors of the economy [with] less demanding positions after several years,” the authors noted. “This progression leads to farmers often being the first to bare the negative economic impacts of decreased border crossings and migrant labor shortages.”


As always, Republicans take a country that if finally starting to the recover from the last GOP administration and drag it back down. They can't help themselves. That's just who they are.
That's not the responsibility of the state, that's the responsibility of the individual. If you don't make enough money, YOU do something about it. Don't expect government to force people to pay you more than your labor is worth.

If people got paid what their labor was actually worth, there wouldn't be any wealthy people.

And if there were no wealthy people, there would be nobody TO pay you.

Sent from my iPhone using

Wrong! If wealth were distributed fairly, there would be hundreds of millions more investors and millions more jobs.

Imagine a world where everyone was moderately wealthy, not just a few enormously wealthy.

That was what was happening in America back in the 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. Then Reagan started the whole supply side crap and the country has gone to shit since then.
Fucking idiot. Wealth is not distributed, it is earned. Fucking liberals. Head on down to the latest liberal utopian failed state (Venezuela) and see for yourself how well your failed ideas play out in the real world. These morons are incapable of learning from history. Just painfully stupid.
They refuse to teach it in their schools. They deny it.

Evidence that arranged marriages, restrictions on out of wedlock breeding, and a rigorous system that separates crazy people out from the herd and locks them up have a purpose.
When I'm taxed at 30% and Mitt Romney makes 20 million and is taxed at 10% if at all, then he earned it. Course, if I inherited my wealth from a daddy who was an auto executive and a former governor, I bet I could make 20 million too. In fact, it would almost be hard not to.
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.
Republicans have just about ruined Georgia's agriculture.

Crops Rot While Trump-Led Immigration Backlash Idles Farm Work

The death of meaningful U.S. immigration reform, done in by Washington partisanship and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s incendiary comments on foreigners, is leaving crops withering in the field and the farm lobby with nowhere to turn as a labor shortage intensifies.

If Trump Builds the Wall, What Will Happen to our Food System? - Modern Farmer

According to the Farm Bureau report, “closing the border” (i.e. building a wall) would greatly exacerbate existing farm labor shortages found in many parts of the country, resulting in crops left to rot in the fields and a vast reduction in agricultural productivity—which could put some farmers out of business.

“Many migrants who begin their careers as farm laborers move onto other sectors of the economy [with] less demanding positions after several years,” the authors noted. “This progression leads to farmers often being the first to bare the negative economic impacts of decreased border crossings and migrant labor shortages.”


As always, Republicans take a country that if finally starting to the recover from the last GOP administration and drag it back down. They can't help themselves. That's just who they are.

Nonsense. Ag was destroyed by commie land use policies (unconstitutional, btw) that were leveled against farmers in the 70s and 80s.
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.
Republicans have just about ruined Georgia's agriculture.

Crops Rot While Trump-Led Immigration Backlash Idles Farm Work

The death of meaningful U.S. immigration reform, done in by Washington partisanship and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s incendiary comments on foreigners, is leaving crops withering in the field and the farm lobby with nowhere to turn as a labor shortage intensifies.

If Trump Builds the Wall, What Will Happen to our Food System? - Modern Farmer

According to the Farm Bureau report, “closing the border” (i.e. building a wall) would greatly exacerbate existing farm labor shortages found in many parts of the country, resulting in crops left to rot in the fields and a vast reduction in agricultural productivity—which could put some farmers out of business.

“Many migrants who begin their careers as farm laborers move onto other sectors of the economy [with] less demanding positions after several years,” the authors noted. “This progression leads to farmers often being the first to bare the negative economic impacts of decreased border crossings and migrant labor shortages.”


As always, Republicans take a country that if finally starting to the recover from the last GOP administration and drag it back down. They can't help themselves. That's just who they are.
Lol. What exactly have Republicans done to restrict legal immigration?
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.
Republicans have just about ruined Georgia's agriculture.

Crops Rot While Trump-Led Immigration Backlash Idles Farm Work

The death of meaningful U.S. immigration reform, done in by Washington partisanship and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s incendiary comments on foreigners, is leaving crops withering in the field and the farm lobby with nowhere to turn as a labor shortage intensifies.

If Trump Builds the Wall, What Will Happen to our Food System? - Modern Farmer

According to the Farm Bureau report, “closing the border” (i.e. building a wall) would greatly exacerbate existing farm labor shortages found in many parts of the country, resulting in crops left to rot in the fields and a vast reduction in agricultural productivity—which could put some farmers out of business.

“Many migrants who begin their careers as farm laborers move onto other sectors of the economy [with] less demanding positions after several years,” the authors noted. “This progression leads to farmers often being the first to bare the negative economic impacts of decreased border crossings and migrant labor shortages.”


As always, Republicans take a country that if finally starting to the recover from the last GOP administration and drag it back down. They can't help themselves. That's just who they are.

Nonsense. Ag was destroyed by commie land use policies (unconstitutional, btw) that were leveled against farmers in the 70s and 80s.
Funny how I posted links and you didn't.

Besides, Trump loves Putin.

Putin was head of the KGB.

Russia was Soviet,

Soviet was communist

Clearly, Republicans are more likely to love communists than anyone else. They love Putin.
If people got paid what their labor was actually worth, there wouldn't be any wealthy people.

And if there were no wealthy people, there would be nobody TO pay you.

Sent from my iPhone using

Wrong! If wealth were distributed fairly, there would be hundreds of millions more investors and millions more jobs.

Imagine a world where everyone was moderately wealthy, not just a few enormously wealthy.

That was what was happening in America back in the 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. Then Reagan started the whole supply side crap and the country has gone to shit since then.
Fucking idiot. Wealth is not distributed, it is earned. Fucking liberals. Head on down to the latest liberal utopian failed state (Venezuela) and see for yourself how well your failed ideas play out in the real world. These morons are incapable of learning from history. Just painfully stupid.
They refuse to teach it in their schools. They deny it.

Evidence that arranged marriages, restrictions on out of wedlock breeding, and a rigorous system that separates crazy people out from the herd and locks them up have a purpose.
When I'm taxed at 30% and Mitt Romney makes 20 million and is taxed at 10% if at all, then he earned it. Course, if I inherited my wealth from a daddy who was an auto executive and a former governor, I bet I could make 20 million too. In fact, it would almost be hard not to.
Guess you dad should have worked harder. Instead of whining about the failures of your father, get up and learn how to earn your own way.
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.
Republicans have just about ruined Georgia's agriculture.

Crops Rot While Trump-Led Immigration Backlash Idles Farm Work

The death of meaningful U.S. immigration reform, done in by Washington partisanship and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s incendiary comments on foreigners, is leaving crops withering in the field and the farm lobby with nowhere to turn as a labor shortage intensifies.

If Trump Builds the Wall, What Will Happen to our Food System? - Modern Farmer

According to the Farm Bureau report, “closing the border” (i.e. building a wall) would greatly exacerbate existing farm labor shortages found in many parts of the country, resulting in crops left to rot in the fields and a vast reduction in agricultural productivity—which could put some farmers out of business.

“Many migrants who begin their careers as farm laborers move onto other sectors of the economy [with] less demanding positions after several years,” the authors noted. “This progression leads to farmers often being the first to bare the negative economic impacts of decreased border crossings and migrant labor shortages.”


As always, Republicans take a country that if finally starting to the recover from the last GOP administration and drag it back down. They can't help themselves. That's just who they are.

Nonsense. Ag was destroyed by commie land use policies (unconstitutional, btw) that were leveled against farmers in the 70s and 80s.
Funny how I posted links and you didn't.

Besides, Trump loves Putin.

Putin was head of the KGB.

Russia was Soviet,

Soviet was communist

Clearly, Republicans are more likely to love communists than anyone else. They love Putin.

Now you're just raving. Onto ignore you go.
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.
Republicans have just about ruined Georgia's agriculture.

Crops Rot While Trump-Led Immigration Backlash Idles Farm Work

The death of meaningful U.S. immigration reform, done in by Washington partisanship and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s incendiary comments on foreigners, is leaving crops withering in the field and the farm lobby with nowhere to turn as a labor shortage intensifies.

If Trump Builds the Wall, What Will Happen to our Food System? - Modern Farmer

According to the Farm Bureau report, “closing the border” (i.e. building a wall) would greatly exacerbate existing farm labor shortages found in many parts of the country, resulting in crops left to rot in the fields and a vast reduction in agricultural productivity—which could put some farmers out of business.

“Many migrants who begin their careers as farm laborers move onto other sectors of the economy [with] less demanding positions after several years,” the authors noted. “This progression leads to farmers often being the first to bare the negative economic impacts of decreased border crossings and migrant labor shortages.”


As always, Republicans take a country that if finally starting to the recover from the last GOP administration and drag it back down. They can't help themselves. That's just who they are.

Nonsense. Ag was destroyed by commie land use policies (unconstitutional, btw) that were leveled against farmers in the 70s and 80s.
Funny how I posted links and you didn't.

Besides, Trump loves Putin.

Putin was head of the KGB.

Russia was Soviet,

Soviet was communist

Clearly, Republicans are more likely to love communists than anyone else. They love Putin.
Yet the Clintons are the ones that took millions from the Russians. What exactly did Clinton do to earn $500,000 from a Russian group involved in the Uranium deal?
This is great!

Now all that Georgia needs to do is start a "Pay 'em enough that they don't need food stamps" program!

That's not the responsibility of the state, that's the responsibility of the individual. If you don't make enough money, YOU do something about it. Don't expect government to force people to pay you more than your labor is worth.

If people got paid what their labor was actually worth, there wouldn't be any wealthy people.

And if there were no wealthy people, there would be nobody TO pay you.

Sent from my iPhone using

Wrong! If wealth were distributed fairly, there would be hundreds of millions more investors and millions more jobs.

Imagine a world where everyone was moderately wealthy, not just a few enormously wealthy.

That was what was happening in America back in the 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. Then Reagan started the whole supply side crap and the country has gone to shit since then.
Fucking idiot. Wealth is not distributed, it is earned. Fucking liberals. Head on down to the latest liberal utopian failed state (Venezuela) and see for yourself how well your failed ideas play out in the real world. These morons are incapable of learning from history. Just painfully stupid.

I realize that you're an uneducated moron that doesn't know advanced English (i.e. a typical Trump voter), but here's a more precise definition of 'Distribution' from

1. Commerce: The movement of goods and services from the source through a distribution channel, right up to the final customer, consumer, or user, and the movement of payment in the opposite direction, right up to the original producer or supplier.
2. Securities: Payment of principal, interest, or dividend by the issuer of a security to the security holders, on a regular (typically monthly or quarterly) basis.
3. Statistics: An order or pattern formed by the tendency of a sufficiently large number of observations to group themselves around a central value. The familiar bell-shaped curve is an example of normal distribution in which the largest number of observations are distributed in the center, with progressively fewer observations falling evenly on the either side of the center (average) line.

When an old company that I had worked for was made a buyout offer, the value of my stock holding in that company jumped about 50%. I became about $100k wealthier in one day. Did I earn that money that day? If that company had not made that offer, would I have not earned that money?

Perhaps if you had more than a child's eye view of economics, your views would change.
This is great!

Now all that Georgia needs to do is start a "Pay 'em enough that they don't need food stamps" program!

That's not the responsibility of the state, that's the responsibility of the individual. If you don't make enough money, YOU do something about it. Don't expect government to force people to pay you more than your labor is worth.

If people got paid what their labor was actually worth, there wouldn't be any wealthy people.

And if there were no wealthy people, there would be nobody TO pay you.

Sent from my iPhone using

Wrong! If wealth were distributed fairly, there would be hundreds of millions more investors and millions more jobs.

Imagine a world where everyone was moderately wealthy, not just a few enormously wealthy.

That was what was happening in America back in the 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. Then Reagan started the whole supply side crap and the country has gone to shit since then.
Fucking idiot. Wealth is not distributed, it is earned. Fucking liberals. Head on down to the latest liberal utopian failed state (Venezuela) and see for yourself how well your failed ideas play out in the real world. These morons are incapable of learning from history. Just painfully stupid.

Venezuela is not a 'lberal' state, it's a communist state. Learn the difference.

The United States in the 1950s-1970s was a liberal state.
That's not the responsibility of the state, that's the responsibility of the individual. If you don't make enough money, YOU do something about it. Don't expect government to force people to pay you more than your labor is worth.

If people got paid what their labor was actually worth, there wouldn't be any wealthy people.

And if there were no wealthy people, there would be nobody TO pay you.

Sent from my iPhone using

Wrong! If wealth were distributed fairly, there would be hundreds of millions more investors and millions more jobs.

Imagine a world where everyone was moderately wealthy, not just a few enormously wealthy.

That was what was happening in America back in the 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. Then Reagan started the whole supply side crap and the country has gone to shit since then.
Fucking idiot. Wealth is not distributed, it is earned. Fucking liberals. Head on down to the latest liberal utopian failed state (Venezuela) and see for yourself how well your failed ideas play out in the real world. These morons are incapable of learning from history. Just painfully stupid.

Venezuela is not a 'lberal' state, it's a communist state. Learn the difference.

The United States in the 1950s-1970s was a liberal state.
Why The Left Refuses To Talk About Venezuela | Zero Hedge

"This virtual silence comes in spite of the fact that the Catholic bishops who actually live in Venezuela have denounced the regime as yet another illustration of the "utter failure" of "socialism in every country in which this regime has been installed."


".... the Venezuelan regime has pursued exactly the sorts of policies favored by Bernie Sanders, Pope Francis, and the usual opponents of market economics.

"It's an economic program marked by price controls, government expropriation of private property, an enormous welfare state, central planning, and endless rhetoric about equality, poverty relief, and fighting the so-called "neoliberals."

"And, as Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has helpfully explained, "There are two models, the neoliberal model which destroys everything, and the Chavista model which is centered around people.”

"The Chavista model is simply a mixture of social democracy and environmentalism which is easily recognizable as the Venezuelan version of the hard-left ideology espoused by a great many global political elites both in the United States and Europe. Neoliberalism, on the other hand — as I've noted before — is a vague term that most of the time really just means a system of relatively free markets and moderate laissez-faire.

"Indeed, no other regimes in the world, save Cuba and North Korea, have been as explicit in fighting the alleged menace that is neoliberalism.

"For this reason, as Venezuela descends into chaos, we are hearing a deafening silence from most of the left..."
That's not the responsibility of the state, that's the responsibility of the individual. If you don't make enough money, YOU do something about it. Don't expect government to force people to pay you more than your labor is worth.

If people got paid what their labor was actually worth, there wouldn't be any wealthy people.

And if there were no wealthy people, there would be nobody TO pay you.

Sent from my iPhone using

Wrong! If wealth were distributed fairly, there would be hundreds of millions more investors and millions more jobs.

Imagine a world where everyone was moderately wealthy, not just a few enormously wealthy.

That was what was happening in America back in the 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. Then Reagan started the whole supply side crap and the country has gone to shit since then.
Fucking idiot. Wealth is not distributed, it is earned. Fucking liberals. Head on down to the latest liberal utopian failed state (Venezuela) and see for yourself how well your failed ideas play out in the real world. These morons are incapable of learning from history. Just painfully stupid.

I realize that you're an uneducated moron that doesn't know advanced English (i.e. a typical Trump voter), but here's a more precise definition of 'Distribution' from

1. Commerce: The movement of goods and services from the source through a distribution channel, right up to the final customer, consumer, or user, and the movement of payment in the opposite direction, right up to the original producer or supplier.
2. Securities: Payment of principal, interest, or dividend by the issuer of a security to the security holders, on a regular (typically monthly or quarterly) basis.
3. Statistics: An order or pattern formed by the tendency of a sufficiently large number of observations to group themselves around a central value. The familiar bell-shaped curve is an example of normal distribution in which the largest number of observations are distributed in the center, with progressively fewer observations falling evenly on the either side of the center (average) line.

When an old company that I had worked for was made a buyout offer, the value of my stock holding in that company jumped about 50%. I became about $100k wealthier in one day. Did I earn that money that day? If that company had not made that offer, would I have not earned that money?

Perhaps if you had more than a child's eye view of economics, your views would change.
Lol. Please child, don't lecture me and post cut and pastes. How did you acquire the stock? Were you just sitting there at home with no job and they sent you the stock? No, you earned it as compensation or purchased it. Since you feel you didn't earn it, did you return the $100k?
"After decades of relatively restrained government intervention, Venezuela became one of the wealthiest nations in Latin America. During the most recent twenty years, though, the Chavistas were able to take that wealth and redistristribute it, regulate it, and expropriate it for the sake of "equality" and undermining capitalist evil. But, you can only redistribute, tax, regulate, and expropriate so much before the productive classes give up and the wealth runs out.

"To the leftwing mind, the explosion of poverty that results can't possibly be the result of bad economic policy. "

Why The Left Refuses To Talk About Venezuela | Zero Hedge
That's not the responsibility of the state, that's the responsibility of the individual. If you don't make enough money, YOU do something about it. Don't expect government to force people to pay you more than your labor is worth.

If people got paid what their labor was actually worth, there wouldn't be any wealthy people.

And if there were no wealthy people, there would be nobody TO pay you.

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Wrong! If wealth were distributed fairly, there would be hundreds of millions more investors and millions more jobs.

Imagine a world where everyone was moderately wealthy, not just a few enormously wealthy.

That was what was happening in America back in the 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. Then Reagan started the whole supply side crap and the country has gone to shit since then.
Fucking idiot. Wealth is not distributed, it is earned. Fucking liberals. Head on down to the latest liberal utopian failed state (Venezuela) and see for yourself how well your failed ideas play out in the real world. These morons are incapable of learning from history. Just painfully stupid.

Venezuela is not a 'lberal' state, it's a communist state. Learn the difference.

The United States in the 1950s-1970s was a liberal state.
Only in your delusional mind.
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.
Republicans have just about ruined Georgia's agriculture.

Crops Rot While Trump-Led Immigration Backlash Idles Farm Work

The death of meaningful U.S. immigration reform, done in by Washington partisanship and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s incendiary comments on foreigners, is leaving crops withering in the field and the farm lobby with nowhere to turn as a labor shortage intensifies.

If Trump Builds the Wall, What Will Happen to our Food System? - Modern Farmer

According to the Farm Bureau report, “closing the border” (i.e. building a wall) would greatly exacerbate existing farm labor shortages found in many parts of the country, resulting in crops left to rot in the fields and a vast reduction in agricultural productivity—which could put some farmers out of business.

“Many migrants who begin their careers as farm laborers move onto other sectors of the economy [with] less demanding positions after several years,” the authors noted. “This progression leads to farmers often being the first to bare the negative economic impacts of decreased border crossings and migrant labor shortages.”


As always, Republicans take a country that if finally starting to the recover from the last GOP administration and drag it back down. They can't help themselves. That's just who they are.
Lol. What exactly have Republicans done to restrict legal immigration?
Dunno, but whatever they're doing, it's working.
End our War on Drugs to pay for welfare!

give the money back to the people that have been paying for it
why repeat historical mistakes. 1929 already happened.
it's never a mistake to let working people keep more of their own money

but you wouldn't know anything about working
Capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing out capitalism, ever since.

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