George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding for Truck Crash Rescue

So the people who've decided, with absolutely no evidence to support it, that it was all Trayvon Martin's fault that he got shot,

want to accuse everyone who disagrees with them as hating George Zimmerman?

lol, only in rightwing America.
Obviously there was more than sufficient evidence that it was Martin's fault he got shot.


Interesting that so many are now saying it was a fake rescue. Apparently, several others had already stopped and had already gotten the people out of the car.

Whatever. Chicken shit GZ has slithered back under his rock to hide. He's got himself a life sentence and the worthless waste of skin brought it on himself.

Meanwhile, Trayvon's parents are the real heroes in this horrendous travesty.


There's more to it than that..

What did occur was that an accident occurred where a car slid on it’s side into a median. People at the scene called 911, which went to the Sanford office of the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office. BEFORE responding to the 911 call, News reports that Seminole Sheriff’s Dept. Officer Patrick Rehder, a self-styled friend and supporter of Zimmerman, contacted Zimmerman by cell phone directing him to go to the accident so as to appear to be a hero. News also provides a social media screen capture of a curious statement about Rehder taking pleasure when someone gets credit for something they did not do.
Zimmerman showed up AFTER he was called by a SCSO member according to a report at News, Zimmerman then got out of his car with a fire extinguisher, and apparently left without doing anything especially heroic. You can hear the course of events here in the 911 calls; many people who were there as the accident happened stopped to get people out, and the fire and smoke problem from the calls, appeared some time after they were out of the car. As you can hear from the calls, people were out before there was a smoke or fire problem; Zimmerman did not appear to risk his life to pull anyone out of a burning car, as was claimed.
George Zimmerman?s heroic car crash rescue appears to be a fraud ? Updated ? Penigma


Interesting that so many are now saying it was a fake rescue. Apparently, several others had already stopped and had already gotten the people out of the car.

Whatever. Chicken shit GZ has slithered back under his rock to hide. He's got himself a life sentence and the worthless waste of skin brought it on himself.

Meanwhile, Trayvon's parents are the real heroes in this horrendous travesty.


There's more to it than that..

What did occur was that an accident occurred where a car slid on it’s side into a median. People at the scene called 911, which went to the Sanford office of the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office. BEFORE responding to the 911 call, News reports that Seminole Sheriff’s Dept. Officer Patrick Rehder, a self-styled friend and supporter of Zimmerman, contacted Zimmerman by cell phone directing him to go to the accident so as to appear to be a hero. News also provides a social media screen capture of a curious statement about Rehder taking pleasure when someone gets credit for something they did not do.
Zimmerman showed up AFTER he was called by a SCSO member according to a report at News, Zimmerman then got out of his car with a fire extinguisher, and apparently left without doing anything especially heroic. You can hear the course of events here in the 911 calls; many people who were there as the accident happened stopped to get people out, and the fire and smoke problem from the calls, appeared some time after they were out of the car. As you can hear from the calls, people were out before there was a smoke or fire problem; Zimmerman did not appear to risk his life to pull anyone out of a burning car, as was claimed.
George Zimmerman?s heroic car crash rescue appears to be a fraud ? Updated ? Penigma


Wow, you would think something like that would have made the national news if true!:cuckoo:
What is really interesting about this thread is the gaggle of dolts on the beginning pages who were falling all over themselves to swallow this improbable story hook-line-and-sinker.
What immature, childish believers in mass media cartoons!!

A large proportion of Americans will believe any absurdity, provided it is told to them by Those In Authority -- just like the gullible fools who inhabited Nazi Germany.


Interesting that so many are now saying it was a fake rescue. Apparently, several others had already stopped and had already gotten the people out of the car.

Whatever. Chicken shit GZ has slithered back under his rock to hide. He's got himself a life sentence and the worthless waste of skin brought it on himself.

Meanwhile, Trayvon's parents are the real heroes in this horrendous travesty.


There's more to it than that..

What did occur was that an accident occurred where a car slid on it’s side into a median. People at the scene called 911, which went to the Sanford office of the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office. BEFORE responding to the 911 call, News reports that Seminole Sheriff’s Dept. Officer Patrick Rehder, a self-styled friend and supporter of Zimmerman, contacted Zimmerman by cell phone directing him to go to the accident so as to appear to be a hero. News also provides a social media screen capture of a curious statement about Rehder taking pleasure when someone gets credit for something they did not do.
Zimmerman showed up AFTER he was called by a SCSO member according to a report at News, Zimmerman then got out of his car with a fire extinguisher, and apparently left without doing anything especially heroic. You can hear the course of events here in the 911 calls; many people who were there as the accident happened stopped to get people out, and the fire and smoke problem from the calls, appeared some time after they were out of the car. As you can hear from the calls, people were out before there was a smoke or fire problem; Zimmerman did not appear to risk his life to pull anyone out of a burning car, as was claimed.
George Zimmerman?s heroic car crash rescue appears to be a fraud ? Updated ? Penigma


That's not what he said. Whoever Bob is tweeted the middle of a sentence.

Rearranging the facts to fit with Fantasy Unicorn Land.

Here's what he said, for real, like out of his mouth. Not some Bob tweeting.

(You have to watch Flo before the video, but everyone loves Flo)

Mark O?Mara Explains Why the Family Rescued by George Zimmerman Inexplicably Canceled Its Press Conference | Video |
What is really interesting about this thread is the gaggle of dolts on the beginning pages who were falling all over themselves to swallow this improbable story hook-line-and-sinker.
What immature, childish believers in mass media cartoons!!

A large proportion of Americans will believe any absurdity, provided it is told to them by Those In Authority -- just like the gullible fools who inhabited Nazi Germany.


Numan still playing fantasy games?

Civilized people put there trust in the judicial systems.

We do

We are

Go hunt a Moose

No need taking a gun, talk to him till he's bored to death.

Pop-Pop, I forgive you for not knowing what civilization is.

After all, how could you?

There you go again using negs as a weapon. Neg ME bitch.

:cuckoo: You lost all your rep privilages becuase you abused neg reps & used it as a weapon. You are a negger projecting your shit onto others. :lol:

Would you care to make a bet? I had something like 100 rep points or some Damn thing. I got tired of dealing with assholes who had thousands of rep points who would neg me all the time so I ASKED A MOD TO TURN MINE OFF. Sunshine and I went back and forth with this and I said reps meant nothing to me. She dared to me get them turned off, I did the next day.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO BaCK UP YOUR LIE? Anything? [MENTION=21241]KissMy[/MENTION] this is going out to you.

I am calling you out.
There you go again using negs as a weapon. Neg ME bitch.

:cuckoo: You lost all your rep privilages becuase you abused neg reps & used it as a weapon. You are a negger projecting your shit onto others. :lol:

Would you care to make a bet? I had something like 100 rep points or some Damn thing. I got tired of dealing with assholes who had thousands of rep points who would neg me all the time so I ASKED A MOD TO TURN MINE OFF. Sunshine and I went back and forth with this and I said reps meant nothing to me. She dared to me get them turned off, I did the next day.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO BaCK UP YOUR LIE? Anything? [MENTION=21241]KissMy[/MENTION] this is going out to you.

I am calling you out.

There's a forum for calling someone out, Dumbass.

The Bull Ring - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You should use it. It's pretty dead and could use a pick-me-up. :thup:
Thank you for that useful post. Did not know about "bullring".

Did know about "whiny negger" thread.
His big rescue was fake. He.s scum and he staged it.

What else is there to talk about?
Note how the Zimmerman trolls fell over themselves to believe this childish trick, and how now they refuse to accept the obvious truth by using infantile red herring distractions.

His big rescue was fake. He.s scum and he staged it.

What else is there to talk about?
Note how the Zimmerman trolls fell over themselves to believe this childish trick, and how now they refuse to accept the obvious truth by using infantile red herring distractions.

Almost as bad as thinking Zim was guilty of murder or manslaughter, eh?

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