George Zimmerman calls out Obama


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
George Zimmerman called out for Barrack Hussein Obama for his role in inciting racial tensions in the Zimmerman/Martin case. He also rebuked him for using the DOJ to 'prosecute' (harass) and innocent American (himself).

George Zimmerman called out for Barrack Hussein Obama for his role in inciting racial tensions in the Zimmerman/Martin case. He also rebuked him for using the DOJ to 'prosecute' (harass) and innocent American (himself).

Lol can that fat fuck sink any lower? Why won't Faux News give him a job already? :rofl:
George Zimmerman called out for Barrack Hussein Obama for his role in inciting racial tensions in the Zimmerman/Martin case. He also rebuked him for using the DOJ to 'prosecute' (harass) and innocent American (himself).

Lol can that fat fuck sink any lower? Why won't Faux News give him a job already? :rofl:

George Zimmerman called out for Barrack Hussein Obama for his role in inciting racial tensions in the Zimmerman/Martin case. He also rebuked him for using the DOJ to 'prosecute' (harass) and innocent American (himself).

Like the man, or not...he's right.

I personally don't like him. But I know that forces conspired against him.
Someone has released his job application for Fox News!
He's a shoe-in for the position with his qualifications.
George Zimmerman called out for Barrack Hussein Obama for his role in inciting racial tensions in the Zimmerman/Martin case. He also rebuked him for using the DOJ to 'prosecute' (harass) and innocent American (himself).

Lol can that fat fuck sink any lower? Why won't Faux News give him a job already? :rofl:

You use all of the brainwash points.
Wrong on the Boston policeman. Wrong on Zimmerman. Wrong on the Ferguson cop.

Loser. Freaking bigoted asshole. No doubt now. The President of the United States of America is a bigot and a rush to judgement based on race idiot.

What a disgrace. Blame whitey will be his legacy.
so it's ok for the US Pres to help ruin an innocent mans life b/c he could now get a job at FOX.

leftist are such fucking filth, the depths you sink can still amaze me
What a drama queen.
George Zimmerman called out for Barrack Hussein Obama for his role in inciting racial tensions in the Zimmerman/Martin case. He also rebuked him for using the DOJ to 'prosecute' (harass) and innocent American (himself).

Like the man, or not...he's right.

I personally don't like him. But I know that forces conspired against him.

Yeah, I don't see anything particularly good about him, he's not someone I would likely hang out with.
Having said that though, the prosecution didn't have a solid case against him, and there was not enough evidence that he broke the law in killing Trayvon.
George Zimmerman called out for Barrack Hussein Obama for his role in inciting racial tensions in the Zimmerman/Martin case. He also rebuked him for using the DOJ to 'prosecute' (harass) and innocent American (himself).

Lol can that fat fuck sink any lower? Why won't Faux News give him a job already? :rofl:

how dare that uppity Hispanic cracker call out the racist in chief
George who?

Oh... yeah... the guy who shot Saint Skittles... damned-near forgot... as has much of America already.


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