George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

time to end this thread....tyrones supposed defenders just keep repeating themselves and spamming the board.
1. Unknown person matching a criminal's description in a gated community? Plenty of justification to follow and report.

2. Zimmerman was reckless. That is not a legally nor morally wrong, and does not justify violence.

3. According to lib theory, your homophobia means YOU are the gay one.

4. You support punishing a man who committed the "crime" of defending himself, and you are a liberal.
"Plenty of justification to follow and report."

As a member of the neighborhood watch, there was no justification to follow as members are instructed to observe and report only; not put themselves into harm's way.

That is true...and that is all George really did until he was attacked.

He observed a SUSPICIOUS person reported it to the police.

Dispatch axed him which way Trayvon had run off to and George got out of his truck to observe and report back the answer to the question.

Following a suspicious person into a dark area is putting oneself into harm's way. What he was trained by police not to do.

"Dispatch axed him which way Trayvon had run off to and George got out of his truck to observe and report back the answer to the question."

And Zimmerman didn't need to exit his car to answer....

Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?

Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.

That is the way Trayvon was headed when Z last saw him...when he lost sight of Trayvon Z got out of his truck so he could see better and walked in that direction a short ways to try and see better.

When the dispatcher axed Z if he was following the suspect George replied in the affirmative meaning he was just walking in the direction where he last saw trayvon running.

One cannot follow anyone unless you can actually see them.

Trayvon only had a hundred yds. to go to get home...since he was running that would have taken him around 30 secs.

Wrong. He said Martin was running "towards the other entrance" as he exited his vehicle.

After getting out of his vehicle, the dispatcher asked Zimmerman, "which entrance is that that he's heading towards?" To which Zimmerman answered, "the back entrance," as he went running after Martin.

So no, you're full of shit when you falsely claim he only got out of his vehicle because he lost sight of him. Zimmerman saw the direction he took off in.

After exiting his vehicle and after informing the dispatcher the direction he observed Martin running, Zimmerman was asked if he was following Martin; and was told he needn't do so by the dispatcher. Then Zimmerman was asked his name, which he gave, and also informed the dispatcher Martin ran. By then he lost sight of him -- but that was after getting out of his truck.

And Martin had good reason not to run straight back to his father's apartment.... Being chased by a crazed guy, why would he lead a nut to where he was staying and to where 14 year old Chad Green was home alone?

The state's star witness...Trayvon's friend...testified Trayvon told her he had returned to his father's place and had completely lost sight of Z....meaning Z had no idea where he was.

It has been shown he had plenty of time to do that...more time than he needed actually as it was a very short distance away...between 80 and a hundred long does it take a football player to run 100 do the math.

Unfortunately for Trayvon he did not stay home....various theories regarding why he chose to go back and confront Z.

Again...Z had lost sight of Trayvon very quickly after he took off running it was a dark and rainy night...Z was simply walking in the direction he had seen Trayvon run off to...aka...attempting to follow or perhaps see if Trayvon was anywhere visible...he was not...dispatch heard the wind in Z's phone and axed him if he was following Trayvon Z replied in the affirmative meaning he was attempting to follow cannot follow someone you cannot see.

It is documented that Z reported to dispatch that he had lost sight of trayvon...he had no idea where he can you follow someone you cannot see and you have no idea where he is? Impossible.

Simple stuff. Trayvon's defenders are simply grasping at straws in a failed attempt to obfusicate and hide the truth of the matter. aka.............It has been proven time and again Trayvvon had more than enough time to travel the very short distance to where his father was staying....that the states star witness testified that he went there....and thus anything that happened after that is due to trayvon returning to confront George for whtever reason.
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It's almost comedy how bad the Trayvon Martin case has blown up in the face of all the ass clowns defending his bullshit thuggery.

If ever there were a group of people who should live in shame, it's those people.

We are laughing at you.


What thuggery? How is carrying candy back to his 14 year old friend, thuggery?
Beating the shit out of someone is not thuggery?

based on everything we know about him he was destined to be a blight on humanity,,,
Oh, so it wasn't anything he ACTUALLY did, it was based on something you THINK he MIGHT do.


BTW, got a brief list of the things you're referring to in your "based on everything we know" part of the statement?

Police buried Trayvon's criminal history - WND - WND
What criminal history? He was never arrested.
lots of criminals havent been arrested,,,

Zimmerman has been arrested more than Martin.
It's almost comedy how bad the Trayvon Martin case has blown up in the face of all the ass clowns defending his bullshit thuggery.

If ever there were a group of people who should live in shame, it's those people.

We are laughing at you.


What thuggery? How is carrying candy back to his 14 year old friend, thuggery?
Beating the shit out of someone is not thuggery?

Not necessarily. If someone attacks you and you beat the shit out of them, how does that make you a thug? No one but Zimmerman knows who started the fight between him and Trayvon.
time to end this thread....tyrones supposed defenders just keep repeating themselves and spamming the board.
"Plenty of justification to follow and report."

As a member of the neighborhood watch, there was no justification to follow as members are instructed to observe and report only; not put themselves into harm's way.

That is true...and that is all George really did until he was attacked.

He observed a SUSPICIOUS person reported it to the police.

Dispatch axed him which way Trayvon had run off to and George got out of his truck to observe and report back the answer to the question.

Following a suspicious person into a dark area is putting oneself into harm's way. What he was trained by police not to do.

"Dispatch axed him which way Trayvon had run off to and George got out of his truck to observe and report back the answer to the question."

And Zimmerman didn't need to exit his car to answer....

Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?

Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.

That is the way Trayvon was headed when Z last saw him...when he lost sight of Trayvon Z got out of his truck so he could see better and walked in that direction a short ways to try and see better.

When the dispatcher axed Z if he was following the suspect George replied in the affirmative meaning he was just walking in the direction where he last saw trayvon.

One cannot follow anyone unless you can actually see them.

Trayvon only had a hundred yds. to go to get home...since he was running that would have taken him around 30 secs.

Wrong. He said Martin was running "towards the other entrance" as he exited his vehicle.

After getting out of his vehicle, the dispatcher asked Zimmerman, "which entrance is that that he's heading towards?" To which Zimmerman answered, "the back entrance," as he went running after Martin.

So no, you're full of shit when you falsely claim he only got out of his vehicle because he lost sight of him. Zimmerman saw the direction he took off in.

After exiting his vehicle and after informing the dispatcher the direction he observed Martin running, Zimmerman was asked if he was following Martin; and was told he needn't do so by the dispatcher. Then Zimmerman was asked his name, which he gave, and also informed the dispatcher Martin ran. By then he lost sight of him -- but that was after getting out of his truck.

And Martin had good reason not to run straight back to his father's apartment.... Being chased by a crazed guy, why would he lead a nut to where he was staying and to where 14 year old Chad Green was home alone?

The state's star witness...Trayvon's friend...testified Trayvon told her he had returned to his father's place.

It has been shown he had plenty of time to do that...more time than he needed actually as it was a very short distance away...between 80 and a hundred long does it take a football player to run 100 do the math.

Again...Z had lost sight of Trayvon very quickly after he took off raining it was a dark and rainy night...Z was simply walking in the direction he had seen Trayvon run off to...aka...attempting to follow or perhaps see if Trayvon was anywhere visible...he was not...dispatch heard the wind in Z's phone and axed him if he was following Trayvon Z replied in the affirmative meaning he was attempting to follow cannot follow someone you cannot see. Simple stuff.

You claimed Zimmerman got out of his vehicle when he lost sight of Trayvon. Zimmerman’s own description of events proves that is false.
The neighborhood watch is supposed to carry a gun and pursue and confront people they think look suspicious? Really? I would be mortified if my neighborhood has someone doing this. That's a sure recipe for disaster. Furthermore, why does Martin have to go home? He has every right to be there. My guess is he didn't want the creepy guy following him to know where he was staying. If it were me I sure as hell would not lead a creepy person following me back to my house.

If it were me I sure as hell would not lead a creepy person following me back to my house.

He could have called 911.

Thug life ain't easy. Or long.

That sure isn't a biased opinion. lol

You got me. I'm biased against thugs.

Martin wasn't breaking the law at that moment. He is protected by the law just as you and I are. Just because you deem him a "thug" doesn't mean Zimmerman is allowed to pursue, confront and create a situation while being armed.

Martin wasn't breaking the law at that moment.

Not until he started beating on GZ.

doesn't mean Zimmerman is allowed to pursue, confront and create a situation

Baloney. He can pursue, confront and create all he wants.
TM, stupidly, and fatally, escalated instead of going home or calling 911.
You can’t prove Martin started beating on Zimmerman.

Stop making shit up.
The neighborhood watch is supposed to carry a gun and pursue and confront people they think look suspicious? Really? I would be mortified if my neighborhood has someone doing this. That's a sure recipe for disaster. Furthermore, why does Martin have to go home? He has every right to be there. My guess is he didn't want the creepy guy following him to know where he was staying. If it were me I sure as hell would not lead a creepy person following me back to my house.

If it were me I sure as hell would not lead a creepy person following me back to my house.

He could have called 911.

Thug life ain't easy. Or long.

To the brain-dead, an unarmed teen carrying candy back to his friend is “thug life.” :eusa_doh:

Yup. Dead thugs are dead.
^^^ Doubling down on stupid.

TM ain't doubling down any more.
No, but you are, on stupid.
Not necessarily. If someone attacks you and you beat the shit out of them, how does that make you a thug? No one but Zimmerman knows who started the fight between him and Trayvon.
Do you understand the concept of reasonable force?

Even if Zimmerman started the fight (highly unlikely), any defense that aggression gave TM went away when TM was on top of GZ beating the fuck out of him.



time to end this thread....tyrones supposed defenders just keep repeating themselves and spamming the board.
That is true...and that is all George really did until he was attacked.

He observed a SUSPICIOUS person reported it to the police.

Dispatch axed him which way Trayvon had run off to and George got out of his truck to observe and report back the answer to the question.

Following a suspicious person into a dark area is putting oneself into harm's way. What he was trained by police not to do.

"Dispatch axed him which way Trayvon had run off to and George got out of his truck to observe and report back the answer to the question."

And Zimmerman didn't need to exit his car to answer....

Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?

Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.

That is the way Trayvon was headed when Z last saw him...when he lost sight of Trayvon Z got out of his truck so he could see better and walked in that direction a short ways to try and see better.

When the dispatcher axed Z if he was following the suspect George replied in the affirmative meaning he was just walking in the direction where he last saw trayvon.

One cannot follow anyone unless you can actually see them.

Trayvon only had a hundred yds. to go to get home...since he was running that would have taken him around 30 secs.

Wrong. He said Martin was running "towards the other entrance" as he exited his vehicle.

After getting out of his vehicle, the dispatcher asked Zimmerman, "which entrance is that that he's heading towards?" To which Zimmerman answered, "the back entrance," as he went running after Martin.

So no, you're full of shit when you falsely claim he only got out of his vehicle because he lost sight of him. Zimmerman saw the direction he took off in.

After exiting his vehicle and after informing the dispatcher the direction he observed Martin running, Zimmerman was asked if he was following Martin; and was told he needn't do so by the dispatcher. Then Zimmerman was asked his name, which he gave, and also informed the dispatcher Martin ran. By then he lost sight of him -- but that was after getting out of his truck.

And Martin had good reason not to run straight back to his father's apartment.... Being chased by a crazed guy, why would he lead a nut to where he was staying and to where 14 year old Chad Green was home alone?

The state's star witness...Trayvon's friend...testified Trayvon told her he had returned to his father's place.

It has been shown he had plenty of time to do that...more time than he needed actually as it was a very short distance away...between 80 and a hundred long does it take a football player to run 100 do the math.

Again...Z had lost sight of Trayvon very quickly after he took off raining it was a dark and rainy night...Z was simply walking in the direction he had seen Trayvon run off to...aka...attempting to follow or perhaps see if Trayvon was anywhere visible...he was not...dispatch heard the wind in Z's phone and axed him if he was following Trayvon Z replied in the affirmative meaning he was attempting to follow cannot follow someone you cannot see. Simple stuff.

You claimed Zimmerman got out of his vehicle when he lost sight of Trayvon. Zimmerman’s own description of events proves that is false.

so now you claim Z is credible....hehheh

You cannot have it both ways....either he is credible or he is not...make up your mind.

Again....the best truth available on this case......................The Aftermath of the George Zimmerman Case, Part 1: The Trial, the Evidence and the Verdict

To the brain-dead, an unarmed teen carrying candy back to his friend is “thug life.” :eusa_doh:

Yup. Dead thugs are dead.
^^^ Doubling down on stupid.
yes you did,,,

Great, what’s thuggery about carrying candy back to a friend...?

Thuggery was beating on a creepy cracka instead of walking home.
Let’s see your proof Trayvon started the fight....
based on everything we know about him he was destined to be a blight on humanity,,,
Oh, so it wasn't anything he ACTUALLY did, it was based on something you THINK he MIGHT do.


BTW, got a brief list of the things you're referring to in your "based on everything we know" part of the statement?

Police buried Trayvon's criminal history - WND - WND
What criminal history? He was never arrested.
lots of criminals havent been arrested,,,

Zimmerman has been arrested more than Martin.
but its TM thats dead because hes a dumbass thug
You can’t prove Martin started beating on Zimmerman.

Stop making shit up.
We CAN prove that Martin didn't STOP beating Zimmerman until shot dead.



How long are you going to take this indefensible position?

ALL force must be reasonable under the circumstances.

Yup. Dead thugs are dead.
^^^ Doubling down on stupid.
yes you did,,,

Great, what’s thuggery about carrying candy back to a friend...?

Thuggery was beating on a creepy cracka instead of walking home.
Let’s see your proof Trayvon started the fight....

lets see yours that says Z did
Let’s see your proof Trayvon started the fight....




Not necessarily. If someone attacks you and you beat the shit out of them, how does that make you a thug? No one but Zimmerman knows who started the fight between him and Trayvon.
Do you understand the concept of reasonable force?

Even if Zimmerman started the fight (highly unlikely), any defense that aggression gave TM went away when TM was on top of GZ beating the fuck out of him.



Eyewitness describes Trayvon Martin's fatal struggle to Florida jury - Reuters
Not necessarily. If someone attacks you and you beat the shit out of them, how does that make you a thug? No one but Zimmerman knows who started the fight between him and Trayvon.
Do you understand the concept of reasonable force?

Even if Zimmerman started the fight (highly unlikely), any defense that aggression gave TM went away when TM was on top of GZ beating the fuck out of him.



Eyewitness describes Trayvon Martin's fatal struggle to Florida jury - Reuters

From the link:

"A witness in the murder trial of neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman testified on Friday that he saw Trayvon Martin on top of Zimmerman during a struggle that led to the unarmed black teenager’s shooting death in a central Florida gated community last year."
From the article:

"Oh, God, oh, my God, oh, God,” one major reportedly said when first looking at Martin’s data. He realized that Martin had been suspended twice already that school year for offenses that should have gotten him arrested – once for getting caught with a burglary tool and a dozen items of female jewelry, the second time for getting caught with marijuana and a marijuana pipe."

"In each case, the case file on Martin was fudged to make the crime less serious than it was. As one detective told IA, the arrest statistics coming out of Martin’s school, Michael Krop Senior, had been “quite high,” and the detectives “needed to find some way to lower the stats.” This directive allegedly came from Hurley."

“'Chief Hurley, for the past year, has been telling his command staff to lower the arrest rates,' confirmed another high-ranking detective."

"Once the top brass understood that the Martin case had the potential to expose the reason for the department’s stunning drop in crime, they told the detectives 'to make sure they start writing reports as is; don’t omit anything.'”

“'Oh, now, the chief wants us to write reports as is,' said a Hispanic detective sarcastically, 'and not omit anything, as we have been advised in the past?'”

"Serino was the Martin-friendly detective who had insisted that Martin 'has no criminal record whatsoever,' calling him, 'a good kid, a mild-mannered kid.'”

"In Hurley’s defense, school districts across the country had been feeling pressure from the nation’s race hustlers to think twice before disciplining black students. Last year, the White House formalized the pressure with an executive order warning school districts to avoid 'methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.'”

"Jesse Jackson brought this nonsense home to Sanford during a large April 1, 2012, rally. He implied that Martin had been profiled by his high school for being a black male and suspended for the same reason. 'We must stop suspending our children,' Jackson told the crowd."

Police buried Trayvon's criminal history - WND - WND

I am all for giving a young black kid a fair shake, but ignoring warning signs does them ZERO favors, as was the case with TM.

I dunno what a "burglary tool" is, and the other stuff is just incidental, marijuana is legal in many states in this country.

THIS is what's justifiable, to you, for the murder of this young black boy?
Not necessarily. If someone attacks you and you beat the shit out of them, how does that make you a thug? No one but Zimmerman knows who started the fight between him and Trayvon.
Do you understand the concept of reasonable force?

Even if Zimmerman started the fight (highly unlikely), any defense that aggression gave TM went away when TM was on top of GZ beating the fuck out of him.



Beating someone up who starts a fight with you is not thuggery, it’s self defense. Not saying Zimmerman started the fight as no one knows who started it, but there is no proof Martin did. And Zimmerman’s injuries were so minor, he didn’t need to go to a hospital. Paramedics put a bandaid on his boo-boo and he went home.

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