George Will: Sarah Palin 'Cannot Be Elected' President

She was already an incredible successful governor. She left because she and her family were being targeted by Obama's lawyers and the media. I would have left too.
First, I thought you left?


She was already an incredible successful governor. She left because she and her family were being targeted by Obama's lawyers and the media. I would have left too.

I do not believe you are that stupid.
You stated what you know is not true.
What makes you do that?
Well FER Fxxking sure if Geroge Will says so then by golly IT MUST BE TRUE.:lol::cuckoo:
Palin has laid a groundwork that will prevent her from being elected to any high profile position. She could not even win back her Governors position in Alaska....maybe Wasilla will take her back
She was already an incredible successful governor. She left because she and her family were being targeted by Obama's lawyers and the media. I would have left too.

I do not believe you are that stupid.
You stated what you know is not true.
What makes you do that?

She had a 500,000 dollar legal debt due to her opponents filing frivolous lawsuits against her.
If she runs, and the only thing that would prevent it is her assassination by Progressive who failed at every other method of stopping her, she would win at least 50 of our 57 states.
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She will run, and she will win.

And the US will NEVER have a black President, right George Will?
She was already an incredible successful governor. She left because she and her family were being targeted by Obama's lawyers and the media. I would have left too.

I do not believe you are that stupid.
You stated what you know is not true.
What makes you do that?

She had a 500,000 dollar legal debt due to her opponents filing frivolous lawsuits against her.

Gadawg is a lost cause. He's either a bullheaded and calculated liar, or just too stupid to bother with. I suspect a little of both.
It's amazing that Palin has people defending her in this thread. Let's hope George Will is right. If he's not...if she wins the presidency...I'm leaving the country. Not in a fake Limbaugh way...seriously. It would be time to get out.
It's amazing that Palin has people defending her in this thread. Let's hope George Will is right. If he's not...if she wins the presidency...I'm leaving the country. Not in a fake Limbaugh way...seriously. It would be time to get out.

In other words, if your guy doesn't win you will take your ball and go play somewhere else? Good, move the fuck away, you are worthless anyway.
It's amazing that Palin has people defending her in this thread. Let's hope George Will is right. If he's not...if she wins the presidency...I'm leaving the country. Not in a fake Limbaugh way...seriously. It would be time to get out.

good grief, the DRAMA
You never know how things will turn out, so you might want to start "saving" for your move.:lol:
It's amazing that Palin has people defending her in this thread. Let's hope George Will is right. If he's not...if she wins the presidency...I'm leaving the country. Not in a fake Limbaugh way...seriously. It would be time to get out.

Adios, Gringo!

She's your next President, and if you leave, you were never an American anyway.

I say you're blowing smoke. You don't have the nads to actually leave, just like Limbaugh, the Baldwins, Clooney, and the rest.

Fuck ALL of you.

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