George Soros, Obama, And The Democrat's Plan To Ruin America


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

George Soros is using our Democrats to ruin this country and enrich himself in the process. He's done it before. How can an American politician be stupid enough to fall into this trap after seeing it repeated time and time again. Anyone with half a brain could see that Soros has done this to other countries. Why in the world would they allow themselves to be used to do the same thing here?

On the surface it seems simple. If you want to look at it as a Republican you'd believe anything about a group that seems to support terrorists and their causes, a group that hates America and just about everything it stands for. Well I don't think it's that way, at least not in their minds. I believe many Democrats that are taking cash and support from Soros believe they're doing something wonderful and historic for this country. They've rationalized that the suffering their actions are going to cause is a needed stage this country must go through to heal itself. The hell we're about to go through won't kill us they're thinking. Other countries have gone through it and survived and so can we. They don't care that this ideology has resulted in thousands of dead and also resulted in the suffering of millions in those countries. They don't care. They think the possibilities are tremendous. Do you want to allow them to test their beliefs at your expense?

Are you willing to allow them to institute change and transformation which might cause you to lose everything you have? Cause a Depression that might cost you your life or livelihood through starvation or your freedom through incarceration for breaking Green laws. Are you going to sit back while they give away our technology to the rest of the world but prevent us from using it for our own benefit? Are you going to allow them to turn us into a society that is totally dependent on the rest of the world for our needs because, after all, we've been abusing other countries in their minds throughout our history? We're evil. We need to be punished.

Did you know that Spread the Wealth really means paybacks are in order? It's called Collective Salvation. The pillage of the American Dream through transferal of our treasure to the people of the world. All of our strength, wealth, technology, and resources are being sent outside the US so we cannot live the dream that folks like Obama believe is sinful, evil, and oppressive to other countries. It's happening slowly at first but soon it will accelerate to the point that nobody can stop it. Yes there was an initial spurt of cash flowing out of the country through the TARP fund and the Stimulus Fund but it has slowed a bit the last several months. Now's it's a trickle. 20 billion here, 50 billion there. Soon it will accelerate again and it will be too late. The damage done. In 20 years there will be another America. A better America. When they figure that printing billions of dollars is a solution then you'll know that they're getting ready to ruin the dollar. [Guess what.....they announced this last week] Bernanke Prints Dollar Again? | Forex Crunch

Most of the Dems will be taken care of. They've had time to get their houses in order. Possibly set up a home overseas that they can live in safely and comfortably. If they have to they'll leave or the more brave of them may stick around and try to rebuild. Course they'll be risking their lives if they do because we will get wise to them. But after all...they feel they're doing us a favor. Doing something historic. Maybe they feel they can convince us of this. I doubt it but I think some of them think they can. If not...our guns will be gone after they sweep through the country and take them so we'll be defenseless.

Sounds ridiculous doesn't it. Well, this is the mindset of the people currently occupying the White House. We need to be cleansed before we can become the vision they dream of. We have to go through a figurative 40 day and 40 night flood or a depression so we can start over and become a shining example of perfection to the rest of the world. Some of us are going to have to be swept away so the best of us can come to the fore and do great things. This is the dream, the new American Dream that anyone who believes in this philosophy hopes for. They said that what they've done prevented another Depression...but really a Depression is what they're hoping for and what their actions are geared toward.

If you think this is good, and I know some do, then you'll welcome it. This is your dream. You may even benefit from it if you join the right groups.

If it scares the crap out of you then you're on the right track but also at greater risk then anyone.

If you don't care enough to take it seriously and you cannot believe it's possible...well then you most likely will just whine and complain but eventually you may see a better day...or your children might if they go along with the program or just plain get lucky.

This has happened to others and thinking that it can't happen to us is a fool's dream...outright willful ignorance. Obama has been telling us it's coming since before he was put in the Oval Office...he's just been a little short on details. Well the Devil is in the details.

Before It's News

ObamaGate is Now George Soros Ponzi Scheme Gate

The Hidden Soros Agenda: Drugs, Money, the Media, and Political Power

You must fall in the 3rd group.:lol:

If you don't care enough to take it seriously and you cannot believe it's possible...well then you most likely will just whine and complain but eventually you may see a better day...or your children might if they go along with the program or just plain get lucky.
There's no denying the connection between Soros and obama. Soros has been to the White House NINE TIMES since the radical and chief parked his socialist ass in there. Quite simply put, obama is Georgies sock puppet. It was his money that got obama there, and he's pulling all the strings. Soros and obama should be investigated and thrown in prison for conspiracy to bankrupt America.
And Democrats loathe big business...Interesting...Soros is a Corporation in his own right. I wonder what it is like to be puppets of a foreigner as Soros?

And I wonder when the struggle will happen between Soros and the Democrats to control what?

Hey, Mud.

money = free speech.

Sucks doesn't it?

I believe you fall in the first group....or maybe the 3rd.

If you think this is good, and I know some do, then you'll welcome it. This is your dream. You may even benefit from it if you join the right groups.

If you don't care enough to take it seriously and you cannot believe it's possible...well then you most likely will just whine and complain but eventually you may see a better day...or your children might if they go along with the program or just plain get lucky.
Hey, Mud.

money = free speech.

Sucks doesn't it?

Especially all that Union money that the Unions take from their workers in the way of dues and spend it solely on democratic candidates when 40 percent of union workers won't be voting for a candidate with a D next to their name.
Hey, Mud.

money = free speech.

Sucks doesn't it?

Especially all that Union money that the Unions take from their workers in the way of dues and spend it solely on democratic candidates when 40 percent of union workers won't be voting for a candidate with a D next to their name.

Unions are Corporations as well. Why aren't Statist Dems going after them too? :eusa_think:
Hey, Mud.

money = free speech.

Sucks doesn't it?

Especially all that Union money that the Unions take from their workers in the way of dues and spend it solely on democratic candidates when 40 percent of union workers won't be voting for a candidate with a D next to their name.

Reported today as being somewhere around a Billion dollars this election cycle.

Funny...the Dems feel the GOP is cheating when they claim they are being outspent 4-1. I challenge them to find more then 4 Billion that the GOP has spent on this election.
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Hey, Mud.

money = free speech.

Sucks doesn't it?

Especially all that Union money that the Unions take from their workers in the way of dues and spend it solely on democratic candidates when 40 percent of union workers won't be voting for a candidate with a D next to their name.

Reported today as being somewhere around a Billion dollars this election cycle.

Funny...the Dems feel the GOP is cheating when they claim they are being outspent 4-1.

And whining about the US Chamber Of Commerce...

Too bad for him, Reagan, Bush I and Bush II beat him to ruining this country that CON$ hate with a passion.

You're like a broken record.

Btw...prove that this country is ruined?

It isn't yet...but wait till next year after a lot of this starts kicking in.

Oh and get ready for the carnage during the lame-duck sessions in congress.
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And Democrats loathe big business...Interesting...Soros is a Corporation in his own right. I wonder what it is like to be puppets of a foreigner as Soros?

And I wonder when the struggle will happen between Soros and the Democrats to control what?


I wonder what it's like to be sooooooo STUPID that you believe the obvious lies of America hater Stuttering LimpTard like you do????
Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
October 20, 2010
Story #9: Foreign Money: Soros Gives $1M to Media Matters

RUSH: So you want to talk a little foreign money in American politics? George Soros has admitted to donating $1 million to Media Matters for America, which is -- they call it a left-wing media watchdog. It's not that. It's just a bunch of propagandists, and Soros, a foreigner, has admitted he donated a million dollars to Media Matters. Now, it's stuff like that, that is going to generate even more turnout on Election Day.
And Democrats loathe big business...Interesting...Soros is a Corporation in his own right. I wonder what it is like to be puppets of a foreigner as Soros?

And I wonder when the struggle will happen between Soros and the Democrats to control what?


I wonder what it's like to be sooooooo STUPID that you believe the obvious lies of America hater Stuttering LimpTard like you do????
Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
October 20, 2010
Story #9: Foreign Money: Soros Gives $1M to Media Matters

RUSH: So you want to talk a little foreign money in American politics? George Soros has admitted to donating $1 million to Media Matters for America, which is -- they call it a left-wing media watchdog. It's not that. It's just a bunch of propagandists, and Soros, a foreigner, has admitted he donated a million dollars to Media Matters. Now, it's stuff like that, that is going to generate even more turnout on Election Day.

:hmpf:That's a good one...We're the America Haters.

What a tap-dance around the issue. :dance:

:argue:We're not violent just cuz we're no-longer silent:nono:

Btw.....Think I might have to come up with a new group for you?

You're definitely not in group 2.
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And Democrats loathe big business...Interesting...Soros is a Corporation in his own right. I wonder what it is like to be puppets of a foreigner as Soros?

And I wonder when the struggle will happen between Soros and the Democrats to control what?


I wonder what it's like to be sooooooo STUPID that you believe the obvious lies of America hater Stuttering LimpTard like you do????
Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
October 20, 2010
Story #9: Foreign Money: Soros Gives $1M to Media Matters

RUSH: So you want to talk a little foreign money in American politics? George Soros has admitted to donating $1 million to Media Matters for America, which is -- they call it a left-wing media watchdog. It's not that. It's just a bunch of propagandists, and Soros, a foreigner, has admitted he donated a million dollars to Media Matters. Now, it's stuff like that, that is going to generate even more turnout on Election Day.

Soros Donates $1.8 Million to NPR, Juan Williams Fired Days Later |

BBC News | THE ECONOMY | The man who broke the Bank of England

Obama Helps Soros Drill For Oil In Brazil | Sweetness & Light

There are many others. Wake up.

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