George Conway says he doesn't think Ron DeSantis will run for president because there's no 'upside' to wading into a 'mud fest to end all mud fests'

Michael Moore in a glorious Progressive Socialist world would be killed for being useless. Population reduction is a must in that situation, or an expanding mass of poverty will be tolerated with no rebellions allowed.
I think a word was accidentally left out of that last sentence..

If Trump runs?
Trump running is certain if he's still alive or he is confident that he can beat DeSantis.

Trump won't walk into a losing proposition.

DeSantis can't beat Trump head to head and so he won't run if Trump runs.

There's no longer any doubt that DeSantis is afraid to challenge Trump's cheap shots by taking a shot of his own!

Desantis doesn't have to do anything.. Let Trump lie, lash out and have tantrums. Last week Trump claimed that he'd won New Hampshire twice. Such an asinine lie.
Nikki Haley is delusional enough to think she qualifies. She's dumb. DeSantis is too smart and also too loyal to the party to pull her kind of bullshit. He realizes that the next President will have to be exceptional to restore our country. I think he prefers that Trump gets that call. 2028 will be good for him. Forget about Haley.
Nikki Haley is delusional enough to think she qualifies. She's dumb. DeSantis is too smart and also too loyal to the party to pull her kind of bullshit. He realizes that the next President will have to be exceptional to restore our country. I think he prefers that Trump gets that call. 2028 will be good for him. Forget about Haley.

Why doesn't she qualify?
I can see the OP's point. One thing people often forget about DeSantis is that he is very, very young. Trump is, to put it lightly, not.

Strategically speaking, if Trump runs in 2024 and wins, DeSantis can't run for VP but he would be in a prime position for a cabinet post, or he could just keep being the influential governor of a powerful state that he is. He could then run in 2028, or 2032, or whenever.
Nikki Haley is delusional enough to think she qualifies. She's dumb. DeSantis is too smart and also too loyal to the party to pull her kind of bullshit. He realizes that the next President will have to be exceptional to restore our country. I think he prefers that Trump gets that call. 2028 will be good for him. Forget about Haley.
Most of those that run know they have only a slim chance at best of winning. That said, campaigning for president can be a lucrative career.
This would make sense. A run in 2024 would pit DeSantis against Trump in the primaries, and millions of Trump supporters would end up hating DeSantis if he won, and many if not most would probably not be there for the general election.
One way or another Trump is likely to be out of the way in 2028, and would give DeSantis much more support with Trump gone from the scene.

Well there is that and also the rule of thumb that there is seldom a 3rd term for the party that gets a second term.
Everyone already knows about Trump, we didn't elect him for his marriage fidelity or his non-confronting style. IMO that nickname wouldn't fly and 'Orange Man Bad' has been over used.
The only morons saying that phrase are you magaturds.

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