Genesis, and Science, Predict Marine Life

Hey, I'm fine with that. I stand above your understanding of the word "predict" and giggle at your smarmy little self.

Get money, broomhilda.

It's good that you are 'fine' with the lack of you have no ability to change the situation.

Is it true your family crest has TV remote on it?
Hey, I'm fine with that. I stand above your understanding of the word "predict" and giggle at your smarmy little self.

Get money, broomhilda.

It's good that you are 'fine' with the lack of you have no ability to change the situation.

Is it true your family crest has TV remote on it?

It's true that I'm in far better shape then you are. We each have a pic in our profile, one is much more slender and fit. The other? Mean, and smugly.

Now, you were saying about TV remotes?

Also, please don't talk about my family. Thanks in advance, young sleuth.


<elle ohhh elle ohhh elle ohh elle>

End file.
Hey, I'm fine with that. I stand above your understanding of the word "predict" and giggle at your smarmy little self.

Get money, broomhilda.

It's good that you are 'fine' with the lack of you have no ability to change the situation.

Is it true your family crest has TV remote on it?

It's true that I'm in far better shape then you are. We each have a pic in our profile, one is much more slender and fit. The other? Mean, and smugly.

Now, you were saying about TV remotes?

Also, please don't talk about my family. Thanks in advance, young sleuth.


<elle ohhh elle ohhh elle ohh elle>

End file.

Your 'family crest' is not a picture of your family, dunce.

Now...for 'predict.'

I've tried to avoid educating you, 'cause I just don't like you enough to do so...but, as you keep thumping your chest as though your 'predict' posts have some merit...

...time to burst your balloon.

The author of the Genesis narrative correctly predicted the order of events to which modern science subscribes.

Having done so millennia in is a prediction.

Now...with reference to the 'fine shape' you're in?
If I ever needed a brain transplant I’d want yours….’cause I’d want one that had never been used.
It's good that you are 'fine' with the lack of you have no ability to change the situation.

Is it true your family crest has TV remote on it?

It's true that I'm in far better shape then you are. We each have a pic in our profile, one is much more slender and fit. The other? Mean, and smugly.

Now, you were saying about TV remotes?

Also, please don't talk about my family. Thanks in advance, young sleuth.


<elle ohhh elle ohhh elle ohh elle>

End file.

Your 'family crest' is not a picture of your family, dunce.

Now...for 'predict.'

I've tried to avoid educating you, 'cause I just don't like you enough to do so...but, as you keep thumping your chest as though your 'predict' posts have some merit...

...time to burst your balloon.

The author of the Genesis narrative correctly predicted the order of events to which modern science subscribes.

Having done so millennia in is a prediction.

Now...with reference to the 'fine shape' you're in?
If I ever needed a brain transplant I’d want yours….’cause I’d want one that had never been used.
No matter how many times you repeat your lie it will never become the truth. And a lie is not a prediction, it is a lie.

What you need more than a brain transplant, and you certainly need that, is a honesty transplant.
Now, when you referred to 'evolution,' you didn't specify Darwinian evolution.
Before Darwin there were theories, but they generally accepted that God set the process in motion.

1. The brilliant Rene Descartes postulated that, rather than a rapid seven day timeline, the sequence that resulted in the formation of the earth was far more eventful. “1637. Rene Descartes: Discours de la Methode. Descartes constructed a history of the Earth which was quite influential; it was the starting point for many later cosmogonies. Some of the main points of his system were that the Earth formed as a fiery ball, that when it cooled a crust formed over the abyssal waters, and that this crust collapsed, releasing massive volumes of water.”
Changing Views of the History of the Earth

While it runs counter to the literal view of the probably is consistent with the ideas accepted by most Christians....and

And here's why:

a. Interestingly, Descartes continues to see the hand of God in the creation. In chapter six of ‘Le Monde,’ he states that at the first instant of creation, God provides the parts with different properties, and after that He does not intervene supernaturally to regulate same.

2. The accepted mechanism of evolution is the mutation. There is a three letter code embedded in the DNA of each nucleus, and this DNA specifies which amino acid is to be added to a protein.

A segment of the DNA, a gene, dictates which the order, indirectly, via RNA.

UGU cystine, and GUG, valine.

If the code is ugu gug ugu, the protein would read cys val cys

But...if onoe base is lost, the code would now be gug ugu gug.

Easier to see like this: "the red dog ran.." .would change to "her edd ogr an....."

It no longer makes sense...which is why most mutations are lethal.

But some would produce new proteins, new enzymes....changes in an organism.

3. My point? As Descartes states, if "at the first instant of creation, God provides the parts with different properties, and after that He does not intervene supernaturally to regulate same," then the mutation process simply provides for evolution.

And it fits natural selection because mutations provide for variation.

4. BTW....lots of things, such as drugs, and radiation, influence that base sequence of genes.

So....wadda ya' think?

Ok. So, you believe in evolution but in a much limited extent, right .

But how can you explain your "similar DNA" argument ?

if God created everything, why would it be all that different?
It's good that you are 'fine' with the lack of you have no ability to change the situation.

Is it true your family crest has TV remote on it?

It's true that I'm in far better shape then you are. We each have a pic in our profile, one is much more slender and fit. The other? Mean, and smugly.

Now, you were saying about TV remotes?

Also, please don't talk about my family. Thanks in advance, young sleuth.


<elle ohhh elle ohhh elle ohh elle>

End file.

Your 'family crest' is not a picture of your family, dunce.

Now...for 'predict.'

I've tried to avoid educating you, 'cause I just don't like you enough to do so...but, as you keep thumping your chest as though your 'predict' posts have some merit...

...time to burst your balloon.

The author of the Genesis narrative correctly predicted the order of events to which modern science subscribes.

Having done so millennia in is a prediction.

Now...with reference to the 'fine shape' you're in?
If I ever needed a brain transplant I’d want yours….’cause I’d want one that had never been used.

I know what a family crest is, blow hard.

And you cannot predict an order of events that *already occured,* all that you can do is speculate the order, or discover the order. That the order already occured, makes Genesis = / = prediction, Capp'n Genius.
Also, Genesis is at odds with science.

Science does not subscribe to this:

then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.
So out of the ground the LORD God formed every animal of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.
Not sure how science views snakes that talk to women, either tbh.
Not sure how women like this command of God's.

To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pangs in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you."
It's true that I'm in far better shape then you are. We each have a pic in our profile, one is much more slender and fit. The other? Mean, and smugly.

Now, you were saying about TV remotes?

Also, please don't talk about my family. Thanks in advance, young sleuth.


<elle ohhh elle ohhh elle ohh elle>

End file.

Your 'family crest' is not a picture of your family, dunce.

Now...for 'predict.'

I've tried to avoid educating you, 'cause I just don't like you enough to do so...but, as you keep thumping your chest as though your 'predict' posts have some merit...

...time to burst your balloon.

The author of the Genesis narrative correctly predicted the order of events to which modern science subscribes.

Having done so millennia in is a prediction.

Now...with reference to the 'fine shape' you're in?
If I ever needed a brain transplant I’d want yours….’cause I’d want one that had never been used.

I know what a family crest is, blow hard.

And you cannot predict an order of events that *already occured,* all that you can do is speculate the order, or discover the order. That the order already occured, makes Genesis = / = prediction, Capp'n Genius.

"And you cannot predict an order of events that *already occured,..."
Even you could not be this dumb....
...or could you....

Who knew the events that had occured???
Astronomers and geologists at the non-existent University of Canaan???

Nobody knew!!!

As in the term that is regularly applied to you: nobody.

This is as slowly as I can say it:
When Genesis was written.....nobody knew the correct sequence.

Therefore, it was a prediction by said author.

He 'predicted' what modern science has found to be the case.

Get it now??? your seat at the back of the dumb row.
It's true that I'm in far better shape then you are. We each have a pic in our profile, one is much more slender and fit. The other? Mean, and smugly.

Now, you were saying about TV remotes?

Also, please don't talk about my family. Thanks in advance, young sleuth.


<elle ohhh elle ohhh elle ohh elle>

End file.

Your 'family crest' is not a picture of your family, dunce.

Now...for 'predict.'

I've tried to avoid educating you, 'cause I just don't like you enough to do so...but, as you keep thumping your chest as though your 'predict' posts have some merit...

...time to burst your balloon.

The author of the Genesis narrative correctly predicted the order of events to which modern science subscribes.

Having done so millennia in is a prediction.

Now...with reference to the 'fine shape' you're in?
If I ever needed a brain transplant I’d want yours….’cause I’d want one that had never been used.
No matter how many times you repeat your lie it will never become the truth. And a lie is not a prediction, it is a lie.

What you need more than a brain transplant, and you certainly need that, is a honesty transplant.

Your journey on the road to knowledge will never begin until you realize this fundamental fact: I never lie.
Also, Genesis is at odds with science.

Science does not subscribe to this:

then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.

Sadly, your A.D.D. is reasserting....

This thread specifies Genesis, chapter one.

Not 'two,'.....'one.'
You recognize the difference, don't you?
Or, haven't you gotten up to that lesson yet.

It is a wonder that you are able to find your way back to the refrigerator box you call you use the bread crumb method?
Also, Genesis is at odds with science.

Science does not subscribe to this:

then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.

well they missed that part, but science is still in it infancy so to speak. eventually they will get it right.
another thing to think about. ok evolution exists, I think everyone accepts that we evolve due to many factors. Even the church accepts we adapt. but think about this, science tells us we all stated from a common single celled thing that generated out of an oxygen rich pool. from that one single spark of life everything evolved. the millions of species of animal, man, fish, bird, insect, reptile. everything. yet out of all of those millions of mutations and adaptations, why is it only man who has evolved to the level of thought, communication, creativity, invention, rationalization. Man is the one responsible for shaping and developing the world as it is, and controling the other animals to his will. Just like the bible said.

and think about this too. of all these millions of species and different types of life, like birds, and reptiles and plants and mammals and insects and so on, there is only one man. everything else has tons of variations, but man is unique, just like the bible says. the only class that has evolved unique.
Your 'family crest' is not a picture of your family, dunce.

Now...for 'predict.'

I've tried to avoid educating you, 'cause I just don't like you enough to do so...but, as you keep thumping your chest as though your 'predict' posts have some merit...

...time to burst your balloon.

The author of the Genesis narrative correctly predicted the order of events to which modern science subscribes.

Having done so millennia in is a prediction.

Now...with reference to the 'fine shape' you're in?
If I ever needed a brain transplant I’d want yours….’cause I’d want one that had never been used.
No matter how many times you repeat your lie it will never become the truth. And a lie is not a prediction, it is a lie.

What you need more than a brain transplant, and you certainly need that, is a honesty transplant.

Your journey on the road to knowledge will never begin until you realize this fundamental fact: I never lie.
That's a lie.
No matter how many times you repeat your lie it will never become the truth. And a lie is not a prediction, it is a lie.

What you need more than a brain transplant, and you certainly need that, is a honesty transplant.

Your journey on the road to knowledge will never begin until you realize this fundamental fact: I never lie.
That's a lie.

You must be punished for your lack of insight:

May your entire diet come from vending machines.
So the guys who wrote Genesis guessed that the seas came before the sea creatures?

Wow, what genius!!

What was their second guess? That all the sea creatures were formed, and then God created seas to put them in?

Amazing that you are even cognizant of the word 'genius,' itself.

Surely it has never been used in conjunction with your name.

BTW....the order stated in Genesis is seas- plants- abundant sea life.
And, sure enough, science found cyanobacteria remains some 3,600 million years old.
Cambrian sea life: 521 million years back.

I take it lots of folks refer to you as 'genius,' and 'Einstein.'
And, bet, you think them serious.

So you're claiming that a book written 6000 years ago predicted something that happened 3 billion years ago?

I bet I can predict who wins the 1967 Superbowl.

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