General Flynn May Walk Free

Judge Emmitt Sullivan has ordered Mueller to turn over any material that might be helpful to the former National Security Advisor. If he finds Flynn did not have sufficient evidence to defend himself, the judge may overturn the conviction and let him go free.

But, will Flynn be able to get back his life along with all the $$$ her had to spend defending himself?

More of this @ Dick Morris: Big Blow to Mueller -- Flynn May Walk

what is he "defending himself" against? he already pled guilty. :cuckoo:

if you actually read anything, you'd know that this judge presided over the trial of Senator Stevens and felt there were horrible Brady violations. So ....

From that point on, Sullivan started a new practice for every case he handled: He would issue what is called a “standing Brady order,” mandating that prosecutors proactively turn over material favorable to the defense.

Analysis | No, a new court filing doesn't suggest that Michael Flynn is about to be exonerated

read.... it's important. and try to stop spreading silly trumpian garbage. it's just embarrassing.

oh...and for the record, if Flynn ever considered withdrawing his plea (which he isn't as far as anyone knows), then Mueller gets to use every statement he made to prosecutors against him.

that wouldn't go well for him.

and it can also be used in any action brought by the state AG's in NY and VA.
. If it is proven once the information is turned over to the judge, that the investigators railroaded Flynn, then if he is cleared nothing can be used against him that was gained under the wrongful conduct of the investigators or if he was set up where any of his due process was being violated or compromised then he wins.
That was over 2 months ago. Don't hold yer breath Skippy.

Nor you, he was supposed to be sentenced long ago. Hasn't happened yet now has it....
It wasn't a conviction... he plead guilty. I understand that once a judge accepts the plea deal it is considered a conviction, but it never went to trial. I'm sure you know, but many on here probably don't know, law enforcement can legally lie to someone in order to get them to confess or plea to a deal... prior to trial that is. A person talking to law enforcement however can't lie. So I'm not sure where the OP and his source are getting this idea that Flynn and his attorney cab fight this.

And if it is shown that the plea was gained through extortion it will be voided. Get a clue.

Extortion? I hate to tell you this, but the whole point of a plea bargain is what you are considering extortion. People don't do plea deals to get the same punishment as if they were convicted in trial.

Flynn was more than likely given the plea deal of a lighter sentence and Mueller not going after his son in return for the plea deal. That's NOT extortion... that's just a plea deal.

If mueller withheld exculpatory evidence, that makes the case, and the ensuing plea, entirely based on extortion. Your problem is mueller seems to have a history of unethical, illegal behavior.

He DOES? Mueller was HIGHLY regarded by BOTH parties before this investigation... and despite him being a Republican appointed head of the FBI was asked by Obama to stay longer...

You're trying to run that shit up the wrong flag pole. If Flynn didn't think he was guilty, or that it wasn't a good deal, he would have fought it. The guy didn't get to be as high in the military as he was by being a pussy.

May I suggest you read something other than the echo chamber you seem to be trapped in...

Robert Mueller is a hothead who can't own up to his mistakes, former aides say

I don't doubt that there are some of his former associates who don't agree with Mueller- but there are others who clearly did.

What his former associates agree on- is that Mueller is apolitical and nonpartisan- which contradicts the desperate lies from the Right.

Robert Mueller and his pursuit of justice - CNNPolitics

One topic never discussed, though, was politics. Serving with Mueller for more than four years, and attending thousands of meetings with him, Mudd said he never once heard him say anything political.
"Mueller is nonpartisan by almost any measure to a degree that almost no one in Washington actually is," Graff said.
Monaco, his former chief of staff, echoed that description: "He's apolitical. He's non-partisan. He is, as I think it has become quite clear, a pretty law-and-order guy."
It was one of the reasons President George W. Bush nominated him to be FBI director in 2001, noting during his introduction of Mueller that the FBI "must remain free of politics and uncompromising in its mission."
And if it is shown that the plea was gained through extortion it will be voided. Get a clue.

Extortion? I hate to tell you this, but the whole point of a plea bargain is what you are considering extortion. People don't do plea deals to get the same punishment as if they were convicted in trial.

Flynn was more than likely given the plea deal of a lighter sentence and Mueller not going after his son in return for the plea deal. That's NOT extortion... that's just a plea deal.

If mueller withheld exculpatory evidence, that makes the case, and the ensuing plea, entirely based on extortion. Your problem is mueller seems to have a history of unethical, illegal behavior.

He DOES? Mueller was HIGHLY regarded by BOTH parties before this investigation... and despite him being a Republican appointed head of the FBI was asked by Obama to stay longer...

You're trying to run that shit up the wrong flag pole. If Flynn didn't think he was guilty, or that it wasn't a good deal, he would have fought it. The guy didn't get to be as high in the military as he was by being a pussy.

May I suggest you read something other than the echo chamber you seem to be trapped in...

Robert Mueller is a hothead who can't own up to his mistakes, former aides say

I don't doubt that there are some of his former associates who don't agree with Mueller- but there are others who clearly did.

What his former associates agree on- is that Mueller is apolitical and nonpartisan- which contradicts the desperate lies from the Right.

Robert Mueller and his pursuit of justice - CNNPolitics

One topic never discussed, though, was politics. Serving with Mueller for more than four years, and attending thousands of meetings with him, Mudd said he never once heard him say anything political.
"Mueller is nonpartisan by almost any measure to a degree that almost no one in Washington actually is," Graff said.
Monaco, his former chief of staff, echoed that description: "He's apolitical. He's non-partisan. He is, as I think it has become quite clear, a pretty law-and-order guy."
It was one of the reasons President George W. Bush nominated him to be FBI director in 2001, noting during his introduction of Mueller that the FBI "must remain free of politics and uncompromising in its mission."

Actions speak louder than words as your pal lewdog posted. What a person says is immaterial to how he does his job. He did his job poorly. He and comey fucked up the anthrax investigation terribly, as detailed in the book The Mirage Man, they intentionally ignored scientific evidence and instead pursued an innocent man (sound familiar) based on nothing more than incompetence.

"The Mirage Man reveals how this seemingly harmless if eccentric scientist hid a sinister secret life from his closest associates and family, and how the trail of genetic and circumstantial evidence led inexorably to him. Along the way, Willman exposes the faulty investigative work that led to the public smearing of the wrong man, Steven Hatfill, a scientist specializing in biowarfare preparedness whose life was upended by media stakeouts and op-ed-page witch hunts.

Engrossing and unsparing, The Mirage Man is a portrait of a deeply troubled scientist who for more than twenty years had unlimited access to the U.S. Army’s stocks of deadly anthrax. It is also the story of a struggle for control within the FBI investigation, the missteps of an overzealous press, and how a cadre of government officials disregarded scientific data while spinning the letter attacks into a basis for war. As The Mirage Man makes clear, America must, at last, come to terms with the lessons to be learned from what Bruce Ivins wrought. The nation’s security depends on it."
No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren’t Heroes
The former FBI directors have acceded to numerous wrongful abuses of power in the post-9/11 era.

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

This is an interesting article- I find it kind of fascinating that you provided a rather liberal opinion on why Mueller 'is not a hero'

About how after 9/11 she believed that Mueller helped Bush and Cheney conceal the lack of WMD in Iraq- hey didn't Trump just hire Bolton who helped push that theory too?

And that Mueller detained lots of foreign nationals when in her opinion- he shouldn't have.

Then of course there are other opinions of Mueller post 9/11
How Robert Mueller hunted terrorists after 9/11 hints at special-counsel investigation approach
The 73-year-old special counsel is a stern taskmaster, setting an example for long hours, sustained focus and high standards that few of his colleagues have been able to match.

“Mueller went through five chiefs of staff in his first four years [as FBI director], and his special assistants rarely lasted more than a year,” Graff wrote. “It wasn’t that he was cruel to his staff -- just relentless and demanding.”

He had “the energy of the sun,” said one FBI manager.

James Comey, Mueller’s successor as FBI director and whose firing by Trump led to Mueller’s special-counsel appointment, offered a similar analogy. “He drives at such speed that he can burn up people around him,” Comey said. “Some people burn people up because they’re a--holes. Bob burns them up by sheer exertion.”

Added Lisa Monaco, one of Mueller’s chiefs of staff at the FBI: “He’s got one speed, and it’s pretty relentless.”
No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren’t Heroes
The former FBI directors have acceded to numerous wrongful abuses of power in the post-9/11 era.

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

This is an interesting article- I find it kind of fascinating that you provided a rather liberal opinion on why Mueller 'is not a hero'

About how after 9/11 she believed that Mueller helped Bush and Cheney conceal the lack of WMD in Iraq- hey didn't Trump just hire Bolton who helped push that theory too?

And that Mueller detained lots of foreign nationals when in her opinion- he shouldn't have.

Then of course there are other opinions of Mueller post 9/11
How Robert Mueller hunted terrorists after 9/11 hints at special-counsel investigation approach
The 73-year-old special counsel is a stern taskmaster, setting an example for long hours, sustained focus and high standards that few of his colleagues have been able to match.

“Mueller went through five chiefs of staff in his first four years [as FBI director], and his special assistants rarely lasted more than a year,” Graff wrote. “It wasn’t that he was cruel to his staff -- just relentless and demanding.”

He had “the energy of the sun,” said one FBI manager.

James Comey, Mueller’s successor as FBI director and whose firing by Trump led to Mueller’s special-counsel appointment, offered a similar analogy. “He drives at such speed that he can burn up people around him,” Comey said. “Some people burn people up because they’re a--holes. Bob burns them up by sheer exertion.”

Added Lisa Monaco, one of Mueller’s chiefs of staff at the FBI: “He’s got one speed, and it’s pretty relentless.”

Yeah, his helping bush and cheney seems kind of like a political position to me. How about you? Kind of belies the claim he ain't political don't you think?
Oh lord... that shit only came out AFTER he was appointed to run THIS investigation. Use a little bit of logic and I'm sure you can figure out why.

Try again. The people of Boston know what sort of asshole this clown is. It was reported at the time. The 101 million dollar settlement story is from 2007. Who was POTUS then?

Look at the date on your articles.

I did, the two recent ones are from PROGRESSIVE sites, the Huffpo ain't a right wing group. And the CBS story is from 2007, or don't you know how to read?

I don't care what sites they are from. Actions speak louder than words... and Mueller only became a pariah when he was appointed to take Trump down a notch.

Indeed they do. mueller and comey RAILROADED four INNOCENT men for crimes they didn't commit. THEIR ILLEGAL actions caused the US taxpayer to have to pay out 101 MILLION FUCKING dollars you asshat. Actions DO speak louder than words and their actions were fucking atrocious! The fact that you IGNORE well known evidence that they are scumbags speaks a whole lot about the sort of scumbag that YOU are. We already KNOW what sort of scumbags these two assholes are.

How in the hell do you know they didn't commit them? Are you part of the Mueller team?

What a ignorant comment to make. Not to mention how many people have plead out in order to cooperate now? 3? 4?
Oh lord... that shit only came out AFTER he was appointed to run THIS investigation. Use a little bit of logic and I'm sure you can figure out why.

Try again. The people of Boston know what sort of asshole this clown is. It was reported at the time. The 101 million dollar settlement story is from 2007. Who was POTUS then?

Look at the date on your articles.

I did, the two recent ones are from PROGRESSIVE sites, the Huffpo ain't a right wing group. And the CBS story is from 2007, or don't you know how to read?

I don't care what sites they are from. Actions speak louder than words... and Mueller only became a pariah when he was appointed to take Trump down a notch.

Indeed they do. mueller and comey RAILROADED four INNOCENT men for crimes they didn't commit. THEIR ILLEGAL actions caused the US taxpayer to have to pay out 101 MILLION FUCKING dollars you asshat. Actions DO speak louder than words and their actions were fucking atrocious! The fact that you IGNORE well known evidence that they are scumbags speaks a whole lot about the sort of scumbag that YOU are. We already KNOW what sort of scumbags these two assholes are.

Oh, and how many dollars were WASTED by the government trying to indict Hillary and couldn't? How fucking horrible is that? And they want to go back and spend MORE money to investigate her again... The fucking Conservatives couldn't convict a rat for eating cheese.

And the personal attack? You douchebag say you are an old school liberal... you aren't even close to a liberal. You're a conservative in sheep's clothing... and ad dumb one at that.
Try again. The people of Boston know what sort of asshole this clown is. It was reported at the time. The 101 million dollar settlement story is from 2007. Who was POTUS then?

Look at the date on your articles.

I did, the two recent ones are from PROGRESSIVE sites, the Huffpo ain't a right wing group. And the CBS story is from 2007, or don't you know how to read?

I don't care what sites they are from. Actions speak louder than words... and Mueller only became a pariah when he was appointed to take Trump down a notch.

Indeed they do. mueller and comey RAILROADED four INNOCENT men for crimes they didn't commit. THEIR ILLEGAL actions caused the US taxpayer to have to pay out 101 MILLION FUCKING dollars you asshat. Actions DO speak louder than words and their actions were fucking atrocious! The fact that you IGNORE well known evidence that they are scumbags speaks a whole lot about the sort of scumbag that YOU are. We already KNOW what sort of scumbags these two assholes are.

Oh, and how many dollars were WASTED by the government trying to indict Hillary and couldn't? How fucking horrible is that? And they want to go back and spend MORE money to investigate her again... The fucking Conservatives couldn't convict a rat for eating cheese.

And the personal attack? You douchebag say you are an old school liberal... you aren't even close to a liberal. You're a conservative in sheep's clothing... and ad dumb one at that.

Let me know when any of those investigators ILLEGALLY convicted anyone. Is that such a hard concept for a twerp like you to understand? Remember the old cannard that it is better for a guilty party to go free than for an innocent man to be convicted? Huh, do you remember that? These assholes didn't just convict an innocent person, they RAILROADED them you fucking half wit.

It is thanks to braindead assholes, like you, that scum like this can thrive.

Wake the hell up.
Look at the date on your articles.

I did, the two recent ones are from PROGRESSIVE sites, the Huffpo ain't a right wing group. And the CBS story is from 2007, or don't you know how to read?

I don't care what sites they are from. Actions speak louder than words... and Mueller only became a pariah when he was appointed to take Trump down a notch.

Indeed they do. mueller and comey RAILROADED four INNOCENT men for crimes they didn't commit. THEIR ILLEGAL actions caused the US taxpayer to have to pay out 101 MILLION FUCKING dollars you asshat. Actions DO speak louder than words and their actions were fucking atrocious! The fact that you IGNORE well known evidence that they are scumbags speaks a whole lot about the sort of scumbag that YOU are. We already KNOW what sort of scumbags these two assholes are.

Oh, and how many dollars were WASTED by the government trying to indict Hillary and couldn't? How fucking horrible is that? And they want to go back and spend MORE money to investigate her again... The fucking Conservatives couldn't convict a rat for eating cheese.

And the personal attack? You douchebag say you are an old school liberal... you aren't even close to a liberal. You're a conservative in sheep's clothing... and ad dumb one at that.

Let me know when any of those investigators ILLEGALLY convicted anyone. Is that such a hard concept for a twerp like you to understand? Remember the old cannard that it is better for a guilty party to go free than for an innocent man to be convicted? Huh, do you remember that? These assholes didn't just convict an innocent person, they RAILROADED them you fucking half wit.

It is thanks to braindead assholes, like you, that scum like this can thrive.

Wake the hell up.

You said Russia didn't hack the DNC... Now we know not only did they do it, but the U.S. hacked them back and hacked into their cameras and WATCHED them do it. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
Try again. The people of Boston know what sort of asshole this clown is. It was reported at the time. The 101 million dollar settlement story is from 2007. Who was POTUS then?

Look at the date on your articles.

I did, the two recent ones are from PROGRESSIVE sites, the Huffpo ain't a right wing group. And the CBS story is from 2007, or don't you know how to read?

I don't care what sites they are from. Actions speak louder than words... and Mueller only became a pariah when he was appointed to take Trump down a notch.

Indeed they do. mueller and comey RAILROADED four INNOCENT men for crimes they didn't commit. THEIR ILLEGAL actions caused the US taxpayer to have to pay out 101 MILLION FUCKING dollars you asshat. Actions DO speak louder than words and their actions were fucking atrocious! The fact that you IGNORE well known evidence that they are scumbags speaks a whole lot about the sort of scumbag that YOU are. We already KNOW what sort of scumbags these two assholes are.

How in the hell do you know they didn't commit them? Are you part of the Mueller team?

What a ignorant comment to make. Not to mention how many people have plead out in order to cooperate now? 3? 4?

I would guess because they were EXONERATED! Look up the term dipshit. Then,we the people were ORDERED to pay the survivors 101 MILLION fucking dollars, you ignorant twat. Before you make an abject fool out of yourself, yet again, I suggest you do some research on the scumbags you are supporting.
Look at the date on your articles.

I did, the two recent ones are from PROGRESSIVE sites, the Huffpo ain't a right wing group. And the CBS story is from 2007, or don't you know how to read?

I don't care what sites they are from. Actions speak louder than words... and Mueller only became a pariah when he was appointed to take Trump down a notch.

Indeed they do. mueller and comey RAILROADED four INNOCENT men for crimes they didn't commit. THEIR ILLEGAL actions caused the US taxpayer to have to pay out 101 MILLION FUCKING dollars you asshat. Actions DO speak louder than words and their actions were fucking atrocious! The fact that you IGNORE well known evidence that they are scumbags speaks a whole lot about the sort of scumbag that YOU are. We already KNOW what sort of scumbags these two assholes are.

How in the hell do you know they didn't commit them? Are you part of the Mueller team?

What a ignorant comment to make. Not to mention how many people have plead out in order to cooperate now? 3? 4?

I would guess because they were EXONERATED! Look up the term dipshit. Then,we the people were ORDERED to pay the survivors 101 MILLION fucking dollars, you ignorant twat. Before you make an abject fool out of yourself, yet again, I suggest you do some research on the scumbags you are supporting.

Are we talking about Flynn or someone else? Flynn is the topic of this thread... and he has plead guilty and hasn't been exonerated. When you are in law enforcement for as long as Mueller has been, eventually someone over a very long career is going to be found to have been wrongly convicted. That's part of the process.

I think all the flying up in thin air has given you brain damage.
I did, the two recent ones are from PROGRESSIVE sites, the Huffpo ain't a right wing group. And the CBS story is from 2007, or don't you know how to read?

I don't care what sites they are from. Actions speak louder than words... and Mueller only became a pariah when he was appointed to take Trump down a notch.

Indeed they do. mueller and comey RAILROADED four INNOCENT men for crimes they didn't commit. THEIR ILLEGAL actions caused the US taxpayer to have to pay out 101 MILLION FUCKING dollars you asshat. Actions DO speak louder than words and their actions were fucking atrocious! The fact that you IGNORE well known evidence that they are scumbags speaks a whole lot about the sort of scumbag that YOU are. We already KNOW what sort of scumbags these two assholes are.

How in the hell do you know they didn't commit them? Are you part of the Mueller team?

What a ignorant comment to make. Not to mention how many people have plead out in order to cooperate now? 3? 4?

I would guess because they were EXONERATED! Look up the term dipshit. Then,we the people were ORDERED to pay the survivors 101 MILLION fucking dollars, you ignorant twat. Before you make an abject fool out of yourself, yet again, I suggest you do some research on the scumbags you are supporting.

Are we talking about Flynn or someone else? Flynn is the topic of this thread... and he has plead guilty and hasn't been exonerated. When you are in law enforcement for as long as Mueller has been, eventually someone over a very long career is going to be found to have been wrongly convicted. That's part of the process.

I think all the flying up in thin air has given you brain damage.

There is a difference between accidentally convicting someone and what mueller did, which is to KNOWINGLY convict innocent people.
No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren’t Heroes
The former FBI directors have acceded to numerous wrongful abuses of power in the post-9/11 era.

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

This is an interesting article- I find it kind of fascinating that you provided a rather liberal opinion on why Mueller 'is not a hero'

About how after 9/11 she believed that Mueller helped Bush and Cheney conceal the lack of WMD in Iraq- hey didn't Trump just hire Bolton who helped push that theory too?

And that Mueller detained lots of foreign nationals when in her opinion- he shouldn't have.

Then of course there are other opinions of Mueller post 9/11
How Robert Mueller hunted terrorists after 9/11 hints at special-counsel investigation approach
The 73-year-old special counsel is a stern taskmaster, setting an example for long hours, sustained focus and high standards that few of his colleagues have been able to match.

“Mueller went through five chiefs of staff in his first four years [as FBI director], and his special assistants rarely lasted more than a year,” Graff wrote. “It wasn’t that he was cruel to his staff -- just relentless and demanding.”

He had “the energy of the sun,” said one FBI manager.

James Comey, Mueller’s successor as FBI director and whose firing by Trump led to Mueller’s special-counsel appointment, offered a similar analogy. “He drives at such speed that he can burn up people around him,” Comey said. “Some people burn people up because they’re a--holes. Bob burns them up by sheer exertion.”

Added Lisa Monaco, one of Mueller’s chiefs of staff at the FBI: “He’s got one speed, and it’s pretty relentless.”
. He sounds like Trump in work ethic... Maybe that's why he doesn't like Trump, they are to much alike... LOL.
Dude! Flynn pled Guilty because it was to his advantage. Multiple charges that could have been filed against Flynn and his son were not filed due to the Plea Agreement. Dick Morris is blowing warm air up the collective Trumpkin skirt.
Judge Emmitt Sullivan has ordered Mueller to turn over any material that might be helpful to the former National Security Advisor. If he finds Flynn did not have sufficient evidence to defend himself, the judge may overturn the conviction and let him go free.

But, will Flynn be able to get back his life along with all the $$$ her had to spend defending himself?

More of this @ Dick Morris: Big Blow to Mueller -- Flynn May Walk

This is the funniest thing I've seen in the past week. Judge Sullivan may "demand" anything he'd like and those "demands" will be promptly ignored by Mr. Mueller.

As for Dick Morris? LoLz even more - been awhile since we've heard from him. Whadda clown! :)

The 7 Worst Predictions Of Dick Morris — Who Was Just Let Go By Fox News

Judge Emmitt Sullivan has ordered Mueller to turn over any material that might be helpful to the former National Security Advisor. If he finds Flynn did not have sufficient evidence to defend himself, the judge may overturn the conviction and let him go free.

But, will Flynn be able to get back his life along with all the $$$ her had to spend defending himself?

More of this @ Dick Morris: Big Blow to Mueller -- Flynn May Walk

This is the funniest thing I've seen in the past week. Judge Sullivan may "demand" anything he'd like and those "demands" will be promptly ignored by Mr. Mueller.

As for Dick Morris? LoLz even more - been awhile since we've heard from him. Whadda clown! :)

The 7 Worst Predictions Of Dick Morris — Who Was Just Let Go By Fox News


Brady material refers to both guilt and innocence - exculpatory or impeaching evidence. For all Morris knows, the judge may be wanting to see if the recommended sentence is too lenient.
Too late. Flynn has already pleaded guilty.

Perhaps right wingers don't understand the meaning of the word "Guilty"?
Perhaps you don't understand the meaning of exculpatory evidence or the withholding of it. Flynn pleaded guilty because he was going broke. Had his lawyers had the withheld evidence, he might have won the case.

That and the prosecutors were threatening his son.

LoL - Chip off the old block that one - Part of the agreement with Mueller fairly certain is to leave the little butthole alone.

Brady material refers to both guilt and innocence - exculpatory or impeaching evidence. For all Morris knows, the judge may be wanting to see if the recommended sentence is too lenient.

Morris is certifiable - Amazing that anyone would take a thing he says seriously at this point.

When Trump is the source of truth and Ted Nugent is the arbiter of souls, Dick Morris fits right in.

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