Gender confusion in children on the rise


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Number of Gender-Confused Children on the Rise — Women of Grace

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
What should come as no surprise to anyone, the new politically correct campaign for transgender rights has resulted in introducing so many more children to the concept of gender fluidity that the UK is now reporting a 1000 percent increase in cases of “gender confusion.”

Charisma News is reporting on statistics recently released by the National Health Service’s (NHS) Gender Identity Disorder Service, thanks to a freedom of information request by a media outlet, which reportedly treated 1,013 children between April and December of 2015. In 2010, just 97 cases were recorded.
Rather than asking the logical question about whether or not increased focus on the latest cause celebre might actually be introducing the idea to children, the NHS is bowing to the gods of political correctness and is busily gearing up to provide hormone-blocking treatments at additional facilities.
This is in spite of numerous studies suggesting that feelings of gender confusion in young children are often temporary.
For instance, Dr. Paul McHugh, the former psychiatrist in chief at the prestigious Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore tracked children experiencing gender confusion at Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic and found that 70 to 80 percent “spontaneously lost those feelings” as they grew.
Activist groups continue to disregard science and reason and are pushing the issue full steam. For example, one national “gender identity” activist group named Mermaids is gleefully claiming that up to 80 primary school age children a year are expressing a desire to “change” their gender.
Not everyone sees this as good news.
Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian Concern, says children experiencing gender confusion should be treated with respect – but according to God’s design and sound science.
“When children express confusion like this, we need to be affirming their God-given identity and helping them to understand their birth gender. It is clear from this group’s comments that many children are simply following the lead of others, without truly understanding the implications,” Williams said.
“If we allow this trend to grow unchecked, we could see many children making decisions they could regret later on.”
She’s not the only one warning that we might be manufacturing our own problems.
In this article by Margaret Wente, she interviewed Dr. Ken Zucker, one of the world’s foremost authorities on gender identity issues in children and adolescents who heads the Gender Identity Service at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto.
Zucker, who has worked with hundreds of confused children, was asked why he believes there are so many more cases of gender disorder today than there were even 10 years ago.
“The No. 1 factor is the Internet,” he said. “If you’re struggling to find out where you fit, the Internet is filled with things about gender dysphoria.”
Another member of his team, Dr. Hayley Wood, said that when she asks children where they first learned about gender dysphoria, some will say things like, “Me and mom watched Oprah.”
Wente also spoke with Alice Dreger, a bioethicist and professor at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago and a strong supporter of transgender rights, who thinks the pendulum has swung much too far in the wrong direction.
Dreger blames the dramatic change in social norms and political correctness for the increase in gender dysphoria cases. It’s now fashionable to embrace a “diverse” child. she says, and parents who do so “are socially rewarded as wonderful and accepting.” But parents who take a more cautious approach are labeled as “unaccepting” or “conservative.”
Dreger is also highly critical of what she calls the “hasty clinics” springing up everywhere which are only too happy to help a kid transition right away.
Wentz rightly concludes: “It’s a mark of social progress that we are increasingly willing to accept people on their terms, for who they are. But maybe we’re manufacturing more problems than we’re solving. If we really want to help people, we should remember the old rule: First, do no harm.”
What a load of reactionary garbage. There are no clinics that help children ‘transition right away’; the process is strictly regulated and nothing permanent is legal until a child reaches the legal age of majority. Puberty blockers are reversible and nothing surgical is allowed before legal adulthood. Further, many countries are moving toward making illegal gender assignment surgeries at birth or in early childhood for children born with atypical sexual organs.

There is still a far greater danger to trans kids of being ignored or vilified than there is of being wrongly encouraged to think they are trans when they’re not. The majority of kids who experience gender confusion will still get through it just as they have in the past, except now they’ll likely get far more parental and psychological support than ever before. How horrible that will be!
How on earth are children to decide what gender they are when they are not even old enough to engage in sex?

I think I understand the issue. The underlying issue for the Left is population control. They are obsessed with over population, which is reflected in all their policies and political causes such as abortion

So the more males that think they are female, and vice versa, the less kids everyone will have.
What a load of reactionary garbage. There are no clinics that help children ‘transition right away’; the process is strictly regulated and nothing permanent is legal until a child reaches the legal age of majority. Puberty blockers are reversible and nothing surgical is allowed before legal adulthood. Further, many countries are moving toward making illegal gender assignment surgeries at birth or in early childhood for children born with atypical sexual organs.

There is still a far greater danger to trans kids of being ignored or vilified than there is of being wrongly encouraged to think they are trans when they’re not. The majority of kids who experience gender confusion will still get through it just as they have in the past, except now they’ll likely get far more parental and psychological support than ever before. How horrible that will be!

The facts are that children are more confused than ever about their gender. Why?

Here is another study.

Study: More Than 25% of California Kids are 'Gender Nonconforming'

For those wondering whether the gender insanity preached in government schools across America was having an effect, we seem to have an answer — and it's not pretty. According to a study by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, more than 25 percent of children aged 12 to 17 in that state are viewed as “gender nonconforming” at school. And the numbers are likely to keep rising.

The findings, based on surveys of almost 1,600 youth in California, divided students into three categories: gender conforming, highly gender nonconforming, and “androgynous” for children who were neither masculine nor feminine. Of those, just 1,200 were identified as “gender conforming,” while the rest fell in the other two categories.

California, of course, has been leading the nation in forcing the LGBT agenda on children in government schools. Indeed, even history textbooks for young children in California now must peddle the indoctrination or face a statewide ban.

Gender nonconforming youth “were significantly more likely to report severe pscyhological distress in the past year compared to gender conforming youth,” the authors wrote. They also noted that “estimates of suicidality among androgynous youth in this study were nearly twice that of gender conforming youth.”

However, instead of realizing that the gender ideology they preach is harming children's mental wellbeing, the extremist authors argued that more indoctrination of the rest of the population was needed. That way, those confused about their gender may feel better about themselves.

“The data show that more than one in four California youth express their gender in ways that go against the dominant stereotypes,” said lead study author Bianca Wilson of the UCLA School of Law's “Williams Institute,” a self-described “think tank on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy.”

“However, the heightened psychological distress we see among gender nonconforming youth indicates that we must continue to educate parents, schools and communities on the mental health needs of these young people and reduce known risk factors, such as bullying and bias,” Wilson added.

In other words, gender confusion needs to be normalized through government propaganda and “education.”

Data from outside of the United States confirms that the government promotion and normalization of gender confusion begets more gender confusion. According to child psychiatrist Louise Frisén at the state-run Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, the number of children claiming to be “transgender” is doubling every year in Sweden — a nation where schools and government-run media promote gender confusion so vigorously they make California look almost reasonable.

“There’s a 100 percent increase in numbers each year, and the people we’re seeing are younger and younger and more and more children are coming at very young ages,” said Frisen. “The increase is identical on the adult side of things, too.”

In response to the explosion, rather than ease up on the government's campaign to promote gender confusion in the media and education, authorities responded by promising more support for “gender identity clinics.” “It is totally unacceptable that there are deficiencies in care for transgender people at every stage of treatment,” said Swedish “Health Minister” Gabriel Wikström, vowing reduced wait times for people seeking “sex change” surgery.

Of course, real doctors have long warned against encouraging children to impersonate the opposite sex or even mutilate their genitals in a doomed quest to look like another gender. “To indoctrinate all children from preschool forward with the lie that they could be trapped in the wrong body disrupts the very foundation of a child’s reality testing,” explained Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians.

It is also “child abuse,” she said. “If a child can’t trust the reality of their physical bodies, who or what can they trust? Transgender ideology in schools is psychological abuse that often leads to chemical castration, sterilization and surgical mutilation,” Cretella added. “If that’s not child abuse, ladies and gentleman, what is?”

The establishment narrative claiming that children are born “transgender” or homosexual is clearly false. Instead, it appears increasingly likely that gender confusion is a result of some combination of indoctrination, mental health issues, and mankind's sinful nature. Either way, it is clear that government schools are contributing to an epidemic of gender confusion that is ruining lives.
What a load of reactionary garbage. There are no clinics that help children ‘transition right away’; the process is strictly regulated and nothing permanent is legal until a child reaches the legal age of majority. Puberty blockers are reversible and nothing surgical is allowed before legal adulthood. Further, many countries are moving toward making illegal gender assignment surgeries at birth or in early childhood for children born with atypical sexual organs.

There is still a far greater danger to trans kids of being ignored or vilified than there is of being wrongly encouraged to think they are trans when they’re not. The majority of kids who experience gender confusion will still get through it just as they have in the past, except now they’ll likely get far more parental and psychological support than ever before. How horrible that will be!

The facts are that children are more confused than ever about their gender. Why?

Here is another study.

Study: More Than 25% of California Kids are 'Gender Nonconforming'

For those wondering whether the gender insanity preached in government schools across America was having an effect, we seem to have an answer — and it's not pretty. According to a study by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, more than 25 percent of children aged 12 to 17 in that state are viewed as “gender nonconforming” at school. And the numbers are likely to keep rising.

The findings, based on surveys of almost 1,600 youth in California, divided students into three categories: gender conforming, highly gender nonconforming, and “androgynous” for children who were neither masculine nor feminine. Of those, just 1,200 were identified as “gender conforming,” while the rest fell in the other two categories.

California, of course, has been leading the nation in forcing the LGBT agenda on children in government schools. Indeed, even history textbooks for young children in California now must peddle the indoctrination or face a statewide ban.

Gender nonconforming youth “were significantly more likely to report severe pscyhological distress in the past year compared to gender conforming youth,” the authors wrote. They also noted that “estimates of suicidality among androgynous youth in this study were nearly twice that of gender conforming youth.”

However, instead of realizing that the gender ideology they preach is harming children's mental wellbeing, the extremist authors argued that more indoctrination of the rest of the population was needed. That way, those confused about their gender may feel better about themselves.

“The data show that more than one in four California youth express their gender in ways that go against the dominant stereotypes,” said lead study author Bianca Wilson of the UCLA School of Law's “Williams Institute,” a self-described “think tank on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy.”

“However, the heightened psychological distress we see among gender nonconforming youth indicates that we must continue to educate parents, schools and communities on the mental health needs of these young people and reduce known risk factors, such as bullying and bias,” Wilson added.

In other words, gender confusion needs to be normalized through government propaganda and “education.”

Data from outside of the United States confirms that the government promotion and normalization of gender confusion begets more gender confusion. According to child psychiatrist Louise Frisén at the state-run Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, the number of children claiming to be “transgender” is doubling every year in Sweden — a nation where schools and government-run media promote gender confusion so vigorously they make California look almost reasonable.

“There’s a 100 percent increase in numbers each year, and the people we’re seeing are younger and younger and more and more children are coming at very young ages,” said Frisen. “The increase is identical on the adult side of things, too.”

In response to the explosion, rather than ease up on the government's campaign to promote gender confusion in the media and education, authorities responded by promising more support for “gender identity clinics.” “It is totally unacceptable that there are deficiencies in care for transgender people at every stage of treatment,” said Swedish “Health Minister” Gabriel Wikström, vowing reduced wait times for people seeking “sex change” surgery.

Of course, real doctors have long warned against encouraging children to impersonate the opposite sex or even mutilate their genitals in a doomed quest to look like another gender. “To indoctrinate all children from preschool forward with the lie that they could be trapped in the wrong body disrupts the very foundation of a child’s reality testing,” explained Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians.

It is also “child abuse,” she said. “If a child can’t trust the reality of their physical bodies, who or what can they trust? Transgender ideology in schools is psychological abuse that often leads to chemical castration, sterilization and surgical mutilation,” Cretella added. “If that’s not child abuse, ladies and gentleman, what is?”

The establishment narrative claiming that children are born “transgender” or homosexual is clearly false. Instead, it appears increasingly likely that gender confusion is a result of some combination of indoctrination, mental health issues, and mankind's sinful nature. Either way, it is clear that government schools are contributing to an epidemic of gender confusion that is ruining lives.
Because they are taught to question it....ergo the vulnerable are preyed on to advance dogma
What a load of reactionary garbage. There are no clinics that help children ‘transition right away’; the process is strictly regulated and nothing permanent is legal until a child reaches the legal age of majority. Puberty blockers are reversible and nothing surgical is allowed before legal adulthood. Further, many countries are moving toward making illegal gender assignment surgeries at birth or in early childhood for children born with atypical sexual organs.

There is still a far greater danger to trans kids of being ignored or vilified than there is of being wrongly encouraged to think they are trans when they’re not. The majority of kids who experience gender confusion will still get through it just as they have in the past, except now they’ll likely get far more parental and psychological support than ever before. How horrible that will be!

The facts are that children are more confused than ever about their gender. Why?

Here is another study.

Study: More Than 25% of California Kids are 'Gender Nonconforming'

For those wondering whether the gender insanity preached in government schools across America was having an effect, we seem to have an answer — and it's not pretty. According to a study by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, more than 25 percent of children aged 12 to 17 in that state are viewed as “gender nonconforming” at school. And the numbers are likely to keep rising.

The findings, based on surveys of almost 1,600 youth in California, divided students into three categories: gender conforming, highly gender nonconforming, and “androgynous” for children who were neither masculine nor feminine. Of those, just 1,200 were identified as “gender conforming,” while the rest fell in the other two categories.

California, of course, has been leading the nation in forcing the LGBT agenda on children in government schools. Indeed, even history textbooks for young children in California now must peddle the indoctrination or face a statewide ban.

Gender nonconforming youth “were significantly more likely to report severe pscyhological distress in the past year compared to gender conforming youth,” the authors wrote. They also noted that “estimates of suicidality among androgynous youth in this study were nearly twice that of gender conforming youth.”

However, instead of realizing that the gender ideology they preach is harming children's mental wellbeing, the extremist authors argued that more indoctrination of the rest of the population was needed. That way, those confused about their gender may feel better about themselves.

“The data show that more than one in four California youth express their gender in ways that go against the dominant stereotypes,” said lead study author Bianca Wilson of the UCLA School of Law's “Williams Institute,” a self-described “think tank on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy.”

“However, the heightened psychological distress we see among gender nonconforming youth indicates that we must continue to educate parents, schools and communities on the mental health needs of these young people and reduce known risk factors, such as bullying and bias,” Wilson added.

In other words, gender confusion needs to be normalized through government propaganda and “education.”

Data from outside of the United States confirms that the government promotion and normalization of gender confusion begets more gender confusion. According to child psychiatrist Louise Frisén at the state-run Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, the number of children claiming to be “transgender” is doubling every year in Sweden — a nation where schools and government-run media promote gender confusion so vigorously they make California look almost reasonable.

“There’s a 100 percent increase in numbers each year, and the people we’re seeing are younger and younger and more and more children are coming at very young ages,” said Frisen. “The increase is identical on the adult side of things, too.”

In response to the explosion, rather than ease up on the government's campaign to promote gender confusion in the media and education, authorities responded by promising more support for “gender identity clinics.” “It is totally unacceptable that there are deficiencies in care for transgender people at every stage of treatment,” said Swedish “Health Minister” Gabriel Wikström, vowing reduced wait times for people seeking “sex change” surgery.

Of course, real doctors have long warned against encouraging children to impersonate the opposite sex or even mutilate their genitals in a doomed quest to look like another gender. “To indoctrinate all children from preschool forward with the lie that they could be trapped in the wrong body disrupts the very foundation of a child’s reality testing,” explained Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians.

It is also “child abuse,” she said. “If a child can’t trust the reality of their physical bodies, who or what can they trust? Transgender ideology in schools is psychological abuse that often leads to chemical castration, sterilization and surgical mutilation,” Cretella added. “If that’s not child abuse, ladies and gentleman, what is?”

The establishment narrative claiming that children are born “transgender” or homosexual is clearly false. Instead, it appears increasingly likely that gender confusion is a result of some combination of indoctrination, mental health issues, and mankind's sinful nature. Either way, it is clear that government schools are contributing to an epidemic of gender confusion that is ruining lives.
Mankind’s sinful nature? You are a loon.
What a load of reactionary garbage. There are no clinics that help children ‘transition right away’; the process is strictly regulated and nothing permanent is legal until a child reaches the legal age of majority. Puberty blockers are reversible and nothing surgical is allowed before legal adulthood. Further, many countries are moving toward making illegal gender assignment surgeries at birth or in early childhood for children born with atypical sexual organs.

There is still a far greater danger to trans kids of being ignored or vilified than there is of being wrongly encouraged to think they are trans when they’re not. The majority of kids who experience gender confusion will still get through it just as they have in the past, except now they’ll likely get far more parental and psychological support than ever before. How horrible that will be!

The facts are that children are more confused than ever about their gender. Why?

Here is another study.

Study: More Than 25% of California Kids are 'Gender Nonconforming'

For those wondering whether the gender insanity preached in government schools across America was having an effect, we seem to have an answer — and it's not pretty. According to a study by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, more than 25 percent of children aged 12 to 17 in that state are viewed as “gender nonconforming” at school. And the numbers are likely to keep rising.

The findings, based on surveys of almost 1,600 youth in California, divided students into three categories: gender conforming, highly gender nonconforming, and “androgynous” for children who were neither masculine nor feminine. Of those, just 1,200 were identified as “gender conforming,” while the rest fell in the other two categories.

California, of course, has been leading the nation in forcing the LGBT agenda on children in government schools. Indeed, even history textbooks for young children in California now must peddle the indoctrination or face a statewide ban.

Gender nonconforming youth “were significantly more likely to report severe pscyhological distress in the past year compared to gender conforming youth,” the authors wrote. They also noted that “estimates of suicidality among androgynous youth in this study were nearly twice that of gender conforming youth.”

However, instead of realizing that the gender ideology they preach is harming children's mental wellbeing, the extremist authors argued that more indoctrination of the rest of the population was needed. That way, those confused about their gender may feel better about themselves.

“The data show that more than one in four California youth express their gender in ways that go against the dominant stereotypes,” said lead study author Bianca Wilson of the UCLA School of Law's “Williams Institute,” a self-described “think tank on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy.”

“However, the heightened psychological distress we see among gender nonconforming youth indicates that we must continue to educate parents, schools and communities on the mental health needs of these young people and reduce known risk factors, such as bullying and bias,” Wilson added.

In other words, gender confusion needs to be normalized through government propaganda and “education.”

Data from outside of the United States confirms that the government promotion and normalization of gender confusion begets more gender confusion. According to child psychiatrist Louise Frisén at the state-run Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, the number of children claiming to be “transgender” is doubling every year in Sweden — a nation where schools and government-run media promote gender confusion so vigorously they make California look almost reasonable.

“There’s a 100 percent increase in numbers each year, and the people we’re seeing are younger and younger and more and more children are coming at very young ages,” said Frisen. “The increase is identical on the adult side of things, too.”

In response to the explosion, rather than ease up on the government's campaign to promote gender confusion in the media and education, authorities responded by promising more support for “gender identity clinics.” “It is totally unacceptable that there are deficiencies in care for transgender people at every stage of treatment,” said Swedish “Health Minister” Gabriel Wikström, vowing reduced wait times for people seeking “sex change” surgery.

Of course, real doctors have long warned against encouraging children to impersonate the opposite sex or even mutilate their genitals in a doomed quest to look like another gender. “To indoctrinate all children from preschool forward with the lie that they could be trapped in the wrong body disrupts the very foundation of a child’s reality testing,” explained Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians.

It is also “child abuse,” she said. “If a child can’t trust the reality of their physical bodies, who or what can they trust? Transgender ideology in schools is psychological abuse that often leads to chemical castration, sterilization and surgical mutilation,” Cretella added. “If that’s not child abuse, ladies and gentleman, what is?”

The establishment narrative claiming that children are born “transgender” or homosexual is clearly false. Instead, it appears increasingly likely that gender confusion is a result of some combination of indoctrination, mental health issues, and mankind's sinful nature. Either way, it is clear that government schools are contributing to an epidemic of gender confusion that is ruining lives.
Mankind’s sinful nature? You are a loon.

Man's sinful nature has skyrocketed the rate of gender confusion among children?

What in the hell are you talking about?
Children are mostly targeted and then browbeaten into believing they are transgendered. Yes. It is horrible.

Well the alphabet people have taken over the fields of psychology/psychiatry since their training now involves embracing these types of gender transformations. Now if you want to practice in either of these fields, you must become a left wing cook. Anyone else is a bigot or unenlightened and anti-science.

And the schools will be the same. Parents, if you want to escape this you must get your children out of public schools yesterday!
To knowingly teach the little ones to sin, would be that the teacher would then take a huge rock, and place it around his or her own neck, and then sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean for such a thing.

Depart from evil people, and seek the Lord before it's to late. The signs are growing stronger and stronger in the world.
They're confused, because goddamn mother fucking liberal adults steer them into the direction of confusion.
But that is not what you will hear from Leftists. What you will hear from Leftists is the same thing you will hear them say when confronted about climate change. They will say that it is a matter of science and it has been settled so from here on out if you question it, you are anti-science.
To knowingly teach the little ones to sin, would be that the teacher would then take a huge rock, and place it around his or her own neck, and then sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean for such a thing.

Depart from evil people, and seek the Lord before it's to late. The signs are growing stronger and stronger in the world.
Well if your children or grandchildren are attending public schools, this is what they will be taught.

And they will also be taught that socialism is our only hope, guns should be banned, and climate change will destroy us in 12 years unless Trump is defeated.

Meanwhile, they will pull them out of class to go protest guns in a heart beat.
And what does that tell you? It’s not natural. It is 1,000% society driven. And it’s driven by the disgusting deviants on the left who get off on this shit.
To knowingly teach the little ones to sin, would be that the teacher would then take a huge rock, and place it around his or her own neck, and then sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean for such a thing.

Depart from evil people, and seek the Lord before it's to late. The signs are growing stronger and stronger in the world.
Well if your children or grandchildren are attending public schools, this is what they will be taught.

And they will also be taught that socialism is our only hope, guns should be banned, and climate change will destroy us in 12 years unless Trump is defeated.

Meanwhile, they will pull them out of class to go protest guns in a heart beat.
Everything is upside down in the world anymore. The signs are stronger and stronger.
They're confused, because goddamn mother fucking liberal adults steer them into the direction of confusion.
Amen to this and its all because their only goal in life is to enhance something that doesn't even need changing in the first place. Obviously too many people have never seen the pilot episode of the Home Improvement.

Tim: "That is a man's dishwasher!" BOOM!!!

God bless you and Tim Allen always!!!

How on earth are children to decide what gender they are when they are not even old enough to engage in sex?

I think I understand the issue. The underlying issue for the Left is population control. They are obsessed with over population, which is reflected in all their policies and political causes such as abortion

So the more males that think they are female, and vice versa, the less kids everyone will have.

I think it's more sinister than that.

This movement is driven primarily by pedophilia—by a desire to engage in sexual activity involving children. The primary point of pushing intentional falsehood on children, that confuses them about sex and their own sexuality and sexual identity, is to make them easier prey for child molesters, and to generally normalize the sexual manipulation and exploitation of children, to get society as a whole to be more accepting of it.

As a society, we need to be wary of anyone who would openly defend any of this crap.
What a load of reactionary garbage. There are no clinics that help children ‘transition right away’; the process is strictly regulated and nothing permanent is legal until a child reaches the legal age of majority. Puberty blockers are reversible and nothing surgical is allowed before legal adulthood. Further, many countries are moving toward making illegal gender assignment surgeries at birth or in early childhood for children born with atypical sexual organs.

There is still a far greater danger to trans kids of being ignored or vilified than there is of being wrongly encouraged to think they are trans when they’re not. The majority of kids who experience gender confusion will still get through it just as they have in the past, except now they’ll likely get far more parental and psychological support than ever before. How horrible that will be!

When parents have a “trans” child, it's like pet owners having a “vegan” cat—every sane person knows who is really making that call.

Children do not come out as “trans” nor as any other type of degenerate sexual deviant unless evil, perverted, child-abusing adults are filling their heads with that crap. In a sane society, children would be taken away from such adults, and those adults would be permanently removed from free society, either by being put to death, or else being confined to prison for life with no possibility of parole or other release.

Mankind’s sinful nature? You are a loon.
A sick, degenerate pervert who openly defends and advocates the abusive sexual brainwashing of children is in no position to call anyone else a “loon”.
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