Geese in their Hoods

Book of Jeremiah

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Nov 3, 2012
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In this Charles Spurgeon sermon we find that the Jesuit infiltration of Protestant churches is a long reaching insidious plot that is in its final stages here in America and elsewhere. Even in Spurgeon's day he identified who the foxes of his time were and called them out! How much more so should the man of God be doing so today? Why won't the ministers of God not stand against the flood of "interfaithism" that is now being openly televised and promoted even by our own President at funerals he has attended? No God fearing Minister of Jesus Christ should be seen at such an event. Let the hirelings be cast out of the churches before the sheep are devoured by these deceivers! It is time to take a stand and pick up where Spurgeon left off. Take this truth and proclaim it. God never intended for His people to be in unity with those who deny the Doctrine of Jesus Christ. There is no unity between darkness and light. There is no unity between the Doctrine of Jesus Christ and the Doctrines of devils. We are called to expose evil, not partake in it!


N the frequent quarrels between the priests and monks of the Church of Rome, the two parties of rogues were silly enough to expose each other's villainies. On the edifices belonging to monasteries, priests were caricatured in the stonework; and on the churches built by priests, the monks and friars were held up to ridicule.

A great deal of real truth was thus brought out by their mutual recriminations. The ancient carving above is a specimen of a common caricature representing the clergy as foxes with geese in their hoods; a very admirable picture whether monks or priests were intended.

Popery, with its secret confessional and priestly interference at dying beds, is essentially a fox. Puseyism, pretending to be Protestant, and gradually bringing in all the foolery of Rome, is a deep fox indeed. Yet there are geese silly enough to be deceived by priests in this nineteenth century; and so long as the supply of such geese is kept up, the foxes will never cease to prowl.

Reader, do you believe that men like yourself have priestly power? Do you think that they can regenerate infants by sprinkling them, and turn bread and wine into the very body and blood of Jesus Christ? Do you think that a bishop can bestow the Holy Ghost, and that a parish clergyman can forgive sins ?

If so, your head can be seen in the picture peeping out from the cowl of the fox. You are the victim of crafty deceivers. Your soul will be their prey in life and in death. They cajole you with soft words, fine vestments, loud pretensions, and cunning smiles, but they will conduct you down to the chambers of death, and lead you to the gates of hell. Silly goose, may grace make thee wise!

Jesus Christ is the true Priest who can forgive all your sins; go to him at once, without the intervention of these pretenders. Make confession to him! Seek absolution from him! The Holy Ghost alone can cause you to be born again, and the grace of God alone can bring you to glory.

Avoid Puseyite and Romish foxes, for they seek to make a gain of you, and lead you not to Jesus, but to their Church and all its mummeries. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and not in these deceivers.

S&T Tract 22
Interesting story about a Roman Catholic Bishop threatening Protestants if they do not stop preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Catholics. Why was he upset? The people were being converted and leaving the Roman Catholic Institution! Glory to God!


"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Latin American Bishop Declares
‘Holy War' on Soul Winners
Issue Date: July/August 1994

Evangelical churches in Brazil have been threatened with "holy war" if all soul winning of Catholics does not stop immediately.

Bishop Sinesio Bohn, head of a new anti-evangelical movement, demands that the 13 largest Protestant churches and denominations sign a "no proselytizing" treaty.

In return, he said Catholics would agree to stop persecuting Protestants. We will declare a holy war; don't doubt it," he announced at a recent National Conference of the Bishops of Brazil. "The Catholic Church has a ponderous structure, but when we move, we'll smash anyone beneath us." When questioned later, he admitted that such a holy war would "cause a mobilization of decidedly unchristian hatred," but still insisted that such a war was unavoidable unless Protestants agree to stop all evangelism efforts in Brazil.

Evangelicals number more than 30 million of Brazil's 156 million. "Our churches are exploding here," said Caio Fabio, president of the Brazilian Evangelical Association. He described the revival as a "holy plague" because of its rapid spread.

One church, which helped Chick Publications translate Alberto into Portuguese, has planted 1,000 congregations with 750,000 members in just 15 years. Evangelicals in Latin America now exceed 50 million, up from approximately 4 million 20 years ago.

What will "holy war" mean? And what does the good bishop mean by his promise to stop "persecuting" Bible believers if they sign the treaty?

No stories are available from Brazil, but several have recently emerged from equally Roman Catholic dominated Mexico.

The Feb. 20, 1994 Denver Post reported that "an estimated 15,000 people… have been expelled, sometimes at the point of a gun, from their homes and lands because of the religion they practice….

The ‘expulsados' are evangelicals and other protestants…who were thrown out of their communities by local authorities who are Catholics."

One missionary who visited Chiapas State, was told of dozens of brutal attacks on non-Catholics.

One woman's house was torched and she was shot in the face with a shotgun when she tried to rescue her children.

She escaped through a corn field to another Christian's house who took her three hours on foot to a hospital. Her children were found later either dead in the fire or mutilated by machete blows.

When she recovered, she was forced to join a slum camp with thousands of other Christians whose homes had also been confiscated by their Roman Catholic attackers.

Even when the authorities make an effort to bring the assassins to justice, they are only given token jail sentences or none at all.

For Latin American Christians, this may be only the beginning. In his recent visits to the area, the pope admonished Roman Catholic leaders there to resist the growing "sects."

The only defense the Bible believers have against this "ponderous structure" which has vowed to "smash anyone beneath us" is to continue winning their people to Christ.

Just as China was turned to Communism by picture booklets, so can those in bondage to the Roman antichrist be loosed by the gospel truth in Chick tracts.

Almost the entire Chick tract line is already translated to Spanish and many to Portuguese, including the ones which have proven effective in winning Catholics to Christ.

The best way to help your missionaries respond to this "holy war" is with the gospel in Chick tracts.
Brazilian bishop demands stop to soulwinning or face 'Holy War'
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