Gee, maybe letting lawyers feast on our healthcare system is not such a great idea


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Amazing, never saw that coming. Suing doctors for every imagined or potentially imagined grievance actually has an effect.

Go figure

Report: Doctors Refusing to Treat Overweight Patients
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
By Susan Jones

"From the South Florida Sun-Sentinel: Fifteen obstetrics-gynecology practices out of 105 polled by the Sun Sentinel said they have set weight limits for new patients. Some of the doctors said the main reason was their exam tables or other equipment can't handle people over a certain weight, but at least six said heavy women run a higher risk of complications."

Report: Doctors Refusing to Treat Overweight Patients |
Amazing, never saw that coming. Suing doctors for every imagined or potentially imagined grievance actually has an effect.

Go figure

Report: Doctors Refusing to Treat Overweight Patients
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
By Susan Jones

"From the South Florida Sun-Sentinel: Fifteen obstetrics-gynecology practices out of 105 polled by the Sun Sentinel said they have set weight limits for new patients. Some of the doctors said the main reason was their exam tables or other equipment can't handle people over a certain weight, but at least six said heavy women run a higher risk of complications."

Report: Doctors Refusing to Treat Overweight Patients |

Well, they're right. When i decided to get gastric bypass surgery six years ago, people kept telling me, "Oh, don't do THAT! It's so DANGEROUS!" I responded with, "So are most surgeries, because by definition, they're performed on sick people." Most of the complications common with gastric bypass are caused by the fact that the patients are FAT.

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