GDP +3.9%

dear, I've not mentioned income at all so obviously that is not what I'm saying.

true, you have not mentioned declining income in America and don't want to mention 12% unemployment because the two together reveal the worst economy since the Great Depression. Do you understand now?

See why we say a liberal will be slow? Also, how odd that the liberal loves the 3.9% GDP even when most of it is going to the top 1%. This is something a normal liberal hates!!
Really? Are you an obama supporter? Yes or no
I've agreed with some of his positions and disagreed with others.

I voted for John McCain against him despite Palin being an incredibly tough pill to swallow. I was in the military, so was my Dad, and I hold McCain in the highest regard as both an honorable man and a somewhat centrist candidate.

I didn't vote in 2012 as I was out of the country at the time, but I probably would have voted for Romney. I come down fairly consistently on the fiscally conservative side.

None of this has anything to do with the fact I'm quite pleased with our nation's economic growth as measured by GDP. I'm not crediting Obama, nor am I saying it is in spite of him. It is just good news, as GDP growth tends to trickle into other things unemployment, consumer spending, etc.
yes its wonderful that it all goes to the top 1% while there are now fewer full time jobs than when Obama took office!!
Too stupid!!!

Now do you see why EdwardBaiamonte lacks the IQ to grasp reality? He believe the entire GDP increase went to the top 1%.

Now you see why the forum calls EdwardBaiamonte so slow, so very very slow.
translation: I lack the IQ to make up my mind
Do you see how EdwardBaiamonte lacks the IQ to understand others can think independently?

Now we understand why EdwardBaiamonte cannot explain the horse-cock dildo lodged so deep in his rectum. He lacks the IQ to do do.
Really? Are you an obama supporter? Yes or no
I've agreed with some of his positions and disagreed with others.

I voted for John McCain against him despite Palin being an incredibly tough pill to swallow. I was in the military, so was my Dad, and I hold McCain in the highest regard as both an honorable man and a somewhat centrist candidate.

I didn't vote in 2012 as I was out of the country at the time, but I probably would have voted for Romney. I come down fairly consistently on the fiscally conservative side.

None of this has anything to do with the fact I'm quite pleased with our nation's economic growth as measured by GDP. I'm not crediting Obama, nor am I saying it is in spite of him. It is just good news, as GDP growth tends to trickle into other things unemployment, consumer spending, etc.
You've agree with some and disagree with others? I've heard that before it was from those democrats who were running for re-election. Who in 2009 until 2011 supported everything obama did.
You saw the ass kicking those democrats got because obama said his policies were on the ballot and now try to distance yourself from him to keep from looking foolishly.
true, you have not mentioned declining income in America and don't want to mention 12% unemployment because the two together reveal the worst economy since the Great Depression. Do you understand now?
Too supid! Unemploymnent is 5.7% and only 61 year old divorced pedophiles use U-6. Do you understand now?

See why we say EdwardBaiamonte is slow? Also, how odd EdwardBaiamonte cannot sort out in his brain when attempts to pigeonhole by ideology fail him. Things that aren't repeatable, that is what people with Asperger's hate.

Do you now understand why we say EdwardBaiamonte is slow, so very slow and lacks the IQ to understand.

argumentum ad hominem from typical liberal without IQ for substance
They shot that wad back in the 90's pledges are like obama's promises. I want action, don't tell me what you'll do show me.

dear, they still all sign it as our Founders would have . What does that teach you?
They might have signed it, just like they signed the one in the 90's a pledge doesn't mean a thing it's worthless if they lied.

dear, it would be silly to lie when there is no chance to get away with the lie. Grover would primary them if they lied. Better not to sign it if it is a lie. Do you understand?

Most importantly, no Democrats sign the pledge. What does that teach you?
Buddy don't hold your breath on that pledge I trust republicans less now with this pledge. Not that I trust them less than democrats hell no. I just keep remembering the 90's pledge and what followed during the next election cycle. We don't want that to happen again.

politicians will obviously be as conservative as the voters will allow. Do you realize that if voters really wanted lower taxes politicians who wanted that would appear in the blink of an eye?
Let's just wait and see and keep the fire under their feet.
You've agree with some and disagree with others? I've heard that before it was from those democrats who were running for re-election. Who in 2009 until 2011 supported everything obama did.
You saw the ass kicking those democrats got because obama said his policies were on the ballot and now try to distance yourself from him to keep from looking foolishly.
Nope, I couldn't care less about the ass kicking anyone got I didn't even vote in the mid-terms. Why on earth would I try to distance myself from anything, I'm not running for office.

I think you way overestimate how much other people care about politics. I'm interested in the economy here, and all you can do is keep trying to steer towards politics and who supports who.
You've agree with some and disagree with others? I've heard that before it was from those democrats who were running for re-election. Who in 2009 until 2011 supported everything obama did.
You saw the ass kicking those democrats got because obama said his policies were on the ballot and now try to distance yourself from him to keep from looking foolishly.
Nope, I couldn't care less about the ass kicking anyone got I didn't even vote in the mid-terms. Why on earth would I try to distance myself from anything, I'm not running for office.

I think you way overestimate how much other people care about politics. I'm interested in the economy here, and all you can do is keep trying to steer towards politics and who supports who.
I care because our country is divided it hasn't been this divided in a very long time. Maybe you should care for a change.
The democrats are the worse choice for this country and most of the republicans are not much better.
That is great for you, get all giddy about politics and political teams all you want. But don't assume everyone else on earth is driven down partisan lines for every viewpoint in their life, or gives a shit what poltician other people support.
The Mystery Of Surging Q3 GDP Explained And Why Americans Are Suddenly $80 Billion "Poorer"

The Mystery Of Surging Q3 GDP Explained And Why Americans Are Suddenly 80 Billion Poorer Zero Hedge

It's a little long, but for people who really want to know the truth, the last line of the article is telling....

So if that "statistical" amount of money you thought you had saved in the BEA's savings.xls spreadsheet just dropped by 10%, fear not dear Americans: it was all used for a good cause: to fabricate a much stronger than expected Q3 GDP number.
dear, unemployment is 5.7% nobody uses the alternate U-6 measure

except those who created it, and those who want to understand why there are fewer full time jobs, why income is going down, and why 70% believe America in on the wrong track
The U-6 cannot help you understand why, or even if, there are more or fewer part time jobs, and tells nothing about income. It is not supposed to do any of that. All it does is tell us how much actual and potential labor is not being used to its fullest
The U-6 cannot help you understand why, or even if, there are more or fewer part time jobs,

too stupid and nliberal of course!! U6 is 12% because it includes those who are marginally attached. Get it now?? If someone works 1 hour a week (part time) he is counted as employed in the u3 numbers but not in the u6 numbers!! Get it now??
too stupid and nliberal of course!! U6 is 12% because it includes those who are marginally attached. Get it now?? If someone works 1 hour a week (part time) he is counted as employed in the u3 numbers but not in the u6 numbers!! Get it now??
too stupid and too EdwardBaiamonta of course! He changes the subject when it is pointed out he completely misunderstands his own measure. He lacks the IQ.

Do you get it now? Do you get why was say EdwardBaiamonte is so slow, so much a failure in life, and so so slow.
Getting back on subject for a second. We have not yet gotten to penalties and fines for OCare yet nor has the employer mandate kicked in. Plus great gobs of exogenous factors such as the slow down in all other continents that is building steam. Let's not pop the champagne yet.
LOL. Economy surging. Unemployment dropping. Renewables costing less then fossil fuels for energy. Looks like President Obama is doing pretty damned well. But you 'Conservatives' are doing your best to put an end to that. You want to go back to 2009, that is your idea of an ideal economy.

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