Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under vicious new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!
  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!

Sharia Law, ain't it the bomb? Do you know also that under Sharia Law, the woman has no rights and the man can walk up to her at any time and say: "We're divorced" and that's it! He throws her out in the street to marry another and there is almost no work for women in muslim countries. The woman starves. That of course assumes he doesn't catch her glancing at another man and just stone her to death! ITMT, he can treat her like a donkey and beat her for no reason at will. On the upside, before all that, you can marry a 12 year old child. And people are fighting to bring this stuff to our country? Muslims are already being allowed to marry children in this country! Believe it!
  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!

Sharia Law, ain't it the bomb? Do you know also that under Sharia Law, the woman has no rights and the man can walk up to her at any time and say: "We're divorced" and that's it! He throws her out in the street to marry another and there is almost no work for women in muslim countries. The woman starves. That of course assumes he doesn't catch her glancing at another man and just stone her to death! ITMT, he can treat her like a donkey and beat her for no reason at will. On the upside, before all that, you can marry a 12 year old child. And people are fighting to bring this stuff to our country? Muslims are already being allowed to marry children in this country! Believe it!

In the state of Oklahoma, they had a statewide referendum to outlaw Sharia Law. The ACLU actually fought against the referendum
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  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!

Sharia Law, ain't it the bomb? Do you know also that under Sharia Law, the woman has no rights and the man can walk up to her at any time and say: "We're divorced" and that's it! He throws her out in the street to marry another and there is almost no work for women in muslim countries. The woman starves. That of course assumes he doesn't catch her glancing at another man and just stone her to death! ITMT, he can treat her like a donkey and beat her for no reason at will. On the upside, before all that, you can marry a 12 year old child. And people are fighting to bring this stuff to our country? Muslims are already being allowed to marry children in this country! Believe it!

They are not allowed to walk in public without a male these democrats assholes are begging for this , WHY in the hell can they NOT see wtf is happening in Europe is also beyond me. MY gawd I guess it will take them being told get those short shorts off, put on a hijab and get that bee keeper suite on........... lol


The boycott of the Beverly Hills hotel was short lived. Leftists don't like to deprive themselves of anything.
  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!

The Republicans are praying for this. Coming to the US if the GOP stays in power.
  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!

The Republicans are praying for this. Coming to the US if the GOP stays in power.

Not likely. Republican Muslims don't go for that shit.
  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!
That's what having religion mix with government does. A theocracy is what we want to avoid at all cost.
  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!

The Republicans are praying for this. Coming to the US if the GOP stays in power.

Not likely. Republican Muslims don't go for that shit.
But some CRCs do.
  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!
That's what having religion mix with government does. A theocracy is what we want to avoid at all cost.
And yet, Republicans want that here.
  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!
Gin up the fear. Blame it on Democrats. Hope that other silly, ignorant people believe you.

What despicable politics you subscribe to.
  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!
That's what having religion mix with government does. A theocracy is what we want to avoid at all cost.

Yet you Dems love electing Muslims.

Funny how you say one thing, and do the complete opposite.
  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!
That's what having religion mix with government does. A theocracy is what we want to avoid at all cost.

Fortunately, we escaped the Obama Regime, which really wanted to implement Theocracy. They did implement the Radical Episcopalianist idea of Gay Marriage. But Obama wanted to do more, with his powerful Religious Left allies like Jim Wallis, Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Islamic Religion, Father Pfleger and Jeremiah Wright.
  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!
Gin up the fear. Blame it on Democrats. Hope that other silly, ignorant people believe you.

What despicable politics you subscribe to.

or u can gin up for brains. Reality is hard to swallow but deny all u want it won't go away. Weakling.

  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!
That's what having religion mix with government does. A theocracy is what we want to avoid at all cost.
And yet, Republicans want that here.

How you figger, dean?

I've never heard any Republican advocate for Sharia or executing homosexuals in the USA. The worst I ever heard was Americans asking that their homosexual friends and neighbors keep their orientations to themselves and tell people on a "need to know" basis.

If some dude wants it up the ass, believe me, I don't need to know.
  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!
This dovetails right into my statements about the Lefts concern for world opinion.

They could care less about world opinion unless it’s to bash America or Israel. The Muslim crap like this is at best just a shrug.
  • Brunei already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail
  • Under new laws from next week gay people could be whipped or stoned to death
  • Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape could also be put to death
  • Amnesty branded laws 'vicious' and called for international pressure on Brunei
The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

The new penalties, which also apply to children, are in new sections under Brunei's Sharia Penal Code and will come into effect April 3, Amnesty said in a statement.

The country delayed implementing the final two stages of changes after an international backlash in 2014 which included a boycott of the Beverley Hills Hotel, which is linked to Brunei's government.

Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
This is what the Democrats want for the US, so does China if you do not stay aware you leftist idiots will votes this shit right in.
This just another reason people stressed so strongly not to allow this to happen Sharia law despises ppl who are gay , trans, bi. Why you guys can't wake up and see this is beyond me.
It is proven they will fake what they have to in order to fit in. So be careful if you community wants to bring sharia law. They will sell it to you as some peaceful loving bs man under some other bs lies then flip on you. PAY ATTENTION!!
Gin up the fear. Blame it on Democrats. Hope that other silly, ignorant people believe you.

What despicable politics you subscribe to.

or u can gin up for brains. Reality is hard to swallow but deny all u want it won't go away. Weakling.

Exploiting fear is a loathesome way to persuade

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