Gay Bar Owner Shows Intolerance

Gee, I guess there was none.

Exactly. Now go crawl back into your tar pit.


Why didn't any homosexuals ever get married in our first 200 years of history?

Because flat earth, mouth breathing, knuckle draggers encoded laws against homosexuality until the Supreme Court struck them down in Lawrence v Texas made your homophobia rationale unconstitutional.
Are we still playing this game? You already admitted you were wrong.

You're playing the game all by yourself. You're showing your dishonesty by refusing to answer my question after I answered yours. That makes you dishonest and a coward.

You claimed there have been laws in the US for the last 200 yrs that make gay marriage illegal. I'm still waiting on that proof. But of course, we both know that you're a liar.

Show us the post.
I can't speak for anybody else; but I'm not gay. I just think that gay people should have equal rights. Freedom is funny like that; it has no boundaries. When are you freedom-loving "patriots" in the GOP going to catch on?

Are business owners permitted to refuse to allow gay celebrations? Not refuse gay persons. mind you, just their celebrations. Is that what you mean by "freedom has no boundaries"?

Businesses do that, you know.

I would love to hear about a few of those businesses, so i can be sure not to patronize them. link, plz....
"Marriage equality"....LOL. You pissants are sooooo funny.

Is the question too difficult for you to give an honest answer? Should same sex couples have the same opportunities, including rights and responsibilities, that heterosexuals enjoy?

Don't be a coward, just answer the question.

The question is based on a lie. Marriage is a man and a woman.

Don't be a dick head. Live in reality.

No it's not. It's a legally binding contract between two people that designates rights and responsibilities regarding property, next of kin, and power of attorney.
You're playing the game all by yourself. You're showing your dishonesty by refusing to answer my question after I answered yours. That makes you dishonest and a coward.

You claimed there have been laws in the US for the last 200 yrs that make gay marriage illegal. I'm still waiting on that proof. But of course, we both know that you're a liar.

Show us the post.

You're a moron.
You're playing the game all by yourself. You're showing your dishonesty by refusing to answer my question after I answered yours. That makes you dishonest and a coward.

You claimed there have been laws in the US for the last 200 yrs that make gay marriage illegal. I'm still waiting on that proof. But of course, we both know that you're a liar.

Show us the post.

This one
They aren't refusing to serve them, they are refusing to host bachelorette parties.

Sorry, Chuckles, but if hosting parties is one of the services his bar offers - and every bar I've ever heard of does - then he can't refuse to offer it to ALL his customers.

Don't be such a fucking hypocrite. You don't think any other business in the nation should have any freedom to say how it's run, but talk about a gay bar, and it's suddenly "private and nobody else's business".

Every time I see you post, I think, "My God, I'd be ashamed to exist if I were you."

I want to get married in your house, because i like the look of the place, therefore by your logic you cant say no if i want to hold it on your birthday or whatever. Tough shit.

Do you just enjoy looking like a blithering fool in front of everyone? Is it a fetish with you, or something?

I'm not wasting time dignifying this. I'm just going to let it stand for everyone to laugh at.
Is the question too difficult for you to give an honest answer? Should same sex couples have the same opportunities, including rights and responsibilities, that heterosexuals enjoy?

Don't be a coward, just answer the question.

The question is based on a lie. Marriage is a man and a woman.

Don't be a dick head. Live in reality.

No it's not. It's a legally binding contract between two people that designates rights and responsibilities regarding property, next of kin, and power of attorney.

Nope. You can call it marriage, but that doesn't make it marriage. You can quack like a duck and crap like a mule, but you're still a human being. It's called reality, something homos have a hard time with.
Are business owners permitted to refuse to allow gay celebrations? Not refuse gay persons. mind you, just their celebrations. Is that what you mean by "freedom has no boundaries"?

Businesses do that, you know.

I would love to hear about a few of those businesses, so i can be sure not to patronize them. link, plz....

Knights of Columbus.....the local VFW post....and the Freemasons in the next town over. We've had gay friends denied their halls for wedding wedding receptions.

Not to worry. They went elsewhere without the whining we're hearing here.
Businesses do that, you know.

I would love to hear about a few of those businesses, so i can be sure not to patronize them. link, plz....

Knights of Columbus.....the local VFW post....and the Freemasons in the next town over. We've had gay friends denied their halls for wedding wedding receptions.

Not to worry. They went elsewhere without the whining we're hearing here.

And now the bachelorettes will have to go someplace else because of this homo bigot.
Not if you read the reason for doing it.

The Abbey is following the lead of gay bars in Chicago; in March of 2009, the Chicago Tribune reported that gay bars had already started banning bachelorette parties two years before. Speaking of the gay bar Cocktail, the Tribune noted that the owner “stopped hosting bachelorette parties a couple of years ago when he noticed his gay patrons weren't just complaining about the women being minor irritants but about them "flaunting" their right to marry. So Zaharakis hung a sign on the front door of his establishment that says, "Bachelorette Parties Are Not Allowed.”

Which is another way of saying, "The women weren't doing anything that isn't done by everyone in bars, but the gays were being self-absorbed, whining douches and thinking that the celebration was all about making them feel bad."

Maybe gay people, like all other liberals, should consider the possibility that the world doesn't revolve around them, and the vast majority of people are not planning their entire lives around "How can I upset the homosexuals?" Most people just don't think about them - or anyone else - at all.

Or is THAT what they're so upset about: not being the center of existence for everyone?

There are gay conservatives, whether you believe it or not.

Gays aren’t seeking any attention, they want equal access to the law, just like every other American.

"Gays aren't seeking any attention." Let's just let that digest for a second.

The question is based on a lie. Marriage is a man and a woman.

Don't be a dick head. Live in reality.

No it's not. It's a legally binding contract between two people that designates rights and responsibilities regarding property, next of kin, and power of attorney.

Nope. You can call it marriage, but that doesn't make it marriage. You can quack like a duck and crap like a mule, but you're still a human being. It's called reality, something homos have a hard time with.

How odd...the State license says Marriage License. Oh, and when we had a church too was called a wedding and a marriage.

How odd, that you seem to think you are the arbitrator of such things when you can't even cite a 200 year old law you insist exists.
Which is another way of saying, "The women weren't doing anything that isn't done by everyone in bars, but the gays were being self-absorbed, whining douches and thinking that the celebration was all about making them feel bad."

Maybe gay people, like all other liberals, should consider the possibility that the world doesn't revolve around them, and the vast majority of people are not planning their entire lives around "How can I upset the homosexuals?" Most people just don't think about them - or anyone else - at all.

Or is THAT what they're so upset about: not being the center of existence for everyone?

There are gay conservatives, whether you believe it or not.

Gays aren’t seeking any attention, they want equal access to the law, just like every other American.

"Gays aren't seeking any attention." Let's just let that digest for a second.


No more, no less than anyone else going for equal rights under the law.

But we get think we're "uppity" and should keep quiet and know our place.
Sorry, Chuckles, but if hosting parties is one of the services his bar offers - and every bar I've ever heard of does - then he can't refuse to offer it to ALL his customers.

It's a gay male bar. It's "all inclusive" that he won't be hosting bachelorette parties.

Maybe you can find a post where I said a private business shouldn't have "any freedom" to say how it is run.

Every time I see you post, I think, "My God, I'd be ashamed to exist if I were you."

Awww...and now I won't be able to sleep because some anonymous douche bag on the Internet thinks I shouldn't exist. :lol:

There's no such thing as a "gay male bar". Know why? Because it's illegal to refuse customers based on sex. And obviously, it's NOT "all-inclusive", because he's BEEN hosting them, and sniveling and pouting about it the whole time. This is a NEW decision in his policy.

And now he's not, for anyone. No bachelorette parties for anyone. That's all inclusive.

honey, don't even TRY to pretend you've been all about the freedom of businesses to run as they see fit without government interference all this time. No one's going to buy it, and I'm not even going to dignify such an outrageous lie by wasting my time on it.

Epic fail.

Then find the post where I proclaimed otherwise. Good luck.
No it's not. It's a legally binding contract between two people that designates rights and responsibilities regarding property, next of kin, and power of attorney.

Nope. You can call it marriage, but that doesn't make it marriage. You can quack like a duck and crap like a mule, but you're still a human being. It's called reality, something homos have a hard time with.

How odd...the State license says Marriage License. Oh, and when we had a church too was called a wedding and a marriage.

How odd, that you seem to think you are the arbitrator of such things when you can't even cite a 200 year old law you insist exists.

I never claimed to be a dictator any more than all the billions of people who ever lived on this civilized planet who believed marriage was a man and a woman.

YOU are the odd one here, not me.
Businesses do that, you know.

I would love to hear about a few of those businesses, so i can be sure not to patronize them. link, plz....

Knights of Columbus.....the local VFW post....and the Freemasons in the next town over. We've had gay friends denied their halls for wedding wedding receptions.

Not to worry. They went elsewhere without the whining we're hearing here.

Ahhh.....the worthlessness of anecdotes.....

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