Gawd, I hate MSNBC News


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Does anyone really watch that crap? I mean CNN news is bad enough but MSNBC is the Official Deep State Party propaganda network. The Joe and Mika show is absolutely the worst. These two are dry, humorless, and banal. They do nothing but sit there in front of a green screen for three hours, spewing their hatred for President Trump. They hardly ever smile, for God's sake. The Morning Joe reminds me of North Korean news television, except that the North Korean newscasters manage to smile.

If you don't believe me, just look at these screen caps I took this morning...

No I don't watch the lying pieces of shit.
Does anyone really watch that crap? I mean CNN news is bad enough but MSNBC is the Official Deep State Party propaganda network. The Joe and Mika show is absolutely the worst. These two are dry, humorless, and banal. They do nothing but sit there in front of a green screen for three hours, spewing their hatred for President Trump. They hardly ever smile, for God's sake. The Morning Joe reminds me of North Korean news television, except that the North Korean newscasters manage to smile.

If you don't believe me, just look at these screen caps I took this morning...

I was actually watching 10 mins this morning!! WOW tds at level TEN!

Only thing that blonde lady did in her temper tantrum was not Stomper feet which we couldn’t see..
the hate is mind boggling
No I don't watch the lying pieces of shit.

I don't either. Just long enough to get a screen capture was all I could stomach.

If they really wanted to increase their ratings, they'd gouge each other's eyes out and stumble around on the set, until one or both of them trips and breaks their neck.

That would be fun to watch. :04:
MSNBC used to be watchable when they had Keef Olbermann on the air. The man was a Leftturd but at least could turn a phrase, like he did against RINO poster boy Scott Brown.
It’s scary they don’t consider half the people living in America human lol it’s like they want us dead or in jail.. wow
Love Morning Joe

They really know what buttons to push with Trump
It’s scary they don’t consider half the people living in America human lol it’s like they want us dead or in jail.. wow

In your case, we all want you in jail jitler.

Hitler was a Lib of course, you know that? The 3 pillars of Nazism were Gun Control, Socialized Medicine and Genocide- nothing "conservative" about any of that.

Noted historians have pointed out that Adolf was a Flaming Homosexual as well, in many ways the most important gay guy of the 20th Century. If you read the speech General Patton gave the 3rd Army, he pointed out that Mr. Hitler was gay., and this valuable information was given to the men fighting Germany.

Further, Hitler's alliance with his Beloved "Palestinians is also a fact of history.
Love Morning Joe

They really know what buttons to push with Trump
Push buttons lol it’s a comedy show lol I thought the blonde chick was going to cry a few times .. and that was 7 mins I watched lol
It’s scary they don’t consider half the people living in America human lol it’s like they want us dead or in jail.. wow

In your case, we all want you in jail jitler.

Hitler was a Lib of course, you know that? The 3 pillars of Nazism were Gun Control, Socialized Medicine and Genocide- nothing "conservative" about any of that.

Noted historians have pointed out that Adolf was a Flaming Homosexual as well, in many ways the most important gay guy of the 20th Century. If you read the speech General Patton gave the 3rd Army, he pointed out that Mr. Hitler was gay., and this valuable information was given to the men fighting Germany.

Further, Hitler's alliance with his Beloved "Palestinians is also a fact of history.

He was also a vegetarian, a fecophile, and an anti-smoker.

Typical lib bastard.
Does anyone really watch that crap? I mean CNN news is bad enough but MSNBC is the Official Deep State Party propaganda network. The Joe and Mika show is absolutely the worst. These two are dry, humorless, and banal. They do nothing but sit there in front of a green screen for three hours, spewing their hatred for President Trump. They hardly ever smile, for God's sake. The Morning Joe reminds me of North Korean news television, except that the North Korean newscasters manage to smile.

If you don't believe me, just look at these screen caps I took this morning...

Worst case of pussywhip I've ever seen.

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