From where I stand two weeks out; the news is very good

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The next two weeks will be see a huge barrage of faked polls, fake “expert” predictions, verbal and physical attacks on Republicans and anyone even appearing to support Republicans.

The polls have already ceased being anything but puff piece bouquets to failing DemonRST vandidates.

That is the reality; and while nothing can make this better for DEMONRATS, it can actually and probably get worse for them.

Every Republican candidate is now Donald Trump and every DEMONRAT candidate is now Nancy Pelosi Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters rolled into one.

Last night’s Trump/Cruz rally in Houston was attended by 23,000 inside and another 77, 000 outside.

At the same time Beto The Fake Mexican was speaking to 1000 and Barrack Obama was talking to 2000.

The momentum is with Republicans.

Both sides Know this.

The DEMONRATS are gambling that their “We hate Trump; you hate Trump so vote Democrat” strategy will work.

It won’t; voters are tired of empty promises.

Trump has over $102 million in contributions for 2020 already; and 98 percent of his third quarter donations are from single small donors giving $200 or less.

This clearly signals that his popularity among common, working class Americans is very high.

As to DEMONRAT “enthusiasm” consider this.

If there actually was real enthusiasm and anger over the Kavanaugh confirmation there would have been 300,000 angry grassroots leftists in front of the Senate building where the confirmation happened; or at least 30,00 or maybe 3000; but they could only muster 300.

How many were paid?

A poll posted by The Atlantic said young voters are 28% “certain to vote” older voters who support Republicans by strong margins are 74% certain to vote.

The caravan invasion coming up from Central America is a gift.

It is a “Tails Trump wins, heads DemonRATS lose.”

If the invasion has to be physically stopped at the border by Mexican and American forces it will seal the idea of a wall.

If they actually pour into America through a weak point in the border, Congressman Kevin McCarthy will get his wall building bill passed immediately and the wall completion will start in December.

Either way the pictures coming from the media that THEY think have cause sympathy for the invaders and will continue to do so, scare Americans which pushes up Republican enthusiasm.

It is not hard for the average voter to visualize a Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi at the border welcoming the invaders and registering them as DemonRATS.

Trump’s approval is at 52% in Nevada which is a state where DemonRATS had hoped to reclaim a Senate seat, that's not happening.

Republican Dean Heller is +7 now and trending upwardly.

In Arizona, where DemonRATS thought they had a chance to take the Flake seat, Trump’s approval is now at 54%.

Neither of these seats are in danger no matter what fake poll you see.

In Georgia absentee/early vote is up huge and, looks like 2014 or 2016. The Black voter share has dropped to 29%, falling 6% in 3 days.

The latest news from Georgia is Republicans are swamping DemonRATS in early voting and the DemonRAT candidate for governor is on tape burning a Georgia State flag.

As of last Friday Republicans officially surpassed the DemonRATS in the number of absentee ballots returned in Pennsylvania.

The Republicans in Pennsylvania have now doubled the number of returned absentee ballots they returned in 2014.

Nevada early voting started slowly for Republicans but they have made up about half of the shortfall.

For comparison purposes, while Trump was rallying with 8,500 people in Elko Nevada, a small town in the desert, Joe Biden was addressing 193 people in Los Vegas.

The size of the #walkaway rally in Washington DC this weekend will stun the DemonRATS and media; bank on it.

Newly former DemonRATS will pour into DC, stand together and tell Democrats they are finished with them.

As of last Thursday Republicans in Arizona have returned absentee ballots at a 3.9% higher rate than was the case in 2014.

In North Carolina, absentee and early voting thus far show African American voter participation off by 2% and White participation up 6%.

Note: African Americans “staying home” gave Trump victories in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida and Wisconsin.

How fake is CNN’s fake poll of Florida that has Scott – 5 and De Santis – 12?

In Florida early voting and returned mail ballots show Republicans up 53,421.

In Florida, in 15 primaries, Republicans out voted DemonRATS voting in 17 primaries by 1,465 MILLION votes.

Note this is not to say Republicans got 1,465 million voters to the polls; it is to say Republicans got 1,465 MILLION MORE VOTERS TO THE POLLS.

This is enough to shut down any stupid talk of DemonRATS winning anything in Florida.

In Arizona 110,000 MORE Republicans voted in their Senate primary than DemonRATS had vote in their primary.

From Larry Schwiekart: to recap absentee/early voting numbers: We’ve looked at Arizona, Florida (both statewide & 4 key counties), Iowa (statewide & 2 key counties), North Carolina and Ohio (2 key counties). That is 12 data points. In EVERY SINGLE ONE Republicans are performing better than previous elections & DemonRATS worse.

Republicans have an edge with independents – 64/36 as per CNN – yes CNN – they tried to hide it by saying independents are by 28% disapproving of DemonRATS because of their treatment of Justice Kavanaugh.

Now even the New York Times admits independents are favoring Republicans 42/36.

Either way these numbers kill the DemonRATS in any district with more than 15% independents which is almost all of them.

The question of whether African American support for Trump (between 25% and 35%) would transfer to Republican candidates is settled and the answer is yes.

In Maryland the incumbent Republican governor is killing the African American former head of the national NAACP.

He is getting 21% of the African American vote and even getting 35% of the DemonRAT vote as well.

With this happening in deep blue Maryland which is 30% African American, it can happen in every district or state where African Americans are 10% or more.

In Minnesota where its predicted Republicans will take both DemonRAT Senate seats, one of the DemonRATS, Tina Smith didn’t show up at a debate last night.

She is NOT up so much that she would pull the old “don’t debate when you are winning,” trick.

She is an "on the record" supporter of Ellison.

Minnesota’s Comrade Keith Ellison has now fallen behind by 7 points in his AG race which is a 12 point drop for him.

Anyone who says this won’t be a problem for the other DemonRATS in Minnesota is dreaming.

The Hispanic Shift of voter allegiance is real.

Last month in a Texas special election a Republican who lost in 2016 by 15 points in 2016; he ran in the special and won by 6 points completing a 21 point turnaround.

The seat was held by a DemonRAT for 139 years.

The district is 68% Hispanic.

The coterminous US House seat held by a Republican was a “toss up” but the Republican now leads by 18 points.

A September poll in California showed the DemonRAT candidate for governor is up just 35/34 with Latinos and 30% “undecided; these people are not undecided, they just don’t want to say they are not voting Democrat.

Now consider these many media walk backs

From Tom Perez, head of the DNC, no less, “We 'always knew' election would be close.”

We did? But what about the, eh Tidy Bowl blue wave?

Politico: “Republicans might hold onto the House after all”


Morning Joe' Bemoans Receding 'Blue Wave' says 'Momentum Appears to Be on Donald Trump's Side

Washington Post

House Democrats’ hope for wave election diminishes as Republicans rebound

From - THE “experts” Democrats depend on.

“Right now, in fact, the polls are not showing a Democratic turnout advantage. Instead, based on a comparison of likely-voter and registered-voter polls, they’re projecting roughly equal turnout between the parties…”

Yeah, whatever Natie.


NEW COVER STORY: “Here's how Russia may have already hacked the 2018 midterm elections”

New York Post

Well that was quick!

The New York Post, no friend of conservatism regardless of its undeserved reputation, one day after posting a poorly constructed research free article confidently predicting DemonRATS would take the House now says “Rising prez may upset blue wave.”

From the New York Times

“Republicans Hold Cash Edge Heading Into Final Stretch of the Midterms,” which of course is a perfect excuse to lose in the minds of people who absolutely believe that election victories are purchased.

How useless are polls? WE aren’t answering them so who cares about them?

From Larry Schweikart: “The New York Times is making 60,000 calls to reach a mere 300 respondents. SIXTY THOUSAND! Who do you think is NOT responding? Conservatives, Republicans, people with families & jobs. That means these NYT polls are utterly worthless with a margin of error of 20% or more.”

In a recent set of polls the NYT showed Republicans up in Senate races in Tennessee and Texas using LESS than 250 “likely voters.”

Wyoming switches

Over 12,500 Wyoming voters changed party affiliations between July and September 2018.

Of this number a net of 82% switched from DemonRATS, Constitution Party and Libertarian party to Republican.

If this information was developed by a poll asking people if they had changed parties recently how many people would they have to talk to?

Wyoming is already 65% Republican to 21% DemonRAT and 14% Independent.

Wyoming’s population is 579,000 and this would be a response from 12,500 respondents.

So what explains the huge party shift? Wyoming is 10% Hispanic.

Was it the Hispanic Shift?

The economy shows “rust belt states like Pennsylvania Ohio and Wisconsin, along with Texas and Florida are leading the way with the most September 2017 to September 2018 jobs added.

Consider these economic data points since Trump took office.

Average hourly wage up 5%.

Non-farm employees up 4.4 million.

Unemployment is down 1.2%.

Consumer Confidence is up 37 points.

Manufacturing confidence is up 8 points to highest point in many years.

Small business optimism is up 13 points.

The corporate tax rate is down 14%.

November will be a GREAT MONTH INDEED!
The Democrats are gonna kick your ass and wipe the floor with ya.
You need one of these that another OLD LADY travels with....

Moderately large numbers attending Trump speeches should be expected. They're the only representation of Trump's popularity that is available to him.

As was the case with Hitler and his rise to power. It was never suggested that he could attract enough people to challenge at the ballot boxes.

Trump will need to choose a facility that is just under capability to hold his estimated crowd.

Trump needs something more than just hate rhetoric that's well received by his fan club. He needs to make a call to violent action that can't be mistaken. He needs to test the bounds of the law in a similar way to the Jan. 6 demonstrations. And then he has to have the courage to stand behind his supporters at the critical time. Not just run from being their leader when it starts to get more seriously violent.

All would be fascist leaders require real backbone in the initial stages of their rise to power. Hitler didn't lack that when it was needed.

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