Garlic Bread: Dr. Feelgood

One shouldn't eat garlic bread in the first place...way too many carbs!
I love garlic and I eat it ALL the time, and I don't care if anyone else thinks it smells bad. :biggrin:

Just eat a piece of gum or a breath mint after if you're worried.

I know that some people literally sweat garlic out their pores when they eat it, but that doesn't happen to everyone, and you have to eat an awful lot of it for that to happen.

TBH, I only ever noticed that smell on my mother and only after she ate shrimp scampi at her favorite restaurant, but she cooked with garlic (as do I) all the time, and I never smelled that any other time on her, so the restaurant probably used a LOAD of garlic in their food.

Piece of gum or breath mint to combat garlic is like the same suggestion to combat booze-breath. It's coming out of your pores too, not just your mouth. :)

I love garlic as well, but not on someone's breath or body odor. But then that might be more a personal preference about not mixing intimacy with food. :) I love sex and food, just not together. :)

That only happens to some people. Most people don't sweat the garlic out unless they had a real lot of it.

I assumed that would be the case if taking garlic for the health benefit vs some garlic in your food for flavoring.

I think if you just have a little often, it's good. I don't really think there is a need to eat a whole head of garlic in one sitting.

When Popeye ran out of spinach and tried eating everything from the produce section of a supermarket nothing worked like spinach (a very old cartoon hehe.)
I never order anything with garlic in/on it, unless my special friend has something with garlic. We each love garlic. He as much as I.

Newsflash: In my day spa business, I sometimes did massages. I always knew who the garlic pills client were. The smell of garlic is exhaled with every breath and it was more than difficult to get through a 60 minute massage on them. :eusa_doh:
you do .....massages?......should i leave my clothes on or off?....

Harry, me remove all clothing and cover with this flannel sheet and in a few minutes I will knock on the door of the exotic darkened room with candles glowing and ask if you are ready for me to come in.
One shouldn't eat garlic bread in the first place...way too many carbs!
I love garlic and I eat it ALL the time, and I don't care if anyone else thinks it smells bad. :biggrin:

Just eat a piece of gum or a breath mint after if you're worried.

I know that some people literally sweat garlic out their pores when they eat it, but that doesn't happen to everyone, and you have to eat an awful lot of it for that to happen.

TBH, I only ever noticed that smell on my mother and only after she ate shrimp scampi at her favorite restaurant, but she cooked with garlic (as do I) all the time, and I never smelled that any other time on her, so the restaurant probably used a LOAD of garlic in their food.

Piece of gum or breath mint to combat garlic is like the same suggestion to combat booze-breath. It's coming out of your pores too, not just your mouth. :)

I love garlic as well, but not on someone's breath or body odor. But then that might be more a personal preference about not mixing intimacy with food. :) I love sex and food, just not together. :)

That only happens to some people. Most people don't sweat the garlic out unless they had a real lot of it.
It is exhaled through our nostrils and very heavily if one is taking garlic pills. They have told you they do and believe me, the whole large room would not disagree, if it could speak. :D.
I never order anything with garlic in/on it, unless my special friend has something with garlic. We each love garlic. He as much as I.

Newsflash: In my day spa business, I sometimes did massages. I always knew who the garlic pills client were. The smell of garlic is exhaled with every breath and it was more than difficult to get through a 60 minute massage on them. :eusa_doh:
you do .....massages?......should i leave my clothes on or off?....

Harry, me remove all clothing and cover with this flannel sheet and in a few minutes I will knock on the door of the exotic darkened room with candles glowing and ask if you are ready for me to come in.


Even scarier is the ignorance about bread. It used to be called The Staff of Life for good reason. Make your own. Its not as hard or as time consuming as people think. And it actually has taste other than salt and sugar that you get with "store bought". If you don't stuff your face, there's nothing wrong with eating bread.

Very funny that people are afraid of bread but didn't say a word about Red Lobster referenced in the OP.


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