Garland Declares Former FBI Deputy Director's Pension Was Reinstated Without Taking Into Account US IG Found He Committed Perjury


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

US AG Garland was asked if the decision to re-instate the pension of Obama failed coup Co-Conspirator Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe took into account that the United States Inspector General Horowitz reported he found that McCabe had committed Felony Perjury under oath.

Garland replied that it played no part in the decision to re-instate McCabe's pension. Garland stated that the decision was based on DOJ Litigation / Legal SMEs who believed McCabe was not given sufficient time to respond to the US IG's findings. These SMEs gave their belief that if McCabe initiated a law suit and the government lost the amount would be more than if they re-instated his pension, that this argument was the basis for re-instating McCabe's pension.

- NOTE: Disgraced Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe had not made any effort to file such a law suit.

- NOTE: Despite having leaked classified information (according to his boss, FBI Director James Comey) and committed Felony Perjury,
McCabe was not charged for his crimes by the DOJ, the same DOJ that just re-instated proven criminal McCabe's pension.

Garland was asked how this failure happened under the DOJ and if the policies that allowed McCabe NOT to be charged while the FBI was indicting others for lying to the FBI are being charged. Garland replied, 'Those policies are under re-view'.

UNDER REVIEW? The DOJ refused to indict, charge, and convict the former Deputy Director of the FBI after it was proven that he leaked classified information and committed Felony Perjury while prosecuting others outside the FBI (US citizens), and Garland could not say this criminal process / oversight IS being fixed, all he could say is 'it's under review'?!



US AG Garland was asked if the decision to re-instate the pension of Obama failed coup Co-Conspirator Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe took into account that the United States Inspector General Horowitz reported he found that McCabe had committed Felony Perjury under oath.

Garland replied that it played no part in the decision to re-instate McCabe's pension. Garland stated that the decision was based on DOJ Litigation / Legal SMEs who believed McCabe was not given sufficient time to respond to the US IG's findings. These SMEs gave their belief that if McCabe initiated a law suit and the government lost the amount would be more than if they re-instated his pension, that this argument was the basis for re-instating McCabe's pension.

- NOTE: Disgraced Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe had not made any effort to file such a law suit.

- NOTE: Despite having leaked classified information (according to his boss, FBI Director James Comey) and committed Felony Perjury,
McCabe was not charged for his crimes by the DOJ, the same DOJ that just re-instated proven criminal McCabe's pension.

Garland was asked how this failure happened under the DOJ and if the policies that allowed McCabe NOT to be charged while the FBI was indicting others for lying to the FBI are being charged. Garland replied, 'Those policies are under re-view'.

UNDER REVIEW? The DOJ refused to indict, charge, and convict the former Deputy Director of the FBI after it was proven that he leaked classified information and committed Felony Perjury while prosecuting others outside the FBI (US citizens), and Garland could not say this criminal process / oversight IS being fixed, all he could say is 'it's under review'?!


Thank God this political have didn't qualify for the Supreme Court.
His responses on the 1/6 committee regarding the bullhorn-wielding agitator of January 5th (whose identity is PUBLIC INFORMATION) who has never been contacted, questioned or arrested, were even more disturbing. "We don't comment on ongoing investigations"??? He is seen ON CAMERA encouraging demonstrators to BREACH THE CAPITOL - Garland admitted seeing the video - and he has never even been CONTACTED?

Seriously, they want to get to the bottom of it.

no kidding. he is as agenda driven as you can be.
Sure. Again, don't know what reality you live in but if he was agenda driven, there would be charges already filed against Trump and his supporters for what went on January 6th.
Looks like the DOJ is once again hands off (unlike under the last administration).
Thank God this political have didn't qualify for the Supreme Court.
Exactly what I was thinking. And he was positioned as a moderate! He’s a tool of the fsr-left.

Just a little while ago he was trying to explain why his FBI is still targeting parents even though the instigator (the letter writer) retracted the language calling them domestic terrorists. His defense was weak: that the FBI investigates threats of violence. What violence? One dude?

it is apparent that American citizens who speak out against the liberal agenda will be feel the full force and fury of the federal government.
The criminal DOJ manufactured an argument / excuse to re-instate the pension of one of their own good ol' boy / Deep State criminals...
I wonder if McCabe will be able to keep his newly re-instated pension after Durham indicts and prosecutes him....

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