Gallup asked Hispanic respondents about their preference among the terms "Hispanic," "Latino" and "Latinx.”


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015



The reactions to this poll miss the point. A normal person hears "we don't like that" and says "then I won't do it to you." A leftist hears "we don't like that" and sees a will that needs to be broken. The more Hispanics say "we don't like Latinx," the more the left will use it.
There are literally hundreds of different cultures from the Mexican border to the South Pole. For some reason, starting in the 1970s the U.S decided to start putting the choice Latino in the census. To 'simplify things we decided to label anybody who 'looked' like they came from south of the border..Latino. It's a little more complicated than that..



The reactions to this poll miss the point. A normal person hears "we don't like that" and says "then I won't do it to you." A leftist hears "we don't like that" and sees a will that needs to be broken. The more Hispanics say "we don't like Latinx," the more the left will use it.
None of those labels are the preferred ones. It is the gringos who think that all the Spanish-speaking ethnicities are a unitary group. They are not. They are Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, Colombians, Argentines, etc. All my chicano activist friends rejected all those terms and insisted they be called mexicanos or chicanos or Nican Tlaca (in Nahuatl, indigenous language).

Campus wannabe-radical leftist dilettantes are trying to be stridently feminist with all this X stuff. As I am fully bilingual (inglés-castellano), I find it all impossible. In Spanish you cannot pronounce "latinx". Not bloody possible. And in English the word is Latin. English has no gender! So why would we need to put an X on it in English? The abysmal ignorance of linguistics and of the 2 languages in question is shocking, as a lot of this thinking is coming from college campuses!

It would be a good thing to resolve the gender bigotry implicit in Castilian, but one has to do it in a way that WORKS, and the term "latinx" does not work. I've only read it. I can imagine a bunch of gringo college students saying that on campus to be cool and radical, who cannot speak Spanish anyway.

How are they pronouncing it? I think that would be a funny SNL skit...
I knew this young lady that thought hispanic was offensive. She didnt want to be called a Spaniard. Some of my vatos from the hood prefer Aztec or Mayan.
Right. The thinking is, why be identified with the ethnic label of the conqueror who abused your people?

I'm thinking similarly, on behalf of my Scottish, Welsh and Irish ancestors, when all "whites" are called "anglos".



The reactions to this poll miss the point. A normal person hears "we don't like that" and says "then I won't do it to you." A leftist hears "we don't like that" and sees a will that needs to be broken. The more Hispanics say "we don't like Latinx," the more the left will use it.
Today's RepubliQan concocts an inane conspiracy theory about EVERYTHING, no matter how absurd.

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