Gaddafi's macabre sex chamber

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Uncovered: The macabre sex chamber of Libya's Colonel Gaddafi where he raped girls - and boys - as young as 14 | Mail Online

IT has been more than two years since the capture and death of Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan dictator whose reign subjected an impoverished people to four decades of murder and terror.

When the bedraggled former leader was hauled out of a drainpipe and shot in October 2011, his death ended the bloody Nato-led civil war that had ravaged the country since the start of that year.

The full horror of his brutality has been slow to emerge, with many Libyans still fearing retaliation by those who continue to be loyal to their late leader. But it can now be revealed that the most heartbreaking of Gaddafi’s victims include hundreds, possibly thousands of teenage girls who, throughout his 42-year reign, were beaten, raped and forced to become his sex slaves.

Read more: Uncovered: The macabre sex chamber of Libya's Colonel Gaddafi where he raped girls - and boys - as young as 14 | Mail Online
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This is hard to read.

I will never understand why humans do not protect children from monsters like this (and like the DD creep who advocates older men getting little girls). I believe the penalty should be a whole hell of a lot worse than it often is.
Extremely disturbing. I'm glad he's dead.

He makes Saddam look like an angel
Normal in the Arab culture

Turkey used to be infamous
I know of at least on syrian jail where torture and executions were common place.
Egypt packs in prisoners like sardine


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