Gabby Giffords Endorses Hillary Clinton For President


Former Arizona congresswoman and gun control advocate Gabby Giffords (D) is endorsing Hillary Clinton for president, a spokeswoman confirmed to The Huffington Post.

Giffords' husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, will also back Clinton. The endorsement is a personal one, however, separate from the couple's political action committee, Americans for Responsible Solutions, which is dedicated to curbing gun violence.

On Sunday, the couple released a statement officially announcing the endorsement, calling Clinton the only candidate who "has the determination and toughness to stand up to the corporate gun lobby --  and the record to prove it."

"Today, we are proud to have Hillary’s back, and to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with her to, once and for all, break the stranglehold the corporate gun lobby has had on American politics -- and American families -- for so long," Giffords and Kelly said in the statement.

The endorsement was first reported by CBS News.

Friday marked five years since a gunman shot Giffords in the head and killed six others at a constituent meeting outside a supermarket in Tucson. After an impressive recovery, Giffords and her husband began to lobby for gun control.

More: Gabby Giffords Endorses Hillary Clinton For President

Thank you, Gabby. Best wishes for your continuing good health.

Getting an endorsement from a vegetable is hardly something to boast about.

Do you ready think of Gabby as a vegetable? What makes you any better than ISIS terrorists?
He didn't throw her off of a tall building yet?
Why is this newsworthy? All democrats endorse Hillary. The last democrat who strayed from the pack was Joe Lieberman and they kicked him out of the party.

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