Gabbords is conspiring with Russians!

1st post
Well, it looks like Trump will be in again for another 4 years.
The Media, and the Democrats are afraid of Gabbard, as she is just slightly too moderate for them. They want and DEMAND an extreme, radical leftist in the White House. They want her OUT. Now.!
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5th post
Tulsi Gabbard supports the same policies as socialist Bernie Sanders. She supports Medicare for all. She bashes Trump on his border policy.
Hyperbole of course but some on the left are actually trying to imply this. The level of ignorance on display from the left this election season is just astounding.

Progressives Say Kamala Harris Team 'Inventing Conspiracies' About Tulsi Gabbard Rather Than Addressing Critiques
Reading the entire article..Harris does not come off all that well at all. Under pressure--she stutters and stammers..and her staff invents Russian connections--I suspect Putin got a big laugh out of the whole thing this morning!

I find it sad..and a bit amusing, that Harris's record as a Prospector....should be a vulnerability rather than an asset.
From NBC back in February

Since Gabbard announced her intention to run on Jan. 11, there have been at least 20 Gabbard stories on three major Moscow-based English-language websites affiliated with or supportive of the Russian government: RT, the Russian-owned TV outlet; Sputnik News, a radio outlet; and Russia Insider, a blog that experts say closely follows the Kremlin line. The CIA has called RT and Sputnik part of "Russia's state-run propaganda machine."
From NBC back in February

Since Gabbard announced her intention to run on Jan. 11, there have been at least 20 Gabbard stories on three major Moscow-based English-language websites affiliated with or supportive of the Russian government: RT, the Russian-owned TV outlet; Sputnik News, a radio outlet; and Russia Insider, a blog that experts say closely follows the Kremlin line. The CIA has called RT and Sputnik part of "Russia's state-run propaganda machine."
Says the person who hid from its failed thread claiming Trump wasn't at ground ZERO lololololol

You ran from that thread FAST LOL
From NBC back in February

Since Gabbard announced her intention to run on Jan. 11, there have been at least 20 Gabbard stories on three major Moscow-based English-language websites affiliated with or supportive of the Russian government: RT, the Russian-owned TV outlet; Sputnik News, a radio outlet; and Russia Insider, a blog that experts say closely follows the Kremlin line. The CIA has called RT and Sputnik part of "Russia's state-run propaganda machine."
So, i see you are onboard with the spin...amusing..but not unexpected.
Tulsi has renounced and attacked Assad. Tulsi is a combat Veteran and has some issues with committing US troops to regime change..thus she opposed Obama's move to attack Syria.

Tulsi Gabbard: Bashar al-Assad is 'a brutal dictator, just like Saddam Hussein'

2020 Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard said Thursday evening that Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad is a "brutal dictator," just a day after Sen. Kamala Harris said the Hawaii congresswoman had embraced Assad.
During an interview with CNN, host Chris Cuomo called on Gabbard to "acknowledge that Basha al-Assad is murderous despot."
"I don't dispute anything that you're saying there. He's a brutal dictator, just like Saddam Hussein, just like Gadhafi in Libya," replied Gabbard, who is an Iraq War veteran.
During a January 2017 trip to Syria, Gabbard met with Assad. She also said in February of this year that "Assad is not the enemy of the United States because Syria does not pose a direct threat to the United States."
Gabbard also opposed President Barack Obama's request to use military force in response to Assad's use of chemical weapons against his people in 2013.

On Thursday, Gabbard maintained that the reason she has been outspoken about ending "wasteful regime-change wars is because I have seen firsthand this high human cost of war and the impact that it has on my fellow brothers and sisters in uniform."
"I will never apologize to anyone for doing all that I can to prevent more of my brothers and sisters in uniform from being sent into harm's way to fight in these wasteful counterproductive regime change wars, even if it means meeting with a brutal dictator," she continued.
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Oh yeah try to ping on trump because you really want mike pence. Let me explain something that people who have some what a common sense! There’s no collusion but, the president is so evil and a Russian agent. WE JUST SPENT $32 million dollars so the educate emotional liberals who are educated apparently just say that they are not satisfied enough because they would investigate until a different outcome is different. Ok fine but I have one expectation we’ll investigate trump and Clinton

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
From NBC back in February

Since Gabbard announced her intention to run on Jan. 11, there have been at least 20 Gabbard stories on three major Moscow-based English-language websites affiliated with or supportive of the Russian government: RT, the Russian-owned TV outlet; Sputnik News, a radio outlet; and Russia Insider, a blog that experts say closely follows the Kremlin line. The CIA has called RT and Sputnik part of "Russia's state-run propaganda machine."
So, i see you are onboard with the spin...amusing..but not unexpected.

Putin's state news orgs clearly support Gabbard
Gabbard is a liberal just like Bernie Sanders.
That's Prog SOCIALIST, Like Bernie Sanders

Indeed She Is
She's A Member Of Bernie's Congressional Progressive Caucus
Just Like AOC
She Just Seems More Sensible On The Face

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Odd how right-wingers spew about women and children from Central America trying to come here to avoid death ...

... and yet ignore the dozens of right-wing terrorists who are slaughtering Americans every other day.

WHY the fuck its that ??????????????????????????????????????????

Odd how right-wingers spew about women and children from Central America trying to come here to avoid death ...

... and yet ignore the dozens of right-wing terrorists who are slaughtering Americans every other day.

WHY the fuck its that ??????????????????????????????????????????
You Think NAZI's Are Right-Wing
Yet You Parrot Every Left-Wing Goose Stepping View Point
WHY the fuck its that ??????????????????????????????????????????

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