Gabbard: Trump offers to Pimp out our Military to his Saudi masters

Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Trump hasn't done anything yet so what is she talking about....she seems a little presumptuous to be commander and chief....

You didn’t read trumps tweet? Here, let me help you.


Clearly Trump is waiting for further instructions from Saudi Arabia. That’s what she’s talking about.
Hey, don’t believe me, believe Trump.

I think the idiot meant to type, cocked and loaded.
The Dems really blew it by dismissing her. But then, anyone who would vote for Clinton or any of those corrupt big govt statists is already slow on the uptake. (Not that I agree with her politics, but at least she’s not a warmonger and seems to be a decent person)
Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Gabbard just demonstrated that being in / having been in the military does not make one militarily smart.

Iran has seized at least 3 foreign oil tankers, has harassed other shipping and attempted to control international shipping through the Strait of Hormuz, and has now perpetrated an attack on Saudi oil production, impacting numerous other countries and the world's economy.

If she does not understand that or the implications of these things then she is both too stupid to be in the military or to hold political office.

Despite falsely accusing the President of Isolationism / being an Isolationist Democrats and snowflakes reveal who THEY really are by advocating the choice of withdrawing behind .... What.....borders they are currently hide rather than stand with the rest of the world against a common enemy?!

'F*ck 'em...let them face Iran alone....let them suffer Iran placing a stranglehold on the world's economy by controlling International shipping through the Strait, destroying access to the world's 2nd largest supplier of oil'....


JFK was the last Democrat to understand the importance of defending and standing with other nations who fight for freedom against dark oppressive forces / enemies that seek to control and enslave the world.

Gabbard ignorantly attempts to rebuke the President for having the courage and wisdom, as did JFK, to declare we will stand with not only Saudi but also the other nations who depend on Saudi oil, as does the WORLD'S economy rather than abandoning the world by withdrawing and cowering behind borders.

Also, as mentioned, the Democrats have done their very best to ensure the United States no longer has any borders to hide behind.

They have called for the United States to drop to its knees and surrender to the Chinese in the ECONOMIC war against them, and now Gabbard and Democrats are calling for us to run and cower while other nations, to include our allies, face the growing threat of an enemy threatening to choke and deny them of energy, threatening their freedom, while developing nuclear weapons.

Why anyone would follow such gutless cowards and traitors I do not know...
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Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Trump, I mean Private Bone Spurs, ran away from serving in the US Military. What a giant orange pussy.

Well, Gabbard just put Trump in HIS PLACE; that is a place of mud, piss, disgust, a life worse less than a dirty whore.

Trump is not even worth spitting on. Spit is worth more than any POTUS that would reserve the right of the Saudis to determine the course of our military.

Gabbard has more cajones than Trump could ever dream about having. Go Gabbard.
Gabbard just demonstrated that being in / having been in the military does not make one militarily smart.

Iran has seized at least 3 foreign oil tankers, has harassed other shipping and attempted to control international shipping through the Strait of Hormuz, and has now perpetrated an attack on Saudi oil production, impacting numerous other countries and the world's economy.

If she does not understand that or the implications of these things then she is both too stupid to be in the military or to hold political office.

Despite falsely accusing the President of Isolationism / being an Isolationist Democrats and snowflakes reveal who THEY really are by advocating the choice of withdrawing behind .... What.....borders they are currently hide rather than stand with the rest of the world against a common enemy?!

'F*ck 'em...let them face Iran alone....let them suffer Iran placing a stranglehold on the world's economy by controlling International shipping through the Strait, destroying access to the world's 2nd largest supplier of oil'.....
What makes you so certain that this media narrative is any more credible than that of RUSSIA! ?

BTW, "isolationist" is the smear of warmongering progressive Woodrow Wilson.
Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Gabbard just demonstrated that being in / having been in the military does not make one militarily smart.

Iran has seized at least 3 foreign oil tankers, has harassed other shipping and attempted to control international shipping through the Strait of Hormuz, and has now perpetrated an attack on Saudi oil production, impacting numerous other countries and the world's economy.

If she does not understand that or the implications of these things then she is both too stupid to be in the military or to hold political office.

Despite falsely accusing the President of Isolationism / being an Isolationist Democrats and snowflakes reveal who THEY really are by advocating the choice of withdrawing behind .... What.....borders they are currently hide rather than stand with the rest of the world against a common enemy?!

'F*ck 'em...let them face Iran alone....let them suffer Iran placing a stranglehold on the world's economy by controlling International shipping through the Strait, destroying access to the world's 2nd largest supplier of oil'.....

What makes you so certain that this media narrative is any more credible than that of RUSSIA! ?

Clarify - what narrative? Gabbard opining how we should rin and hide, to abandon allies and let the world fend for itself is not a MEDIA narrative - this was Gabbard. Democrats / snowflakes calling for the US to surrender to China in the trade war is not the Media's false narrative - this is opinion / calls from Democrats and snowflakes on this board.

Dems / snowflakes flip flop so quickly, attacking Trump using any narrative opposite of what side he chooses.

Dems / snowflakes claimed Trump would drag us into war by sttiking Iran not long ago - called him a 'War-Monger'. When Trump surprised them by calling off the strikes and justifying doing so by declaring the strikes were not proportional to what they did, Dems / snowflakes quickly flipped and called him a 'coward'.

Iran strikes Saudi oil production, hurting numerous nations and effecting the world economy, & Dems / snowflakes are again claiming he is a 'War-monger' or 'Saudi's Bit@h' for showing strength, as they call for cowering (while calling for the US to surrender to China in the Trade War)...

Democrats ; snowflakes do not show strength - they show weakness and the willingness to flow any way opposite of Trump, even if it means supporting and surrendering to our enemies....
Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Trump hasn't done anything yet so what is she talking about....she seems a little presumptuous to be commander and chief....

You didn’t read trumps tweet? Here, let me help you.


Clearly Trump is waiting for further instructions from Saudi Arabia. That’s what she’s talking about.
Hey, don’t believe me, believe Trump.
You need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills.
'Tulsi Gabbard to Trump: ‘We Are Not Your Prostitutes. You Are Not Our Pimp’

Just curious -


Tulsi Gabbard to Trump: 'We Are Not Your Prostitutes. You Are Not Our Pimp' | Breitbart

Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Gabbard just demonstrated that being in / having been in the military does not make one militarily smart.

Iran has seized at least 3 foreign oil tankers, has harassed other shipping and attempted to control international shipping through the Strait of Hormuz, and has now perpetrated an attack on Saudi oil production, impacting numerous other countries and the world's economy.

If she does not understand that or the implications of these things then she is both too stupid to be in the military or to hold political office.

Despite falsely accusing the President of Isolationism / being an Isolationist Democrats and snowflakes reveal who THEY really are by advocating the choice of withdrawing behind .... What.....borders they are currently hide rather than stand with the rest of the world against a common enemy?!

'F*ck 'em...let them face Iran alone....let them suffer Iran placing a stranglehold on the world's economy by controlling International shipping through the Strait, destroying access to the world's 2nd largest supplier of oil'.....

What makes you so certain that this media narrative is any more credible than that of RUSSIA! ?

Clarify - what narrative? Gabbard opining how we should rin and hide, to abandon allies and let the world fend for itself is not a MEDIA narrative - this was Gabbard. Democrats / snowflakes calling for the US to surrender to China in the trade war is not the Media's false narrative - this is opinion / calls from Democrats and snowflakes on this board.

Dems / snowflakes flip flop so quickly, attacking Trump using any narrative opposite of what side he chooses.

Dems / snowflakes claimed Trump would drag us into war by sttiking Iran not long ago - called him a 'War-Monger'. When Trump surprised them by calling off the strikes and justifying doing so by declaring the strikes were not proportional to what they did, Dems / snowflakes quickly flipped and called him a 'coward'.

Iran strikes Saudi oil production, hurting numerous nations and effecting the world economy, & Dems / snowflakes are again claiming he is a 'War-monger' or 'Saudi's Bit@h' for showing strength, as they call for cowering (while calling for the US to surrender to China in the Trade War)...

Democrats ; snowflakes do not show strength - they show weakness and the willingness to flow any way opposite of Trump, even if it means supporting and surrendering to our enemies....

Who said anything about running and hiding?

Swampers/neocons want to bomb first and not apologize for getting troops killed later.

Swampers/neocons use false media narratives just as readily as do democrats/snowflakes.

Swampers/neocons are too eager to shove their heads up the Saudis asses...I guess you forgot that these are the same people who were behind 9/11™, huh?

Swampers/neocons try to pass off their hair triggers to drop bombs and spray bullets for "strength".

I, for one, am sick and tired of goddamned neocon assholes starting idiotic foreign wars, and getting lots of OTHER people killed, to try and prove how tough that they are pretending to be.

Neocons/swampers hide behind "strength" the way that democrats/snowflakes hide behind the cheeeelllldreeennnn to justify immense, expensive, and stupid gubmint.

Grow the fuck up.
Who said anything about running and hiding?

Swampers/neocons want to bomb first and not apologize for getting troops killed later.

Swampers/neocons use false media narratives just as readily as do democrats/snowflakes.

Swampers/neocons are too eager to shove their heads up the Saudis asses...I guess you forgot that these are the same people who were behind 9/11™, huh?

Swampers/neocons try to pass off their hair triggers to drop bombs and spray bullets for "strength".

I, for one, am sick and tired of goddamned neocon assholes starting idiotic foreign wars, and getting lots of OTHER people killed, to try and prove how tough that they are pretending to be.

Neocons/swampers hide behind "strength" the way that democrats/snowflakes hide behind the cheeeelllldreeennnn to justify immense, expensive, and stupid gubmint.

Grow the fuck up.

Yes, indeedy! Agreed.
Clearly Trump is waiting for further instructions from Saudi Arabia. That’s what she’s talking about.
Hey, don’t believe me, believe Trump
Clearly my are snatching shit from a monkey's ass....LMFAO....
Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Trump is just as willing to start an unnecessary, illegal war in an effort to win reelection, placing the lives of Americans in jeopardy for his own political benefit.

Given who and what Trump is – an arrogant, self-centered narcissist – that Trump would do such a thing is perfectly plausible.
Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Trump is just as willing to start an unnecessary, illegal war in an effort to win reelection, placing the lives of Americans in jeopardy for his own political benefit.

Given who and what Trump is – an arrogant, self-centered narcissist – that Trump would do such a thing is perfectly plausible.

Just like those who came before him.
Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Wait. Does Putin know about Trump's Saudi masters?
Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Gabbard just demonstrated that being in / having been in the military does not make one militarily smart.

Iran has seized at least 3 foreign oil tankers, has harassed other shipping and attempted to control international shipping through the Strait of Hormuz, and has now perpetrated an attack on Saudi oil production, impacting numerous other countries and the world's economy.

If she does not understand that or the implications of these things then she is both too stupid to be in the military or to hold political office.

Despite falsely accusing the President of Isolationism / being an Isolationist Democrats and snowflakes reveal who THEY really are by advocating the choice of withdrawing behind .... What.....borders they are currently hide rather than stand with the rest of the world against a common enemy?!

'F*ck 'em...let them face Iran alone....let them suffer Iran placing a stranglehold on the world's economy by controlling International shipping through the Strait, destroying access to the world's 2nd largest supplier of oil'.....

What makes you so certain that this media narrative is any more credible than that of RUSSIA! ?

Clarify - what narrative? Gabbard opining how we should rin and hide, to abandon allies and let the world fend for itself is not a MEDIA narrative - this was Gabbard. Democrats / snowflakes calling for the US to surrender to China in the trade war is not the Media's false narrative - this is opinion / calls from Democrats and snowflakes on this board.

Dems / snowflakes flip flop so quickly, attacking Trump using any narrative opposite of what side he chooses.

Dems / snowflakes claimed Trump would drag us into war by sttiking Iran not long ago - called him a 'War-Monger'. When Trump surprised them by calling off the strikes and justifying doing so by declaring the strikes were not proportional to what they did, Dems / snowflakes quickly flipped and called him a 'coward'.

Iran strikes Saudi oil production, hurting numerous nations and effecting the world economy, & Dems / snowflakes are again claiming he is a 'War-monger' or 'Saudi's Bit@h' for showing strength, as they call for cowering (while calling for the US to surrender to China in the Trade War)...

Democrats ; snowflakes do not show strength - they show weakness and the willingness to flow any way opposite of Trump, even if it means supporting and surrendering to our enemies....

Who said anything about running and hiding?

Swampers/neocons want to bomb first and not apologize for getting troops killed later.

Swampers/neocons use false media narratives just as readily as do democrats/snowflakes.

Swampers/neocons are too eager to shove their heads up the Saudis asses...I guess you forgot that these are the same people who were behind 9/11™, huh?

Swampers/neocons try to pass off their hair triggers to drop bombs and spray bullets for "strength".

I, for one, am sick and tired of goddamned neocon assholes starting idiotic foreign wars, and getting lots of OTHER people killed, to try and prove how tough that they are pretending to be.

Neocons/swampers hide behind "strength" the way that democrats/snowflakes hide behind the cheeeelllldreeennnn to justify immense, expensive, and stupid gubmint.

Grow the fuck up.

I read your biased factually incorrect post and laughed.

President Bush went before Congress, made his case for going to war, and the democrats climbed on board and supported it. The Dems not only supported the decision to go to war, they argued Iran's leader had to be re.oved from power. Democrats gave Bush the power to take the country to war.

Barry, not some 'neocon', 'pimped' out the US military to Al Qaeda to help them murder Mommar Qadaffi, who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in northern Africa and to help Al Qaeda take over Libya for their own.

Barry, not some 'neocon', committed an international war crime by militarily invading the sovereign country of Syria without request or approval to do so. Barry sent troops into Syria then left them there as he left office.

Barry did terrorist bidding by protecting Hezbollah drug operations rather than take them down, potentially causing Iran to walk away from Barry's illegal treaty negotiation table.

And let's not forget that Barry and his criminal administration protected Hillary from prison and attempted to perpetrate a coup against a newly elected President.

Diane Feinstein was caught in the middle of their fake news assault on Trump facilitating Chinese Espionage, harboring a Chinese spy for decades. Since then Democrats have called America to drop to our knees in surrender in our Economic War so we could buy cheap crap.

Democrats have sided with enemies, pimped our military out to terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans, and called for us to surrender to China.

Being traitors, cowards, and sheep are what Democrats are leading people to be...

Tulsi Gabbard to Trump: ‘We Are Not Your Prostitutes. You Are Not Our Pimp’

Just curious -

Gabbard: Trump offers to Pimp out our Military to his Saudi masters
"Saudi Arabia's Bitch"
Succinct and accurate, though for clarity an addenda is necessary.
Likud and Saudi Arabia's Bitch.

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