Future of Iraq


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The whole Middle East is burning up, thanks to obama...
Iran Shiite Militias Endangering Future of Iraq
The Islamic Republic continues on its path of death and destruction.
January 11, 2017
Heshmat Alavi

A conglomerate of Iran-backed Shiite militias in Iraq, known as the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), or more commonly by the Arabic label al-Hashd al-Shaabi, pose a very dire threat for the future of Iraq. This sectarian group of dangerous armed elements is resorting to any and all crimes with the objective of pursuing Tehran’s policies across Mesopotamia.

The PMU, established back in the mid-2014, has taken part in the battles of Syria from mid-2013 onward and now, despite participating in the offensive to retake Mosul from Daesh (ISIS/ISIL), this phenomenon poses the gravest of all threats for the Iraqi nation.

Conditions allowing the PMU’s presence and its foreign connections have raised major concerns across the board. Human rights violations and crimes by this group against dissidents in areas retaken from Daesh are amongst the many other reasons intensifying anxieties about the very nature of this alliance. The PMU is also accused of launching revenge attacks and atrocities against displaced Sunnis fleeing these areas.

A strange and disturbing irony lies in the fact that the arms provided by a broad spectrum of the international community are being used for ill purposes.

“Paramilitary militias nominally operating as part of the Iraqi armed forces in the fight against the armed group calling itself Islamic State (IS) are using arms from Iraqi military stockpiles, provided by the USA, Europe, Russia and Iran, to commit war crimes, revenge attacks and other atrocities,” Amnesty International reported.

The PMU “have used those arms to facilitate the enforced disappearance and abduction of thousands of mainly Sunni men and boys, torture and extrajudicial executions as well as wanton destruction of property,” the alarming statement adds.

The report highlights “four main militias that Amnesty International has documented committing serious human rights violations: Munathamat Badr (Badr Brigades or Badr Organization), Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq (League of the Righteous), Kata’ib Hezbollah (Hezbollah Brigades) and the Saraya al-Salam (Peace Brigades).”

Other international human rights organizations have time and again exposed the sectarian crimes committed by PMU ranks and files.

“Human Rights Watch and the UN have previously blamed the pro-government militias for perpetrating atrocities against civilians,” Alaraby reported.

“Members of Shia militias, who the Iraqi government has included among its state forces, abducted and killed scores of Sunni residents in a central Iraq town and demolished Sunni homes,” HRW warned back in January 2016.

While such warnings fell to deaf ears, HRW demanded from Baghdad to “prevent militias with records of serious abuses from taking part in planned military operations for the city of Mosul.”

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein cited strong evidence that Kata’ib Hezbollah perpetrated atrocities against a Sunni community.

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubair has gone as far as describing this group as extremely sectarian and run by Iranian military officers. Topping this list of commanders is none other than Revolutionary Guards Quds Force chief Qassem Suleimani.

The Iraqi Parliament in late 2016 adopted a bill recognizing the PMU as an official security entity, throwing “a wrench into efforts to adopt a national settlement proposal — basically a grand plan to abolish sectarian and ethnic quotas,” as described in Al-Monitor.

This law is in fact in violation of the Iraqi Constitution Article 9 banning the establishment of any militia group not falling under the command and control of the armed forces. The PMU is a force parallel to the Iraqi military – much like Iran’s IRGC alongside its classic army – and not part of its structure and framework. Their very existence is in violation of the Iraqi Constitution and as a result lacks any legality.

It is an undeniable fact that the PMU pursues the fundamental interests of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, receiving their orders directly from Tehran. The Iranian opposition, itself the target of the Iranian regime’s attacks, has time and again warned of Tehran’s increasing meddling in Iraq.

“Commander of Iraq’s al-Hashd al-Shaabi militant group affiliated to the Iranian regime, referring to the possibility that these mobilization forces are present in Syria to help Assad regime for more killings and massacre of Syrian people, claimed that Hashd al-Shaabi could help Syria to get rid of terrorism,” according to a report posted by the National Council of Resistance of Iran, an umbrella group of Iranian dissident organizations including the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and others.


Iran Shiite Militias Endangering Future of Iraq
And this is all the fault of BHO?
Nothing at all about being invaded by GWB, when they were quietly minding their own business?
In order to understand Iraq today------know this----it is a SHIITE majority nation ruled for millennia by sunnis. Also know----shiites worship ANYTHING IRANIAN and Iranians despise arabs. Todays Iran is the Nazi Germany of Todays AXIS
powers. Iran is on the border of Iraq. Today's Axis powers include IRAN, Russia,
Syria (of Bashar Assad) and my pick up a few more---like Bahrain (also sunni
ruled but majority Shiites) Think Iran Shiite Imperialist like Nazi Germany.
remember ----there are Shiites all over the world who despise sunnis and everyone else not shiite
And this is all the fault of BHO?
Nothing at all about being invaded by GWB, when they were quietly minding their own business?

First, I still believe that going into Iraq was necessary. Bush Sr, should have finished the job in 1991. So that one is on him.

Clinton should have dealt with Saddam in the 90s, but was too busy abusing interns, and playing plug the hole with cigars, to care about national security and future problems.

Bush, realized we had to deal with that creep, and did what any responsible person should have done.

Where Bush failed was, he thought we would be in-and-out in a few months, and did not plan effectively for the occupation for Iraq, which is why everything went to crap.

However, he learned from that mistake, and by 2008 to 2010, the Bush strategy had fixed most of the problems, and we had the enemies subdued.

Obama came in there, and in order to gain political points with the idiotic and mindless lefties.... released all the people we held, and set all the combatants free.

He effectively reversed all the progress of Bush, and the people he set loose, created Islamic State.

Bush gets blamed for his part. He's gone. Obama is in charge, and it was Obama's policies that caused us to be where we are now. Stop being a childish deflector, and take responsibility for the actions of your president.

At this point I say FUCK IT.

Let the whole place go shithouse crazy. The Saudi's and all the world's Sunni's in a world war with middle eastern Shiites....

2 Birds, one Thermonuclear weapon from Iran and they get their Thriteenth and one forth Imam and the rest of the world will be left alone for a few centuries.
To repeat what I've frequently posted, the entire Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Asia are artificial constructs created after WWII - many by some rather lame brained Frenchmen. None of them were based upon regional entities or the ethnicity of the areas. The only way to solve the problems in those areas is to allow the people who live there to settle and establish their own government entities.
When has the Muslim's not been at each others throats?
So true! have a read of 'Story of Mohammad' Harry Richardson, and you will see it could never be otherwise.
Free PDF online.
Mohammad was a bloodthirsty warlord, and exhorts his followers to do the same. And, of course every religion has various sects that maintain that they are the one true religion.
Like cures for disease, if there's many, none of them work.
Investing your life in mythology is a waste of time, and in many cases very bad for you, and everybody around.

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