Future generations of fuck ups...

I have. Most of them don't look too good either, no one does since much of history is the evil that men do. But let's all be PC about that, it might upset the snowflakes here who hate it when someone dares to say that America's shit might just stink after all.
The only worse than nationalism is globalism... fact
With nationalism we get Hitler and Trump. With globalism we get clean water and air. Gee, which will I choose?
Socialism is globalism and only a fucked up piece of shit would ever want socialism in their life, because socialism can not coexist with any sort of freedom/individuality… Fact
Socialism is not globalism.
Same difference really, evil to its core both
I am in favor of socialism over capitalism most of the time, but I am the furthest thing from evil.
The only worse than nationalism is globalism... fact
With nationalism we get Hitler and Trump. With globalism we get clean water and air. Gee, which will I choose?
Socialism is globalism and only a fucked up piece of shit would ever want socialism in their life, because socialism can not coexist with any sort of freedom/individuality… Fact
Socialism is not globalism.
Same difference really, evil to its core both
I am in favor of socialism over capitalism most of the time, but I am the furthest thing from evil.
Will keep it to yourself then, leave the rest of us out of your socialism...
First off you have no understanding of the Indian, we don't look at it as "our" land... dip shit
There are worse things than dying - killing the spirit is one of them. Political correctness/affirmative-action kills the spirit of the individual. Socialism and any sort of freedom/individuality cannot coexist… Fact
Well then, you think being labeled inferior and being put on a reservation is better than being free? You think being forced to speak English instead of your native tongue will give you a sense of pride?

Look, I have seen many neo-Nazis pretending to be black or Jewish on the internet. You don't fool me.
Says the control freak, if it was not for you white Europeans us Indians would still be playing around with sticks and dirt… LOL
So I'm a control freak because I think a people should speak their own language to have a sense of pride? Now I know you're a phony.

b.t.w., I've known several people from Pine Ridge Reservation.
First off you have no understanding of the Indian, we don't look at it as "our" land... dip shit
There are worse things than dying - killing the spirit is one of them. Political correctness/affirmative-action kills the spirit of the individual. Socialism and any sort of freedom/individuality cannot coexist… Fact
Well then, you think being labeled inferior and being put on a reservation is better than being free? You think being forced to speak English instead of your native tongue will give you a sense of pride?

Look, I have seen many neo-Nazis pretending to be black or Jewish on the internet. You don't fool me.
Says the control freak, if it was not for you white Europeans us Indians would still be playing around with sticks and dirt… LOL
So I'm a control freak because I think a people should speak their own language to have a sense of pride? Now I know you're a phony.

b.t.w., I've known several people from Pine Ridge Reservation.
You have all the symptoms of a control freak, it's best if you stay in your moms basement. Pretender
The days of teaching that America can do no wrong are over. In the real world you need real history and you guys won't like that one bit. In it you are the little pricks from Hell just like good old Pussy Grabber. His run, and yours, has come to an inglorious end.

I've never heard of anyone teaching "that America can do no wrong" but teaching our kids that "We need to think very, very clearly about who the enemy is. The enemy is the United States of America and everyone who supports it" or "The United States of America, backed by facts, is the greediest and most selfish country in the world" or encouraging students to dress in Islamic clothing and instructed them to refer to the 9/11 hijackers not as terrorists but as "freedom fighters" says all one needs to know about the nature and quality of some teachers and the hate they are spreading in America's classrooms. You seem fully indoctrinated.

These retards can barely spell "history".

Typical Loony Leftist smugness and arrogance. Here's my suggestion: find a country where the people and history are more to your liking and GTFO. That way you will no longer have to face the evil of America everyday and we won't have to see yours.
America has done evil, lots of it. Be an adult and deal with it like an adult.

Another Straw Man fallacy. It seems for all your training you are still incapable of making a thoughtful, intelligent argument. Try to find anything in any of my statements which says or infers a belief in America The Perfect.
I'll give you a shot here, explain lynching to a group of twelve-year-olds in 100 words or less? Or do you not want that talked about?

So you tripped over yourself and now need to deflect?
Once more for the terminally dense, America-hating, Loony Leftard: I neither said nor inferred that America is (or ever was) PERFECT but rather that some of your comrades are infecting our "snowflakes" with their hate. You seem the poster child for such angry, hateful ignorance. Man-up, stand behind your hate, and GTFO.

The hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness is strong with this one. She bemoans "hateful" speech and ignorance, all while calling you a "loony leftard."

When did the supposed "grown up" party become a bunch of petulant children? Was it just with the Baby Boomers? The most entitled, spoiled, shitty generation of consumers ever to grace our country?
America has done evil, lots of it. Be an adult and deal with it like an adult.

Another Straw Man fallacy. It seems for all your training you are still incapable of making a thoughtful, intelligent argument. Try to find anything in any of my statements which says or infers a belief in America The Perfect.
I'll give you a shot here, explain lynching to a group of twelve-year-olds in 100 words or less?

Or do you not want that talked about?
Maybe we should also tell them the graphic details of an abortion.
You already do that. graphic anti-abortion signs - Google Search

Your next thought, and I use the term loosely.
How is that any different from pictures of lynchings in some textbooks?

When will abortions be illustrated in a biology textbook?

They are for most medical schools, I imagine.
The looney left looks at history judging it with presentism. That is, judging every historical event as if it was done today.

The snowflakes do much more than that. They need safe spaces where they can color in coloring books, play with puppies and watch the pretty bubbles.
The OP has nothing to do with history. It's about the unwillingness of snowflakes to deal with life. Maybe it's an inability.
I think it's more about white power assholes who are afraid to be called white power assholes, even when it's politically incorrect to do so.
These retards can barely spell "history".
You don't want them to know actual history. In it America doesn't look too good.

Take a world history class.
I have. Most of them don't look too good either, no one does since much of history is the evil that men do. But let's all be PC about that, it might upset the snowflakes here who hate it when someone dares to say that America's shit might just stink after all.
The only worse than nationalism is globalism... fact
With nationalism we get Hitler and Trump. With globalism we get clean water and air. Gee, which will I choose?

You choose to live in the country?
... "Mama Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Babies." Our "snowflakes" are being TAUGHT to hate ... America: http://washingtonexaminer.com/article/2529668
The days of teaching that America can do no wrong are over. In the real world you need real history and you guys won't like that one bit. In it you are the little pricks from Hell just like good old Pussy Grabber. His run, and yours, has come to an inglorious end.

I've never heard of anyone teaching "that America can do no wrong" but teaching our kids that "We need to think very, very clearly about who the enemy is. The enemy is the United States of America and everyone who supports it" or "The United States of America, backed by facts, is the greediest and most selfish country in the world" or encouraging students to dress in Islamic clothing and instructed them to refer to the 9/11 hijackers not as terrorists but as "freedom fighters" says all one needs to know about the nature and quality of some teachers and the hate they are spreading in America's classrooms. You seem fully indoctrinated.

The days of teaching that America can do no wrong are over. In the real world you need real history and you guys won't like that one bit. In it you are the little pricks from Hell just like good old Pussy Grabber. His run, and yours, has come to an inglorious end.
These retards can barely spell "history".

Typical Loony Leftist smugness and arrogance. Here's my suggestion: find a country where the people and history are more to your liking and GTFO. That way you will no longer have to face the evil of America everyday and we won't have to see yours.
America has done evil, lots of it. Be an adult and deal with it like an adult.

America is a country of problem children. It seems like.
New twist on an old Waylon Jennings tune: "Mama Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Babies."

Our "snowflakes" are being TAUGHT to hate ... America:
The days of teaching that America can do no wrong are over. In the real world you need real history and you guys won't like that one bit. In it you are the little pricks from Hell just like good old Pussy Grabber. His run, and yours, has come to an inglorious end.
These retards can barely spell "history".
You don't want them to know actual history. In it America doesn't look too good.
Political correct history is far different than real history, you lemmings really ought to know that… LOL
Europe is a byproduct of politically correct socialism, two world wars, a failing euro and the list goes on and on and - of all of their fuck ups…
It's Best if you just stay in your mothers basement... snowflake
You are the ones wanting PC history to be taught. I lay it on the line. Native American genocide, bad. Landing on the moon, good.

You got it backwards. The Israelis are the only ones committing genocide. They do it every day in the West Bank and Gaza strip.
So the point of this thread is that we should make fun of blacks, disabled people, and American Indians (which the o.p. claims to be but I have a hard time believing)?

In what way are they going to benefit if we make fun of them and call them inferior? Does the o.p. regret not being bullied enough in school?

Those are the dreams that filled Darwin's head before he made up all his theories and foisted them on the world.

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