Furor Surrounding Ilhan Omar Remarks Intensifies National Debate Over Israel

It is a debate worth having, demonstrating that warranted, appropriate criticism of Israel is not "anti-Semitism."

Criticizing Israel politics isn't antisemitism.

If it were, every Israeli could be labeled an antisemite. No one is more critical of the Israeli government than Israelis themselves.

Perpetuating traditional anti-Semitic tropes, holding Israelis to a higher standard of behavior than those that attack them, not recognizing the illegal tactics of the Palestinians while criticizing Israeli responses, or holding Jewish lives less valuable than those of Israel's enemies is anti-Semitic.

You make some valid points. However, Israelis only have themselves to blame for the government leadership they have. Netanyahu is a belligerent hardliner.

This has nothing at all to do with the government of PM Netanyahu. The same disproportionate criticisms are raised for both conservative and liberal Israeli governments.

PM Netanyahu is just an excuse.

The mistreatment of Palestinians has been an ongoing problem.

Israel: 50 Years of Occupation Abuses

The Palestinians spent 20 years under Jordanian and Egyptian control where they were starved, killed, and marginalized.

Jordan killed 4,000 Jordanian Palestinians in 1970 and 1971.

I don't see any proportional outrage here.

It would be helpful if you could provide credible proof of your claims - along with relevant context.
Criticizing Israel politics isn't antisemitism.

If it were, every Israeli could be labeled an antisemite. No one is more critical of the Israeli government than Israelis themselves.

Perpetuating traditional anti-Semitic tropes, holding Israelis to a higher standard of behavior than those that attack them, not recognizing the illegal tactics of the Palestinians while criticizing Israeli responses, or holding Jewish lives less valuable than those of Israel's enemies is anti-Semitic.

You make some valid points. However, Israelis only have themselves to blame for the government leadership they have. Netanyahu is a belligerent hardliner.

This has nothing at all to do with the government of PM Netanyahu. The same disproportionate criticisms are raised for both conservative and liberal Israeli governments.

PM Netanyahu is just an excuse.

The mistreatment of Palestinians has been an ongoing problem.

Israel: 50 Years of Occupation Abuses

The Palestinians spent 20 years under Jordanian and Egyptian control where they were starved, killed, and marginalized.

Jordan killed 4,000 Jordanian Palestinians in 1970 and 1971.

I don't see any proportional outrage here.

It would be helpful if you could provide credible proof of your claims - along with relevant context.

The ignorance is stunning. Have you ever wondered why no Arab Nation wants the Palestinians? Wow.....just wow. And Isreal is the bad guy?

Please educate yourself. Black September - Wikipedia
You make some valid points. However, Israelis only have themselves to blame for the government leadership they have. Netanyahu is a belligerent hardliner.

This has nothing at all to do with the government of PM Netanyahu. The same disproportionate criticisms are raised for both conservative and liberal Israeli governments.

PM Netanyahu is just an excuse.

The mistreatment of Palestinians has been an ongoing problem.

Israel: 50 Years of Occupation Abuses

The Palestinians spent 20 years under Jordanian and Egyptian control where they were starved, killed, and marginalized.

Jordan killed 4,000 Jordanian Palestinians in 1970 and 1971.

I don't see any proportional outrage here.

It would be helpful if you could provide credible proof of your claims - along with relevant context.

The ignorance is stunning. Have you ever wondered why no Arab Nation wants the Palestinians? Wow.....just wow. And Isreal is the bad guy?

Please educate yourself. Black September - Wikipedia

Gee, I wonder who wrote all that stuff? Did you "edit" anything?
Activists have been criticizing Israeli policies towards Palestinians long before the Minnesota congresswoman.

NEW YORK (AP) — For Congress, the allegations of anti-Semitism directed toward Rep. Ilhan Omar have no precedent. Yet on college campuses, in state legislatures and in many other venues nationwide, the polarized debate about Israel is a familiar conflict and likely to intensify in the months and years ahead.

Fueled by a wave of youthful activists, including many Jews aligning with Muslims, criticism of Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians has grown in volume and scope, with persistent calls for boycotts and disinvestment. Pro-Israel organizations and politicians have countered with tough responses, and efforts to reconcile the differences have gained little traction.

Among those fearing escalation is Deborah Lipstadt, a history professor at Emory University and author of a new book, “Antisemitism: Here and Now,” about the recent resurgence of anti-Semitism in the United States and Europe. She calls herself an optimist, but she says it’s hard to be hopeful in the current political climate.

“Leaders on the left and the right are using this phenomenon as a way of drumming up support, claiming they’re victims,” she said. “I fear it will get far worse before it gets better.”

Congress has never experienced this kind of furor involving a Muslim member accused of anti-Semitism.

Omar, a freshman congresswoman from Minnesota, sparked turmoil within the Democratic caucus with her criticisms of Israel and suggestions that Israel’s supporters wanted lawmakers to pledge “allegiance” to a foreign country. Divided Democrats eventually drafted a resolution that condemned a wide range of bigotry and did not mention Omar by name.

One of the first two Muslim women in Congress, Omar supports a contentious part of the overall dispute — the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement, or BDS, which promotes various forms of boycotts against Israel.

More: Furor Surrounding Ilhan Omar Remarks Intensifies National Debate Over Israel

This is a debate worth having - and long overdue. Arabs are also Semites, so anti-Semitism also applies to Palestinians. Does anyone not think that Palestinians have been discriminated against? What do you think?

I'm a Muslim, Arab and a super proud american and here are my two cents:

Do Arabs hate Jews? nope...before 1948 there were sizable Jewish Arabs that lived and thrived in their countries...comes 1948 and shit hit the fan, what was considered a holy land for all religions, was taken over by settlers from Europe and other parts of the world with the help of the Brits, kicking the indigenous people out.
We in Muslim countries witnessed the massacres towards Palestinians, as long as me, my parents and grand parents can remember (I know most Americans are not aware of the horrors and we all know why).

What most Americans don't know, that actually Muslims in many occasions saved the Jews from the Christians in Europe and elsewhere....As someone who is from Morocco, we both saved the Jews when they were kicked out along Muslims from southern Europe, and we also refused to hand them over to the Germans when they asked us through the Vichy government (French occupying government)....Ask any jew and they'll tell you the history....Moroccan Jews were persuaded to move to Israel, many of them regretted it, and till now suffer from racism in Israel coming from the Ruling Ashkenazi Jews.

I consider the Jews to be the closest religious group to us, as we have almost identical values, same god and same teachings. The problem resides that Zionism did inflict so much harm on Palestinians/Syrians/Lebanese and others that we as Muslims can't close our eyes on, not just because we are Muslims but we are humans after all.
Do i like to see Israeli civilians getting killed or stabbed? No. Do i like to see innocent civilians harmed? no.....but it is heart wrenching seing on daily basis Palestinians especially kids, women, civilians getting killed, bombarded, humiliated, occupied and suffering.

The US got deep into this issue, and got on the wrong side of it due to the Jewish Lobby pro Israel pushing the US to stand with Israel regardless if they are right or wrong....and as much as i love this country, I can only say the US fucked up on this one. we are making problems worse and not only harming innocent people but we are hurting this country as well....we are fighting wars we shouldn't be fighting, we losing thousands of innocent lives, and we still didn't learn.
Historically, American Jews have been at the forefront of social causes... from slavery to civil rights. American Jews are traditional supporters of the American labor movement and womens' rights. For this reason, many American Jews have been aligned politically with Democrats for several decades.

Another important issue for American Jews is the preservation of the state of Israel. The state of Israel represents the only counter to a legitimate existential threat to Jews all over the world. The continued existence and security of the State of Israel is an important issue to most American Jews.

Until the last decade or so, the Democrats have gone from being supportive (or at least neutral) on the issue of Israel to tolerating open hostility towards the Jewish State. In their eagerness to champion the Palestinian cause, they ignore the complexity of the issue and heap unfair and disproportionate criticism on the state of Israel. Often linking the political issues of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians to the nature of Jews as a whole.

Lest we think this criticism is due (as many often claim) to the current politically conservative Israeli government, it is important to recall that the same criticisms were just as vehemently leveled at Israel and Israeli Jews even during the Barak and Olmert governments, two of the most politically liberal Israeli administrations in recent history.

As antagonism of Israel and Israeli Jews becomes more and more acceptable in Democratic circles, American Jews are presented with a choice. Should we continue to embrace the Democrats as they adopt these extreme positions because of our historic association with the party?

Or, should American Jews begin to support a party that seeks to protect Israeli sovereignty and the existence of the Jewish State.

This is the dichotomy that many American Jews face and it opens the real possibility of changing the nature of American Jewry in the decades to come.

Let me ask you this why the conservatives are die hard supporters of Israel?
You make some valid points. However, Israelis only have themselves to blame for the government leadership they have. Netanyahu is a belligerent hardliner.

This has nothing at all to do with the government of PM Netanyahu. The same disproportionate criticisms are raised for both conservative and liberal Israeli governments.

PM Netanyahu is just an excuse.

The mistreatment of Palestinians has been an ongoing problem.

Israel: 50 Years of Occupation Abuses

The Palestinians spent 20 years under Jordanian and Egyptian control where they were starved, killed, and marginalized.

Jordan killed 4,000 Jordanian Palestinians in 1970 and 1971.

I don't see any proportional outrage here.

It would be helpful if you could provide credible proof of your claims - along with relevant context.

The ignorance is stunning. Have you ever wondered why no Arab Nation wants the Palestinians? Wow.....just wow. And Isreal is the bad guy?

Please educate yourself. Black September - Wikipedia
I'm sorry but your claim is wrong....Palestinians live in most Arab countries, and they were always welcomed....there are still to this day Palestinian refuge camps since the 1948 (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan....).
They found then that there was already a well-established Palestinian society existing in the land

A well-established society that included Arabs, Druze, Muslims, Xtians (Catholic, Protestant, and Coptic), Secularists, Buddhists, and pretty much anyone else you can name.

The concept that Palestinian Arabs were the sole inhabitants of Palestine in the 19th and 20th Century is just ridiculous.
Palestinians were the majority and had the majority of the land before 1948. Most Jews now a day are 1st, 2nd or third generation settlers.Were there Jews in Palestine? Of course....but most now are mainly settlers that came from all over the world, pushed the Palestinians out, and squatted in.
Historically, American Jews have been at the forefront of social causes... from slavery to civil rights. American Jews are traditional supporters of the American labor movement and womens' rights. For this reason, many American Jews have been aligned politically with Democrats for several decades.

Another important issue for American Jews is the preservation of the state of Israel. The state of Israel represents the only counter to a legitimate existential threat to Jews all over the world. The continued existence and security of the State of Israel is an important issue to most American Jews.

Until the last decade or so, the Democrats have gone from being supportive (or at least neutral) on the issue of Israel to tolerating open hostility towards the Jewish State. In their eagerness to champion the Palestinian cause, they ignore the complexity of the issue and heap unfair and disproportionate criticism on the state of Israel. Often linking the political issues of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians to the nature of Jews as a whole.

Lest we think this criticism is due (as many often claim) to the current politically conservative Israeli government, it is important to recall that the same criticisms were just as vehemently leveled at Israel and Israeli Jews even during the Barak and Olmert governments, two of the most politically liberal Israeli administrations in recent history.

As antagonism of Israel and Israeli Jews becomes more and more acceptable in Democratic circles, American Jews are presented with a choice. Should we continue to embrace the Democrats as they adopt these extreme positions because of our historic association with the party?

Or, should American Jews begin to support a party that seeks to protect Israeli sovereignty and the existence of the Jewish State.

This is the dichotomy that many American Jews face and it opens the real possibility of changing the nature of American Jewry in the decades to come.

Let me ask you this why the conservatives are die hard supporters of Israel?

Because it's the right thing to do.
Historically, American Jews have been at the forefront of social causes... from slavery to civil rights. American Jews are traditional supporters of the American labor movement and womens' rights. For this reason, many American Jews have been aligned politically with Democrats for several decades.

Another important issue for American Jews is the preservation of the state of Israel. The state of Israel represents the only counter to a legitimate existential threat to Jews all over the world. The continued existence and security of the State of Israel is an important issue to most American Jews.

Until the last decade or so, the Democrats have gone from being supportive (or at least neutral) on the issue of Israel to tolerating open hostility towards the Jewish State. In their eagerness to champion the Palestinian cause, they ignore the complexity of the issue and heap unfair and disproportionate criticism on the state of Israel. Often linking the political issues of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians to the nature of Jews as a whole.

Lest we think this criticism is due (as many often claim) to the current politically conservative Israeli government, it is important to recall that the same criticisms were just as vehemently leveled at Israel and Israeli Jews even during the Barak and Olmert governments, two of the most politically liberal Israeli administrations in recent history.

As antagonism of Israel and Israeli Jews becomes more and more acceptable in Democratic circles, American Jews are presented with a choice. Should we continue to embrace the Democrats as they adopt these extreme positions because of our historic association with the party?

Or, should American Jews begin to support a party that seeks to protect Israeli sovereignty and the existence of the Jewish State.

This is the dichotomy that many American Jews face and it opens the real possibility of changing the nature of American Jewry in the decades to come.

Let me ask you this why the conservatives are die hard supporters of Israel?

Because it's the right thing to do.
Come on be honest....Why do evangelicals support Israel although most of them can't even point out in a map?
I think a debate is good to have but it needs to be done without the inflammatory rhetoric of antisemitism and subsequent partisan one upmanship. Unfortunately, like the way Dems used racism, the Pubs are using antisemitism to make political hay. Does either truly want a constructive discussion?

I agree, but anti-Semitism applies equally to Jews and Arabs - including Palestinians. Most people ignore the fact that Arabs are also Semites. Google it...

No. It really does not. Antisemitism specifically targets Jews and only Jews because they are Jews and has a very long history, it never targeted other Semitic people.

That doesn’t mean there isn’t bigotry and “isms” against Arabs but it is not Antisemitism.

Just because Jews have hijacked the phrase "anti-Semitism" doesn't mean it doesn't apply equally to Arabs - and Palestinians.
No one can take anything you say seriously.

Look at your silly sig line.

Any sane individual knows a MAGA hat doesn't equal a KKK hood.

It's like saying a pink pussy hat equals an ISIS hood.

Grow up.
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Historically, American Jews have been at the forefront of social causes... from slavery to civil rights. American Jews are traditional supporters of the American labor movement and womens' rights. For this reason, many American Jews have been aligned politically with Democrats for several decades.

Another important issue for American Jews is the preservation of the state of Israel. The state of Israel represents the only counter to a legitimate existential threat to Jews all over the world. The continued existence and security of the State of Israel is an important issue to most American Jews.

Until the last decade or so, the Democrats have gone from being supportive (or at least neutral) on the issue of Israel to tolerating open hostility towards the Jewish State. In their eagerness to champion the Palestinian cause, they ignore the complexity of the issue and heap unfair and disproportionate criticism on the state of Israel. Often linking the political issues of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians to the nature of Jews as a whole.

Lest we think this criticism is due (as many often claim) to the current politically conservative Israeli government, it is important to recall that the same criticisms were just as vehemently leveled at Israel and Israeli Jews even during the Barak and Olmert governments, two of the most politically liberal Israeli administrations in recent history.

As antagonism of Israel and Israeli Jews becomes more and more acceptable in Democratic circles, American Jews are presented with a choice. Should we continue to embrace the Democrats as they adopt these extreme positions because of our historic association with the party?

Or, should American Jews begin to support a party that seeks to protect Israeli sovereignty and the existence of the Jewish State.

This is the dichotomy that many American Jews face and it opens the real possibility of changing the nature of American Jewry in the decades to come.

Let me ask you this why the conservatives are die hard supporters of Israel?

Because it's the right thing to do.
Come on be honest....Why do evangelicals support Israel although most of them can't even point out in a map?

Why does a country the size of New Jersey, scene of a century old conflict with the lowest causality rate of any of the more than 30 ongoing armed conflicts globally, inspire such vitriol amongst people with little knowledge of and no vested interest in it?

Could it be the ethnicity of the inhabitants?
There are many similar beliefs between Islam and Christianity but the main disagreement is in the dogma. Religious dogma translates into power in many cases. Islam includes government as part of it's belief. Christians do not espouse such a belief but, may exert power over government. I choose Christianity.
I like it. I reject the label neo-conservative, preferring to claim the label of paleo-conservative.
This has nothing at all to do with the government of PM Netanyahu. The same disproportionate criticisms are raised for both conservative and liberal Israeli governments.

PM Netanyahu is just an excuse.

The mistreatment of Palestinians has been an ongoing problem.

Israel: 50 Years of Occupation Abuses

The Palestinians spent 20 years under Jordanian and Egyptian control where they were starved, killed, and marginalized.

Jordan killed 4,000 Jordanian Palestinians in 1970 and 1971.

I don't see any proportional outrage here.

It would be helpful if you could provide credible proof of your claims - along with relevant context.

The ignorance is stunning. Have you ever wondered why no Arab Nation wants the Palestinians? Wow.....just wow. And Isreal is the bad guy?

Please educate yourself. Black September - Wikipedia
I'm sorry but your claim is wrong....Palestinians live in most Arab countries, and they were always welcomed....there are still to this day Palestinian refuge camps since the 1948 (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan....).

Wrong. Both Jordan and Saudi Arabia will not accept Palestinian refuges and have not for decades. If things are as bad as you and others state than why don't Palestinians immigrate to other Arab countries? The answer is because they are not wanted.
The prime minister addressed “slightly confused people” after an Israeli celebrity defended the rights of Israel’s Arab population.

JERUSALEM (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel is the homeland “only of the Jewish people,” in a new jab at the country’s Arab minority ahead of April’s election.

Netanyahu on Sunday addressed “slightly confused people” after an Israeli celebrity defended the rights of Israel’s Arab population. Arabs comprise about 20 percent of Israel’s 9 million residents. They have full citizenship rights but have faced decades of discrimination.

More: Netanyahu: Israel Is The National State 'Only Of The Jewish People'

Nutanyahoo and his hardliners are a major part of the problem in Israel. Voters can do better.
Historically, American Jews have been at the forefront of social causes... from slavery to civil rights. American Jews are traditional supporters of the American labor movement and womens' rights. For this reason, many American Jews have been aligned politically with Democrats for several decades.

Another important issue for American Jews is the preservation of the state of Israel. The state of Israel represents the only counter to a legitimate existential threat to Jews all over the world. The continued existence and security of the State of Israel is an important issue to most American Jews.

Until the last decade or so, the Democrats have gone from being supportive (or at least neutral) on the issue of Israel to tolerating open hostility towards the Jewish State. In their eagerness to champion the Palestinian cause, they ignore the complexity of the issue and heap unfair and disproportionate criticism on the state of Israel. Often linking the political issues of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians to the nature of Jews as a whole.

Lest we think this criticism is due (as many often claim) to the current politically conservative Israeli government, it is important to recall that the same criticisms were just as vehemently leveled at Israel and Israeli Jews even during the Barak and Olmert governments, two of the most politically liberal Israeli administrations in recent history.

As antagonism of Israel and Israeli Jews becomes more and more acceptable in Democratic circles, American Jews are presented with a choice. Should we continue to embrace the Democrats as they adopt these extreme positions because of our historic association with the party?

Or, should American Jews begin to support a party that seeks to protect Israeli sovereignty and the existence of the Jewish State.

This is the dichotomy that many American Jews face and it opens the real possibility of changing the nature of American Jewry in the decades to come.

Let me ask you this why the conservatives are die hard supporters of Israel?

Because it's the right thing to do.
Come on be honest....Why do evangelicals support Israel although most of them can't even point out in a map?

Why does a country the size of New Jersey, scene of a century old conflict with the lowest causality rate of any of the more than 30 ongoing armed conflicts globally, inspire such vitriol amongst people with little knowledge of and no vested interest in it?

Could it be the ethnicity of the inhabitants?
I asked you a question and you didnt answer it.

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