Fulton and Cobb, 2 of Georgia’s most populous counties, admit they are missing some or all of their 2020 original ballot images

So let me get this straight, GA. is bringing 19 people up on RICO charges over a disputed election YET Georgia. has destroyed the evidence of the election they say was beyond reproach. This stinks to high heaven.

In 2020 President Donald J. Trump received over 70 million votes. No American presidential candidate in history ever received 70 million votes, EVER! Trump broke the 70 million vote record in 2020. This simple fact disproves the often told lie that Trump "lost voters." The fake news media wants us to believe that Biden surpassed that record shattering vote by yet another 10 mil and received over 80 million votes. Only a fool and a willing idiot believes that. Good people tried to "Stop the Steal" but were thwarted by corrupt courts and a corrupt media that is unwilling to do its job but very willing to cover-up for the party they unofficially support, the Democrat Party

Now they are stealing it again. Like the fascist Nazis they are, Democrats are trying to jail the man who will beat Biden yet again.

The Mossad was deeply involved in the Steal, as they were with

USS Liberty
Marines in Lebanon 1983
Co2 Fraud
Murderous Fraud Vax
Ukraine election fraud
Ukraine Zionist Fascist laundromat
In 2020 President Donald J. Trump received over 70 million votes. No American presidential candidate in history ever received 70 million votes, EVER! Trump broke the 70 million vote record in 2020. This simple fact disproves the often told lie that Trump "lost voters." The fake news media wants us to believe that Biden surpassed that record shattering vote by yet another 10 mil and received over 80 million votes. Only a fool and a willing idiot believes that. Good people tried to "Stop the Steal" but were thwarted by corrupt courts and a corrupt media that is unwilling to do its job but very willing to cover-up for the party they unofficially support, the Democrat Party

Now they are stealing it again. Like the fascist Nazis they are, Democrats are trying to jail the man who will beat Biden yet again.
What this really means is that we had a coup in our nation. It may be from the Kennedy assassination for all we know. What the reality is, that from World War 2 on our nation became different. From 1913 on the set up occurred with the Fiat Currency, the 17th Amendment and the federal Income Tax. Right after that, the 19th Amendment and Prohibition. With the 19th Amendment and the Fiat Currency mean for each other like two horny lovers which is leading us to a totalitarian government and a nasty end game.
In 2020 President Donald J. Trump received over 70 million votes. No American presidential candidate in history ever received 70 million votes, EVER! Trump broke the 70 million vote record in 2020. This simple fact disproves the often told lie that Trump "lost voters." The fake news media wants us to believe that Biden surpassed that record shattering vote by yet another 10 mil and received over 80 million votes. Only a fool and a willing idiot believes that. Good people tried to "Stop the Steal" but were thwarted by corrupt courts and a corrupt media that is unwilling to do its job but very willing to cover-up for the party they unofficially support, the Democrat Party

Now they are stealing it again. Like the fascist Nazis they are, Democrats are trying to jail the man who will beat Biden yet again.
In 2020 President Donald J. Trump received over 70 million votes. No American presidential candidate in history ever received 70 million votes, EVER! Trump broke the 70 million vote record in 2020. This simple fact disproves the often told lie that Trump "lost voters." The fake news media wants us to believe that Biden surpassed that record shattering vote by yet another 10 mil and received over 80 million votes. Only a fool and a willing idiot believes that. Good people tried to "Stop the Steal" but were thwarted by corrupt courts and a corrupt media that is unwilling to do its job but very willing to cover-up for the party they unofficially support, the Democrat Party

Now they are stealing it again. Like the fascist Nazis they are, Democrats are trying to jail the man who will beat Biden yet again.

What has been exposed since the 2020 election is how unsecured mail-in voting was and little has been done since to change this fact.

As for the OP, can someone who thinks the election was legit explain how an election can be audited when you don't have the original ballots or signature mail-in envelopes?
What has been exposed since the 2020 election is how unsecured mail-in voting was and little has been done since to change this fact.

As for the OP, can someone who thinks the election was legit explain how an election can be audited when you don't have the original ballots or signature mail-in envelopes?
Do you have a link to the tweet's claim? Is it true? What ballots are missing, some for local races on the ballot? OR All of everything? Or a fake accusation? Was it past the time of retention or before, under the law? If before, then find out what happened and if any other counties made the same error, or not?

All audits, recounts and canvassing were completed, the election was certified, no court cases fell in Trump's favor... with proof of election fraud or proof that trump got more votes and actually won, in any state challenge. Under Election Law in every individual challenged state by Trump, and under the Constitution, Joe Biden won. The End.


As far as nothing changed on absentee ballots in the states....

You are very wrong on this imo, kitty.....

Lots of election laws were changed to make it harder for legal citizens to vote!

Various States have removed election ballot drop boxes, removed ability for husbands to drop off disabled wife's ballots, made it that there has to be a witness of the absentee ballot, made it that the ballot must be requested by the voter, made it that the voter's driver's license number be put on the request for a ballot, made it that the voter had to put his or her drivers license number on their ballot, made to where no one but the elderly and disabled can vote absentee, unless out of State temporarily, tracking numbers put on ballots for voter to track delivery, and all kinds of different measures not mentioned that different states have taken....

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