FTC takes censorship to a whole new level, charges and fines St. Louis man for questioning vaccines, promoting zinc and vitamin D


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Censorship plain and simple. The guy has a valid First Amendment defense.

The FTC recently charged a St. Louis man for making fraudulent claims about covid-19. The FTC is charging Eric Nepute and Quickwork LLC in a federal court for the heinous crime of advertising zinc and vitamin D to combat covid-19. Nepute is charged with ten counts of violating the Covid-19 Consumer Protection Act and the Federal Trade Commission Act. The FTC alleges that Nepute falsely advertised his products, which contain vitamin D and zinc – two important supplements that are scientifically proven to block viral replication and prevent hospitalization.

It’s now a crime to help people treat and overcome infections

In 2020, the U.S. Congress quietly installed a new censorship clause in a coronavirus emergency response and relief package. In HR 133, Congress gave the FTC supreme authority to target, arrest and fine anyone who doesn’t follow the government’s narrative on lock downs, masks, quarantines and vaccines. Anyone who promotes a healthy immune system can now be charged and fined for the “criminal” act of helping people treat and overcome respiratory infection.

It’s now obvious that there is a global conspiracy to deprive people of their rights and make the population so ignorant and scared, they become sick and dependent on a system that will ultimately kill them off. This conspiracy seeks to restrain and eradicate healthy people and oppress everyone until they are subjected to forced propaganda, obedience training, behavioral controls and nefarious levels of medical experimentation.

Eric Nepute is the first person in the US to be charged under this new statute. According to the commission’s complaint, the Nepute Wellness Center could be fined $43,792 for each violation. This attack could steal nearly half a million dollars from Nepute, not only putting a gag order against him, but also shuttering his entire practice.

“I feel that I have not done anything wrong,” Nepute stated. “I encourage everyone to live a healthy lifestyle during this unprecedented time. My attorneys are reviewing the complaint and I have no further comments at this time.”

Acting Chairwoman Rebecca Kelly Slaughter said the FTC is “has quickly put to use its new authority to stop false marketing claims related to the pandemic.”


Approximately 40% of the US population doesn't get enough Vitamin D and worldwide over a billion.

This aspect is significant, yet not reported much to the masses."Florida, despite its high density, aging population, continues to handle covid-19 more effectively than all the northern states that are locked down, holding people in bondage. Even though Florida has been criticized for being a free and open state, the population was able to have a lower hospitalization and mortality rate because the people have more access to sunlight throughout the year."

"The estimated average vitamin D requirement from all dietary sources should be 10 µg (400 IU) daily in those with minimal sunlight exposure" per Institute of Medicine (IOM).

"A 2017 review study that analyzed 25 randomized, controlled trials concluded vitamin D helped prevent acute respiratory tract infections." Though some researchers are not yet convinced of the evidence for vitamin D and respiratory illness, others, such as Ginde, are. "Based on those mechanisms, prevention [of COVID-19] would be the first scenario that you would expect to work," Ginde said. "It's also very clear deficiency causes dysfunction in the immune system."

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