Professor at New York University removed from job

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Oct 31, 2012

NYU Professor charged with “hate speech” after urging students to investigate propaganda behind mask mandates​

06/10/2021 / By Lance D Johnson


A professor at New York University is under attack from 19 of his colleagues. Professor Mark Crispin Miller has been socially ostracized, put through administrative reviews, had his class canceled, and threatened with termination for simply urging his students to investigate the scientific rationale behind the mask mandates. In September of 2020, Professor Miller asked his students to assess the propaganda behind the mask mandates.
Nineteen of Miller’s colleagues conspired against him and signed a letter to the school dean, demanding a review of his conduct. The letter accuses Professor Miller of inciting “explicit” hate speech and “advocating for an unsafe learning environment.” His colleagues libeled his name and claimed that his anti-mask views are an “attack on students.” One student went online and slammed Miller for promoting conspiracy theories. The dean, Jack Knott, and the school’s COVID rule advisor, Carlo Ciotoli, privately emailed the students and said Professor Miller gave them “dangerous misinformation” while providing them with “authoritative public health guidance” from the CDC.
Apparently, no one is allowed to question the “science” or challenge the hand of force behind the covid mandates.

Professor has no choice but to sue his colleagues for libel and for suppressing academic freedom​

For the past twenty years, Professor Miller has taught a course on propaganda at the university’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development. This is the first time Professor Miller has ever been attacked in such an Orwellian fashion for the simple act of promoting critical thinking on a topic that impacts everyone’s way of life. This is the first time that real life propaganda would be used as a weapon against Professor Miller, as his colleagues organized and attacked him personally. Isn’t it ironic that the professor who understands propaganda would be attacked by colleagues who are controlled by propaganda?
Now Professor Miller is fighting back and suing these nineteen colleagues for libel. Higher education should teach students how to think, not what to think. What is an education if independent thinking is forbidden? What is an education if state and corporate power can dictate individuality and thought? These nineteen colleagues only desire more indoctrination and blind subservience to authority. To intimidate, socially ostracize and censor one of their own, these hysterical thought controllers show just how far they will go to protect their oppressive ideologies and cult-like belief systems.

The exploitation of human psychology and behavior using digital surveillance and propaganda​

“Propaganda is an organized attempt to get large numbers of people to think or do something — or not think or do something. That’s really all it is. That’s an informal definition but it’s a good one,” Professor Miller says.
Miller said propaganda is a form of “sub rational manipulation. It is not like traditional rhetoric, which uses persuasion through argument. The fundamental principles of good communication are being destroyed by Big Tech propaganda and academic censorship.
“It’s been with us for a long time [propaganda], but the rise of the digital world, our absorption into the digital universe, has radically intensified this kind of effort and made it successful beyond the wildest dreams of Dr. Goebbels or Edward Bernays.
The digital surveillance of individuals, the target marketing, and the algorithmic control over information is only exploiting human psychology, implanting subconscious belief systems into the masses. Miller says, “This incredible technological sophistication enables them, first of all, to move people at the deepest level. It also enables them to suppress dissidents with remarkable efficiency, [for example], spotting the word ‘vaccine’ in a post and then blocking it.”
“At the same time, it gives them an astonishing advantage when it comes to surveillance of every single one of us,” he warned. He said it’s “going to require a tremendous amount of skill and sophistication on our part, to organize under that watchful eye.”

Professor Miller correctly states that with the advent of Big Tech, propaganda has entered a new era of control never before seen. Technology that enables us to communicate better than before also allows us to be censored more than ever. Now asking people to question the status quo set before us by government and Big Tech can now destroy our very lives as everything we say get censored.

Scary. Fascism has a new home in the world, and that is academia in the United States.
Teaching college kids about propaganda? cant do that. The Libs will destroy you for it.

NYU Professor charged with “hate speech” after urging students to investigate propaganda behind mask mandates​

06/10/2021 / By Lance D Johnson


A professor at New York University is under attack from 19 of his colleagues. Professor Mark Crispin Miller has been socially ostracized, put through administrative reviews, had his class canceled, and threatened with termination for simply urging his students to investigate the scientific rationale behind the mask mandates. In September of 2020, Professor Miller asked his students to assess the propaganda behind the mask mandates.
Nineteen of Miller’s colleagues conspired against him and signed a letter to the school dean, demanding a review of his conduct. The letter accuses Professor Miller of inciting “explicit” hate speech and “advocating for an unsafe learning environment.” His colleagues libeled his name and claimed that his anti-mask views are an “attack on students.” One student went online and slammed Miller for promoting conspiracy theories. The dean, Jack Knott, and the school’s COVID rule advisor, Carlo Ciotoli, privately emailed the students and said Professor Miller gave them “dangerous misinformation” while providing them with “authoritative public health guidance” from the CDC.
Apparently, no one is allowed to question the “science” or challenge the hand of force behind the covid mandates.

Professor has no choice but to sue his colleagues for libel and for suppressing academic freedom​

For the past twenty years, Professor Miller has taught a course on propaganda at the university’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development. This is the first time Professor Miller has ever been attacked in such an Orwellian fashion for the simple act of promoting critical thinking on a topic that impacts everyone’s way of life. This is the first time that real life propaganda would be used as a weapon against Professor Miller, as his colleagues organized and attacked him personally. Isn’t it ironic that the professor who understands propaganda would be attacked by colleagues who are controlled by propaganda?
Now Professor Miller is fighting back and suing these nineteen colleagues for libel. Higher education should teach students how to think, not what to think. What is an education if independent thinking is forbidden? What is an education if state and corporate power can dictate individuality and thought? These nineteen colleagues only desire more indoctrination and blind subservience to authority. To intimidate, socially ostracize and censor one of their own, these hysterical thought controllers show just how far they will go to protect their oppressive ideologies and cult-like belief systems.

The exploitation of human psychology and behavior using digital surveillance and propaganda​

“Propaganda is an organized attempt to get large numbers of people to think or do something — or not think or do something. That’s really all it is. That’s an informal definition but it’s a good one,” Professor Miller says.
Miller said propaganda is a form of “sub rational manipulation. It is not like traditional rhetoric, which uses persuasion through argument. The fundamental principles of good communication are being destroyed by Big Tech propaganda and academic censorship.
“It’s been with us for a long time [propaganda], but the rise of the digital world, our absorption into the digital universe, has radically intensified this kind of effort and made it successful beyond the wildest dreams of Dr. Goebbels or Edward Bernays.
The digital surveillance of individuals, the target marketing, and the algorithmic control over information is only exploiting human psychology, implanting subconscious belief systems into the masses. Miller says, “This incredible technological sophistication enables them, first of all, to move people at the deepest level. It also enables them to suppress dissidents with remarkable efficiency, [for example], spotting the word ‘vaccine’ in a post and then blocking it.”
“At the same time, it gives them an astonishing advantage when it comes to surveillance of every single one of us,” he warned. He said it’s “going to require a tremendous amount of skill and sophistication on our part, to organize under that watchful eye.”

Professor Miller correctly states that with the advent of Big Tech, propaganda has entered a new era of control never before seen. Technology that enables us to communicate better than before also allows us to be censored more than ever. Now asking people to question the status quo set before us by government and Big Tech can now destroy our very lives as everything we say get censored.

Scary. Fascism has a new home in the world, and that is academia in the United States.
The usual suspects on this forum will run away from this story but this is becoming mainstream liberalism
All the professor said was that propaganda was used to push the mask mandate. He merely asked the student to investigate for themselves, adding, that propaganda does not necessarily mean what is being said is "wrong".

At the beginning of his class for the last 20 years, he warned his students by saying that everyone has been influenced by propaganda, no matter your political leanings to beliefs and that his class will then no doubt "ruffle the feathers" of those in the class because they have all on some level accepted propaganda that they have not independently questioned themselves.

But now such inquiry is forbidden in colleges all around the country, even when the head of such propaganda, Dr. Fauci, admitted to lying about the face mask issue on at least on occasion saying that he originally said not to wear a mask at the beginning of the pandemic in order to "save" much needed masks for those that needed them to care for Covid patients. Then we moved from one mask to two masks, not to mention a plethora of research indicated that the masks being suggested to be worn do little to protect people from the virus.

The professor for merely asking students to question information has been charged with hate speech and inciting students to break the law. Funny, there was no law mandating the wearing of masks, and he never once told students not to wear them, nor did he say that the propaganda given to us by men like Fauci was incorrect.

Not once.
Teaching college kids about propaganda? cant do that. The Libs will destroy you for it.
With full control over academia and the media, they will now need to crush all such intellects who reveal their methods of control.

I don't know what is more outrageous, is it saying that attacking me is akin to attacking the truth or saying that attacking me is akin to attacking science.

It is understandable that he would say this after the revelation that he had ties to the Wuhan lab in China after previously denying all ties.

Damage control.
I'm fairly certain that after being an active member here for nine years, the OP is more than aware that we don't copy and paste the entire article. This also does not belong in Politics, since this is about education.
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