from Qanon to Queen Bee: Republicans Admit: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Blessing Is the Next Best Thing to President Trump’s in the 2022 midterms


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Cheney and Kinzinger voted to strip MTG of her committee assignments so spare me the crocodile tears over their censure.

MTG is a true Patriot! Who Agrees?

MTG is a blessing! Imagine a lawmaker that believes in reading every piece of legislation herself!

Oh the humanity!
I've yet to encounter anyone but myself on this forum who does that. The tard herd just parrots whatever their propagandists tell them a law is about.

As for Gazpacho, she believes 9/11 was an inside job, a Jewish Space Laser started California's wild fires, and Democrats are members of a cannibalistic pedophile sex trafficking ring, and yet she regularly appears side by side with Matt Gaetz.

So any intelligent person will take anything Gazpacho has to say about anything with an Everest sized hunk of salt.
Cheney and Kinzinger voted to strip MTG of her committee assignments so spare me the crocodile tears over their censure.

MTG is a true Patriot! Who Agrees?

She is a complete nutter. She shouldn't be outside an asylum. She'd be more like the kiss of death.
I've yet to encounter anyone but myself on this forum who does that. The tard herd just parrots whatever their propagandists tell them a law is about.

As for Gazpacho, she believes 9/11 was an inside job, a Jewish Space Laser started California's wild fires, and Democrats are members of a cannibalistic pedophile sex trafficking ring, and yet she regularly appears side by side with Matt Gaetz.

So any intelligent person will take anything Gazpacho has to say about anything with an Everest sized hunk of salt.
Uh-huh, sure, because the MSM says so. Try listening to her on Tim Pool, she’s awesome, down to Earth, and makes sense.
Uh-huh, sure, because the MSM says so. Try listening to her on Tim Pool, she’s awesome, down to Earth, and makes sense.
I'm sure she sounds like a goddess to submissive parroting cucks. I have no doubt of that.

Every time I listen to her, I start laughing my ass off within 30 seconds. The woman is a trigger-word-spewing retard.
Cheney and Kinzinger voted to strip MTG of her committee assignments so spare me the crocodile tears over their censure.

MTG is a true Patriot! Who Agrees?

I think the Republicans are insane if they truly look at Marjorie as a blessing.
MTG is the base. She is the GOP. She has successfully become the female Trump. Very similar behaviors, intellect and temperament.

Of course her support is worth gold. This is where one of our two major parties is.

And they may have great electoral success. We really need to examine that, and we definitely need to take it seriously.
Cheney and Kinzinger voted to strip MTG of her committee assignments so spare me the crocodile tears over their censure.

MTG is a true Patriot! Who Agrees?

Of course she's a true patriot as opposed to the degenerate Biden administration who's installing space alien lizard people throughout our government.

MTG is a far better representative of the American people than McCarthy or McConnell. If you want representation, don't look to Cheney, Kinsinger or any Democrat.
I guess you're right there are a lot of crazy people in America and she does represent them well.
Uh-huh, sure, because the MSM says so. Try listening to her on Tim Pool, she’s awesome, down to Earth, and makes sense.
Yeah, tried that after painting a bedroom.
Watching it dry was more entertaining and informative.
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