The great Communist maxim....what could possibly be wrong with that?
Anyone feel up to dissecting that communist,socialist liberal and democratic party promise?
I always have dissected it, communists, socialists and any old collectivist hate the way this maxim works in reality.
They love it and think it is a beautiful sentiment to guide a society. The gtruth is more ugly.
This maxim of Marx and Engels is in fact a description of slavery.
To start with there is no rule that a slave has to be owned by ONE person, a slave can be owned by many masters or even be community property. NO one has ever held a slave for the fun of it or as a status symbol. Slaves are kept for a reason and that is to steal and exploit the labor of the slave.
Every slave is given the basic necessities. After all a dead slave can does no one any good. A very few might be killed to set an example but with that exception they need to be kept alive so they all get their basic needs met.
Of course the labor of a slave is what they are kept for regardless of what sort of labor it it. In any slave state or soviety the labor is divided. Like anywhere else the division of labor is in the form of ability. Some work the fields some learn skill like blacksmithing others tend to the kids while others cook the meals etc.
An antebellum slave plantation is precisely what marx and engles described with this evil creed. It is no coincidence that every communist nation is a slave state.