From each according to his ability to each according to his need.

This is exactly what I have argued for years where the markets are concerned. If you want to increase the market values you create something, you don't rely on the taxpayers to boost it.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"? Who gets to judge ability and need? It didn't work when Stalin was in charge and God help us if they try it when Brandon is in charge.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"? Who gets to judge ability and need? It didn't work when Stalin was in charge and God help us if they try it when Brandon is in charge. struck at the heart of the fallacy aka....who gets to be the judge.

The democratic party has been on that tack since the 60's.....the democrats say that the minorities need the hard working folks tax monies....the democrats say the white working class has the ability to support the minorities.

Thus.....that is what has been going on ow for decades......though few understand the ramifications of that.

Congress goes to great pains to cover up how the middle class has been ripped off for decades now....anyone got any idea how much it costs to support our largest minority group?
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"? Who gets to judge ability and need? It didn't work when Stalin was in charge and God help us if they try it when Brandon is in charge.

My local Goodwill store has this sign in the window:


I have the special ability to carry a loaded pistol under my coat without accidentally shooting anyone. Do you think they welcome my "special ability"?

No, they don't.

The great Communist maxim....what could possibly be wrong with that?

Anyone feel up to dissecting that communist,socialist liberal and democratic party promise?

I always have dissected it, communists, socialists and any old collectivist hate the way this maxim works in reality.

They love it and think it is a beautiful sentiment to guide a society. The gtruth is more ugly.

This maxim of Marx and Engels is in fact a description of slavery.

To start with there is no rule that a slave has to be owned by ONE person, a slave can be owned by many masters or even be community property. NO one has ever held a slave for the fun of it or as a status symbol. Slaves are kept for a reason and that is to steal and exploit the labor of the slave.

Every slave is given the basic necessities. After all a dead slave can does no one any good. A very few might be killed to set an example but with that exception they need to be kept alive so they all get their basic needs met.


Of course the labor of a slave is what they are kept for regardless of what sort of labor it it. In any slave state or soviety the labor is divided. Like anywhere else the division of labor is in the form of ability. Some work the fields some learn skill like blacksmithing others tend to the kids while others cook the meals etc.


An antebellum slave plantation is precisely what marx and engles described with this evil creed. It is no coincidence that every communist nation is a slave state.
I always have dissected it, communists, socialists and any old collectivist hate the way this maxim works in reality.

They love it and think it is a beautiful sentiment to guide a society. The gtruth is more ugly.

This maxim of Marx and Engels is in fact a description of slavery.

To start with there is no rule that a slave has to be owned by ONE person, a slave can be owned by many masters or even be community property. NO one has ever held a slave for the fun of it or as a status symbol. Slaves are kept for a reason and that is to steal and exploit the labor of the slave.

Every slave is given the basic necessities. After all a dead slave can does no one any good. A very few might be killed to set an example but with that exception they need to be kept alive so they all get their basic needs met.


Of course the labor of a slave is what they are kept for regardless of what sort of labor it it. In any slave state or soviety the labor is divided. Like anywhere else the division of labor is in the form of ability. Some work the fields some learn skill like blacksmithing others tend to the kids while others cook the meals etc.


An antebellum slave plantation is precisely what marx and engles described with this evil creed. It is no coincidence that every communist nation is a slave state.
I have the ability to consume mass quantities of alcohol. No idea what I could provide to one who has a need, except to maybe throw up on their shoes.
And if that ever became the doctrine of the realm, there would be a majority of people just like us.
but the phrase is not actually about socialism. Not that I'm a fan of AOC and Red Bern.
Look, it's a real waste of everybody's time to attempt to split hairs on collectivism. It's all the fucking same. So are the disastrous results.
Look, it's a real waste of everybody's time to attempt to split hairs on collectivism. It's all the fucking same. So are the disastrous results.
well, not really. AOC envisions a a govt that controls growth and inflation by TAXES. Imo, that's really abhorrent given the 'takings clause.' We can tax for the common good, but deciding people have too much money seems ... wrong. LOL

But many countries that have higher gnp/per capita than we do have more "socialism" than we do. People can vote for change.

With communism, there's no real voting. It's a one party state run by an elite. And in China's case, it may be tending towards a one person authoritarian state, and that's scarier than hell. It's not there yet.
Charity should come from the heart...not the tax man....
Yes.....the government should not be in the charity business......why should a man who works hard and accumulates capital be forced to subsidize someone who is too lazy to work but enjoys stealing, selling drugs etc.
The phrase is also expressed very similarly in Acts in the New Testament.
well, not really. AOC envisions a a govt that controls growth and inflation by TAXES.

That is the government we have now except we are not collecting the taxes to pay the "growth and inflation".
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"? Who gets to judge ability and need? It didn't work when Stalin was in charge and God help us if they try it when Brandon is in charge.
Who gets to judge? Some leftist czar.
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