From carbon Credits To Space Flight, Why Do Democrats Think They Have The Right To Tax / Make Money Off Of Everything


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...especially things they have nothing to do with?

Democrats already thinking of ways to make money off Bezos' success...

When you make money Democrats tax it.
When you die they tax it again.
When you give what is left to your heir they tax it again.

If you sell something, they tax it.
If you buy something they tax it.

Al Gore wanted to charge the world 'Carbon Credits' to ge able to keep posting the atmosphere.
- That's like telling someone they can have 5,000 breaths a day and for every breath after that they have to pay YOU for each additional breath....because YOU say so.

The govt charges a gas tax, and now they want to charge you a mileage tax based on how far you drive your car, which you paid a tax on when you bought it and pay a tax on every year.

They want to make sure YOU pay YOUR taxes...but when newly elected President started picking Democrats to fill his Cabinet positions almost every one he picked had not paid their taxes, to invlude his pick for Secretary of the TREASURY.

NOW...Want to go to space? They don't own the rockets or means to get to space. They don't own space. They have kitting to do with the private citizen-owned company that makes it happen...but the govt / Democrats want their cut?!
Sometimes a MEME just says it all quicker.

Give a dem a fish &.PNG
...especially things they have nothing to do with?

Democrats already thinking of ways to make money off Bezos' success...

When you make money Democrats tax it.
When you die they tax it again.
When you give what is left to your heir they tax it again.

If you sell something, they tax it.
If you buy something they tax it.

Al Gore wanted to charge the world 'Carbon Credits' to ge able to keep posting the atmosphere.
- That's like telling someone they can have 5,000 breaths a day and for every breath after that they have to pay YOU for each additional breath....because YOU say so.

The govt charges a gas tax, and now they want to charge you a mileage tax based on how far you drive your car, which you paid a tax on when you bought it and pay a tax on every year.

They want to make sure YOU pay YOUR taxes...but when newly elected President started picking Democrats to fill his Cabinet positions almost every one he picked had not paid their taxes, to invlude his pick for Secretary of the TREASURY.

NOW...Want to go to space? They don't own the rockets or means to get to space. They don't own space. They have kitting to do with the private citizen-owned company that makes it happen...but the govt / Democrats want their cut?!

The government doesn't make a profit off of anything.

Do you think the government and the country is managed on air???? How do you pay for the courts, the patent and corporation property protections, the infrastructure, and all of the things that it takes to run a first world country??? You're supposed to be a businessman. The military, the wars Republicans keep starting, the schools, hospitals, libraries, postal service and all of the things you seem to take for granted, cost a lot of money.

The primary reason the USA is falling behind on infrastructure, education, healthcare, and your computer government records are so out of date is that since Reagan and the Republicans stopped doing anything other than cutting taxes for billionaires, very little public work has been done.

There are vast swathes of the country without power, clean water or WIFI because the areas are poor and it's not profitable to provide them with services. No jobs in these areas, and none are likely to be coming into an area without utilities or WIFI.
The government doesn't make a profit off of anything.

Do you think the government and the country is managed on air???? How do you pay for the courts, the patent and corporation property protections, the infrastructure, and all of the things that it takes to run a first world country??? You're supposed to be a businessman. The military, the wars Republicans keep starting, the schools, hospitals, libraries, postal service and all of the things you seem to take for granted, cost a lot of money.

The primary reason the USA is falling behind on infrastructure, education, healthcare, and your computer government records are so out of date is that since Reagan and the Republicans stopped doing anything other than cutting taxes for billionaires, very little public work has been done.

There are vast swathes of the country without power, clean water or WIFI because the areas are poor and it's not profitable to provide them with services. No jobs in these areas, and none are likely to be coming into an area without utilities or WIFI.
"There are vast swathes of the country without power, clean water or WIFI because the areas are poor and it's not profitable to provide them with services." Your claim so name'm.
Because Dems are mooching deadbeat losers who feel entitled to YOUR money that's why. Next time one smiles notice their vamp fangs.
Because Dems are mooching deadbeat losers who feel entitled to YOUR money that's why. Next time one smiles notice their vamp fangs.

Why does the economy and the stock market do so much better under Democrats than Republicans?

Why are more jobs created under democratic administrations than Republican administrations?
Some guys are going to be charged a lot of back taxes (and interest penalties)...

Republicans do the same thing, my state started taxing internet sales, MF!
That's how it is suppose to work, sales tax not income tax...I think it is Bezos that wants to build a 500 million dollar yacht, he will pay more in tax than you and me will earn in a life time [on the low end he will pay at least 35 million for a yacht like that] is the only fair way to tax a society...of course anyone who wants to can opt out of paying the taxes they disagree with under that system and will personally have to do without and not burden the rest of us who can decide for ourselves if we think we should buy into it.
...especially things they have nothing to do with?

Democrats already thinking of ways to make money off Bezos' success...

When you make money Democrats tax it.
When you die they tax it again.
When you give what is left to your heir they tax it again.

If you sell something, they tax it.
If you buy something they tax it.

Al Gore wanted to charge the world 'Carbon Credits' to ge able to keep posting the atmosphere.
- That's like telling someone they can have 5,000 breaths a day and for every breath after that they have to pay YOU for each additional breath....because YOU say so.

The govt charges a gas tax, and now they want to charge you a mileage tax based on how far you drive your car, which you paid a tax on when you bought it and pay a tax on every year.

They want to make sure YOU pay YOUR taxes...but when newly elected President started picking Democrats to fill his Cabinet positions almost every one he picked had not paid their taxes, to invlude his pick for Secretary of the TREASURY.

NOW...Want to go to space? They don't own the rockets or means to get to space. They don't own space. They have kitting to do with the private citizen-owned company that makes it happen...but the govt / Democrats want their cut?!

To promote the General Welfare of course.

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