From Cairo to Riyadh, Trump Urged Action on Terror Where Obama Offered Islamic Apologism


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Trump Said 'Terror' 31 Times, Obama in Cairo Said it ZERO Times

While President Obama lectured from the Quran, President Trump was declaring today: “We are not here to lecture, we are not here to tell other people how to live, what to do, who to be, or how to worship. Instead, we are here to offer partnership based on shared interests and values, to pursue a better future for us all”.


But President Trump was far more robust, and far more — undoubtedly to the chagrin of liberal commentators — spirited in his defence of young Muslims who are having their minds poisoned and futures ruined.

This is the most effective argument against Islamic extremism, and President Trump put it simply, and effectively, as follows:

TRUMP: 'Young Muslim boys and girls should be able to grow up free from fear, safe from violence, and innocent of hatred. And young Muslim men and women should have the chance to build a new era of prosperity for themselves and their peoples.'

Notice the difference. No apologia for Sharia-compliant hijabs, no caveats or compromises.


"Perhaps the most striking difference between President Obama’s speech and that of President Trump’s is the section on Iran.

Obama — with doe-eyed naiveté — began with another acknowledgement of American guilt...President Trump appears to want to right that historical wrong, stating today his wish to isolate the nation (Iran) from the civilized world. Again, an action point"


Tolerance or a lack thereof:

"Where Obama declared “Islam has a proud history of tolerance” as the Mullahs prepared their latest homosexual to be thrown from a building, and the most recent woman to be stoned in the street, President Trump demanded: “Your soul will be condemned” for barbaric acts, a sentiment that found its crescendo when he declared: “This is a battle between Good and Evil”, insisting that Arab and Muslim leaders “drive out” the forces of terror and extremism within their ranks. DRIVE THEM OUT of your places of worship.
DRIVE THEM OUT of your communities. DRIVE THEM OUT of your holy land, and

Unlike Obama, Trump shared ZERO tolerance for Islamist Extremists / terrorists.
President Trump Said 'Terror' 31 Times, Obama in Cairo Said it ZERO Times

While President Obama lectured from the Quran, President Trump was declaring today: “We are not here to lecture, we are not here to tell other people how to live, what to do, who to be, or how to worship. Instead, we are here to offer partnership based on shared interests and values, to pursue a better future for us all”.


But President Trump was far more robust, and far more — undoubtedly to the chagrin of liberal commentators — spirited in his defence of young Muslims who are having their minds poisoned and futures ruined.

This is the most effective argument against Islamic extremism, and President Trump put it simply, and effectively, as follows:

TRUMP: 'Young Muslim boys and girls should be able to grow up free from fear, safe from violence, and innocent of hatred. And young Muslim men and women should have the chance to build a new era of prosperity for themselves and their peoples.'

Notice the difference. No apologia for Sharia-compliant hijabs, no caveats or compromises.


"Perhaps the most striking difference between President Obama’s speech and that of President Trump’s is the section on Iran.

Obama — with doe-eyed naiveté — began with another acknowledgement of American guilt...President Trump appears to want to right that historical wrong, stating today his wish to isolate the nation (Iran) from the civilized world. Again, an action point"


Tolerance or a lack thereof:

"Where Obama declared “Islam has a proud history of tolerance” as the Mullahs prepared their latest homosexual to be thrown from a building, and the most recent woman to be stoned in the street, President Trump demanded: “Your soul will be condemned” for barbaric acts, a sentiment that found its crescendo when he declared: “This is a battle between Good and Evil”, insisting that Arab and Muslim leaders “drive out” the forces of terror and extremism within their ranks. DRIVE THEM OUT of your places of worship.
DRIVE THEM OUT of your communities. DRIVE THEM OUT of your holy land, and

Unlike Obama, Trump shared ZERO tolerance for Islamist Extremists / terrorists.
It was a good speech, I thought.
President Trump Said 'Terror' 31 Times, Obama in Cairo Said it ZERO Times

While President Obama lectured from the Quran, President Trump was declaring today: “We are not here to lecture, we are not here to tell other people how to live, what to do, who to be, or how to worship. Instead, we are here to offer partnership based on shared interests and values, to pursue a better future for us all”.


But President Trump was far more robust, and far more — undoubtedly to the chagrin of liberal commentators — spirited in his defence of young Muslims who are having their minds poisoned and futures ruined.

This is the most effective argument against Islamic extremism, and President Trump put it simply, and effectively, as follows:

TRUMP: 'Young Muslim boys and girls should be able to grow up free from fear, safe from violence, and innocent of hatred. And young Muslim men and women should have the chance to build a new era of prosperity for themselves and their peoples.'

Notice the difference. No apologia for Sharia-compliant hijabs, no caveats or compromises.


"Perhaps the most striking difference between President Obama’s speech and that of President Trump’s is the section on Iran.

Obama — with doe-eyed naiveté — began with another acknowledgement of American guilt...President Trump appears to want to right that historical wrong, stating today his wish to isolate the nation (Iran) from the civilized world. Again, an action point"


Tolerance or a lack thereof:

"Where Obama declared “Islam has a proud history of tolerance” as the Mullahs prepared their latest homosexual to be thrown from a building, and the most recent woman to be stoned in the street, President Trump demanded: “Your soul will be condemned” for barbaric acts, a sentiment that found its crescendo when he declared: “This is a battle between Good and Evil”, insisting that Arab and Muslim leaders “drive out” the forces of terror and extremism within their ranks. DRIVE THEM OUT of your places of worship.
DRIVE THEM OUT of your communities. DRIVE THEM OUT of your holy land, and

Unlike Obama, Trump shared ZERO tolerance for Islamist Extremists / terrorists.
It was a good speech, I thought.

His best yet. He's coming around.

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