Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

Are there no pictures of the starving, dying in the streets?

No, but I can get you some great photos of land whales on their Diabetes Scooters paying for Coke and candy with their food stamps down at the Walmart.
Soldiers, veterans, children and the elderly. DO try to focus.

Already covered it.
Soldiers should be paid more.
Let's give them a living wage, vets should not be forced onto food stamps.
We could fund better paid soldiers and cater to our veterans if we cut aid to, mmmmmm, let's say India, india doesn't need billions in aid from the USA.

The elderly should have budgeted better, they didn't realise they were going to old one day?
What children? Do children apply for foodstamps?
Shouldn't their parents be feeding them?


Ah yes....a movie. :lol:

She is better looking than you hogzilla
Let's keep the record straight here, okay?

Each year, SNAP benefit levels are adjusted to reflect inflation, or deflation, in food prices. In 2009, the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act increased the monthly benefits for all SNAP participants to stimulate the economy. Congress did not set an expiration date for the increased benefits. The increased level was supposed to continue until the annual benefit adjustments caught up with it.

However, in August 2010, Congress passed a law that set April 2014 as the expiration date. The estimated savings from lower SNAP spending were reserved to fund education jobs and Medicaid.

Four months later, Congress passed another law mandating that the increased benefits expire October 31, 2013. The money saved by this shift was set aside to fund child nutrition programs. The President’s proposed 2014 budget would prevent the November reduction and extend increased benefits through March 2014. The budget is now in Congress’ hands.

Note that the Democrats were in charge of Congress with a super majority in most of 2009 and 2010. The SNAP program was one of the casualities as they scxrambled to find ways to justify Obamacare and the mega billion increases that would add to the Medicaid program and subsequent adjustments to the concept were to increase funding for children's nutrition programs. And in fairness to the Democrats, it is unlikely that Republicans objected to a decrease in funding in ANYTHING at this point.

But in all honesty, given the price of groceries, does anybody really believe that anybody is going to starve with a $1 to a maximum of $25 reduction in government benefits?
What a pompous ass Penn Gillette is.. beating up strawmen seems to be his forte.

NOBODY thinks its "compassion" to vote for a government that helps its CITIZENS.

Its enlightened SELF INTEREST to see to it that everybody in your nation is doing as well as possible.

That DOES seem to be the one thing most of our resident libertarians cannot quite fathom: the whole POINT of government is to help citizens because when you neighbors do well, so do YOU.

Let me know if anybody addresses the vets and the seniors. I'm going to go get some sleep. I hope.

The NAMBLA liberals stuck veterans on foodstamps to de stigmatize the welfare queens and to give them the ability to call critisism of welfare an attack on veterans.
Seniors should have planned better.
My grandmother never used a penny of government money.
She worked till she was 80, to pay for her 8 years in retirement.
She was a dumb white Irish immigrant subhuman, if she could do it, why can't others?
She cleaned other people's houses and had the reading/writing skills of an average 12 year old.
I'm waiting for all the rioting that various drama-queen retards have predicted. Washington DC was supposed to be burning down about now.
Liberals think "temporary" assistance that becomes permanent assistance is always the answer. First, the bigger cause of hunger right now is not the loss of food assistance, but rather the rapid inflation that causes food prices to spike. That inflation spike is cause by the out of control spending, printing and borrowing of money! Jobs that used to afford a family of 4, can't even support a family of one because of inflation due to the aforementioned reasons.
What a pompous ass Penn Gillette is.. beating up strawmen seems to be his forte.

NOBODY thinks its "compassion" to vote for a government that helps its CITIZENS.

Its enlightened SELF INTEREST to see to it that everybody in your nation is doing as well as possible.

That DOES seem to be the one thing most of our resident libertarians cannot quite fathom: the whole POINT of government is to help citizens because when you neighbors do well, so do YOU.

Let me know if anybody addresses the vets and the seniors. I'm going to go get some sleep. I hope.

The NAMBLA liberals stuck veterans on foodstamps to de stigmatize the welfare queens and to give them the ability to call critisism of welfare an attack on veterans.
Seniors should have planned better.
My grandmother never used a penny of government money.
She worked till she was 80, to pay for her 8 years in retirement.
She was a dumb white Irish immigrant subhuman, if she could do it, why can't others?
She cleaned other people's houses and had the reading/writing skills of an average 12 year old.

"NAMBLA" liberals?

Hey it was conservative icon Jerry Sandusky that kiddie ass raped little boys in showers.

And Conservative hero and Conservative Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum that gave him an award.

Santorum sponsored honor for accused PSU Coach

When you live in glass houses..
Liberals think "temporary" assistance that becomes permanent assistance is always the answer. First, the bigger cause of hunger right now is not the loss of food assistance, but rather the rapid inflation that causes food prices to spike. That inflation spike is cause by the out of control spending, printing and borrowing of money! Jobs that used to afford a family of 4, can't even support a family of one because of inflation due to the aforementioned reasons.

One of the MAJOR factors in out of control food costs is Ethanol mandates. Obama, in conjunction with well connected looters ADM (Archers-Daniels-Midland) are diverting a majority of corn production to the creation alcohol for fuel. This drives the price of corn through the roof, it has risen about 1500% since Bush really got the ball rolling in 2004.

Mexico went as far as accuse the USA of genocide because of our looting scheme. This is a national scandal, and EVERYONE associated with ethanol should be in prison, including Obama and Bush.
Liberals think "temporary" assistance that becomes permanent assistance is always the answer. First, the bigger cause of hunger right now is not the loss of food assistance, but rather the rapid inflation that causes food prices to spike. That inflation spike is cause by the out of control spending, printing and borrowing of money! Jobs that used to afford a family of 4, can't even support a family of one because of inflation due to the aforementioned reasons.

Well no..not really.

Liberals believe in fair play, equality, liberty, know..stuff you know nothing about.

It's incredible we live in a country that literally throws food away to up the profit margin and we have people that bust their humps on a daily basis that can't adequately feed their families.

This country was never started to create a new aristocracy.
Congress beats up on the hungry - Chicago Sun-Times

Starting Friday, food stamp benefits will be trimmed back because a temporary boost from the 2009 stimulus bill is expiring. More than 47 million Americans — one in seven — will see less food on their plates. A family of four, for example, will get $36 less a month. That might not seem like much until you consider the average household monthly benefit is only $287. The Congressional Budget Office expects spending on food stamps in fiscal 2014 to fall by $5 billion.

As a result, the Illinois Hunger Coalition says, more than 2 million Illinois residents — including about 349,000 seniors and 886,000 children — will have to tighten their belts just as home heating bills are about to soar.

And it could just be a step on the way to more cuts. Both houses of Congress have passed bills that would further trim food stamps, technically known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The House would cut food stamps by $4 billion a year and would tighten eligibility. The Senate bill would cut just $400 million. Talks on a compromise bill began Wednesday afternoon.

SNAP critics, alarmed that the government’s tab for food stamps has more than doubled since 2008 to almost $80 billion, say the program needs to be scaled back. But that’s not taking into account how many people are struggling financially. Although about 20 percent of the increase is due to the stimulus, which is ending, much of the rest is due to the struggling economy, as more people’s incomes drop to levels at which they qualify for aid.
I guess all I can say is I am glad my grandparents are dead, and nobody in my extended family is in need. I cannot think about those who will be affected. My government refuses to - so I can't.

I do hope everybody sees the disconnect between "this is a Christian nation" and "we are done feeding the hungry."

Nearly 1 Million Vets Face Food Stamps Cut |

About 900,000 veterans and 5,000 active duty troops face cuts in their food stamp benefits beginning Thursday as $5 billion is automatically trimmed from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program for low-income families.

"The coming benefit cut will reduce SNAP benefits, which are already modest, for all households by 7 percent on average, or about $10 per person per month," according to an analysis by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.

"Nationwide, in any given month, a total of 900,000 veterans nationwide lived in households that relied on SNAP to provide food for their families in 2011," according to an analysis of census data, the Center's report said.

Anybody else wondering why corporate welfare is good, but helping our fellow Americans is bad?

Damn, I didn't even get past the second paragraph before I chocked on all the contradictions.

Tell me something, why did he compare the cut for a family of 4 to the average benefit? Is it so he could make it seem like a huge cut? According to CBPP a family of 4 gets $632, not $287. (Yes, that includes the "cuts.) That is $143 more than they were getting 3 years ago. Did you get a 30% pay raise in the last two years, even if you don't count the other benefits a typical family on SNAP gets?

How could they be so cruel?

A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Liberals think "temporary" assistance that becomes permanent assistance is always the answer. First, the bigger cause of hunger right now is not the loss of food assistance, but rather the rapid inflation that causes food prices to spike. That inflation spike is cause by the out of control spending, printing and borrowing of money! Jobs that used to afford a family of 4, can't even support a family of one because of inflation due to the aforementioned reasons.

One of the MAJOR factors in out of control food costs is Ethanol mandates. Obama, in conjunction with well connected looters ADM (Archers-Daniels-Midland) are diverting a majority of corn production to the creation alcohol for fuel. This drives the price of corn through the roof, it has risen about 1500% since Bush really got the ball rolling in 2004.

Mexico went as far as accuse the USA of genocide because of our looting scheme. This is a national scandal, and EVERYONE associated with ethanol should be in prison, including Obama and Bush.

Agreed that ethanol made from food products or converting food production to ethanol production is one of the more horrendous and cruel consequences of the 'green energy' programs and yes, the Bush administration is every bit as guilty of that as the Obama administration. Bush's energy program was one of his boondoggles that I have long railed against as it was one that only a pure liberal could love.

But lord knows, the government isn't going to do the practical thing like eliminate rules and regulations that would help bring food costs down dramatically for everybody--far more than the piddly amount of reduction in SNAP funding as so much of our food supply hinges on the price of corn. To do something that practical would significantly help the poor yes, but it might also help somebody who isn't poor--we can't allow that--and it would violate the dictates of the AGW religionist doctrines.
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