French doctor arrested, dragged out of his home for prescribing ivermectin to covid patients


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Ivermecitin is known since more as 40 years, has almost no side effects and has been prescribed billions times in almost any country.In the West it is prohibited now.Why? Because Ivermecitin can cure the Fauci Flu and stop the fake pandemic within few hours.
Western governments know it so any treatment with Ivermecitin is a crime now. Only the Gates's 'Jab' can make you safe.
BTW. In many Western Countries Ivermecitin can be purchased on 'black market', is more expensive as narcotics, so mafia loves politicians because it can make more money without punishment.

For the “crime” of prescribing ivermectin to his patients, a French doctor by the name of Jean-Paul Théron was arrested at his home and dragged out by police officers working on behalf of the medical police state. Footage – watch below – shows a mob of masked jackboots forcefully pulling Théron out of the building against his will as his neighbors and other onlookers scream in horror at the tyranny taking place:
Théron’s arrest happened at the behest of the Council of the Order of Physicians, which filed a complaint against him for saving lives with ivermectin rather than ending lives with “vaccines.”
The incident occurred on September 19 right as Théron was in the middle of consulting with a patient. He reportedly received three other complaints as well from other Branch Covidian entities that accused him of malpractice for administering ivermectin.
A former public health doctor who retired in 2020, Théron currently practices medicine non-contracted, meaning he is independent. He adopted the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) treatment protocol of Dr. Didier Raoult, who is also being persecuted for helping Chinese Virus patients heal.
Dr. Raoult’s protocol involves the use of ivermectin, zinc and a drug called dazitromicin. Many people have been cured of the Wuhan Flu using this approach, including many of Théron’s patients.
Because ivermectin, zinc and other safe and inexpensive remedies cut into the profits and depopulation agenda of the medical deep state, doctors who administer them increasingly face persecution from police officers who are just obeying orders.
“Backing the blue,” in other words, now means supporting full-scale medical fascism in whatever shape it takes form. In France, that looks like licensed medical doctors being dragged from their homes like actual criminals and humiliated in the streets.
In the United States, it currently looks like doctors being threatened with having their medical licenses revoked should they be caught prescribing ivermectin to their covid patients.
In India, on the other hand, ivermectin is widely administered and even handed out for free by the government. Almost nobody is dying there, and almost nobody is taking the “vaccines.”
Unlike much of the rest of the world, India is not seeing mass hospitalizations or deaths from the Chinese Virus because ivermectin is the norm there and Fauci Flu injections are not.
There is a direct correlation between high vaccine compliance and high rates of disease and death. Conversely, low vaccine compliance means a healthier population, especially when other remedies like ivermectin are used in place of the shots.
This is why Théron had to be stopped. He was helping too many people to recover from Chinese Germs and that is not the point of the plandemic. The real goal is to depopulate primarily the West, followed by everyone else once the “superpower” nations are subdued under the heavy boot of medical fascism.
“If you don’t think we are at a tipping point worldwide, then you need to wake up,” wrote one commenter at Citizen Free Press. “Globalists / Marxists are taking over while everyone sits back in denial.”
“The big reset is coming,” wrote another. “Covid, voter fraud, and worldwide ruling by decree is just the beginning.”
Another called on the “Living God” to judge any and all who seek to enslave and harm people for trying to do what is right to help others and fight evil and injustice.

“May the Lord Almighty vindicate his righteousness and rebuke those who serve the dark Lord Satan,” this person added.

The west is coming down ...more than likely its gonna a erupt ...its feels like it's getting closer and closer

The West can still survive, probably, but by loosing of 60% citizens and abolishment of fishy and failed 'democracy'

1. Almost all clever scientists predict all vaccinated morons will die within few years. Sorry for them.
2. So-called 'democracy' ( dictatorship of insane satanists, sexual deviants and lying presstitutes) shall be replaced by Christian Theocracy
3. The Holy Bible shall became the main Constitution, Law, Fundamentalist Churches shall be the main decisionmakers
4. The lying MS propagandamashine shall be stopped, all medias shall be in churches ownership
5. All political power shall belong to free citizens, not to their lying, corrupt, insane, satanic, sexual deviant 'representatives'

All societies without a strong religion die.
Therefore satanists firstly destroyed Christianity by subverting it within.
Only Christianity shall be blamed, not another religions.
Did you ever hear mocking of Judaism by MS presstitutes of trash 'politicians'?

Also, the Holy Bible as the Main Law, otherwise all get murdered by satanist
The West can still survive, probably, but by loosing of 60% citizens and abolishment of fishy and failed 'democracy'

1. Almost all clever scientists predict all vaccinated morons will die within few years. Sorry for them.
2. So-called 'democracy' ( dictatorship of insane satanists, sexual deviants and lying presstitutes) shall be replaced by Christian Theocracy
3. The Holy Bible shall became the main Constitution, Law, Fundamentalist Churches shall be the main decisionmakers
4. The lying MS propagandamashine shall be stopped, all medias shall be in churches ownership
5. All political power shall belong to free citizens, not to their lying, corrupt, insane, satanic, sexual deviant 'representatives'

All societies without a strong religion die.
Therefore satanists firstly destroyed Christianity by subverting it within.
Only Christianity shall be blamed, not another religions.
Did you ever hear mocking of Judaism by MS presstitutes of trash 'politicians'?

Also, the Holy Bible as the Main Law, otherwise all get murdered by satanist
Some do indeed say The west will rise again one day from the ashes were about to create

Not the first time it's fallen. ....I read an interesting comparison on the rise and fall of past Chinese empires and the latin west ....which we eventually rose from was a couple months ago ...if I find it I'll throw it up

It's our time to bleed again

Save what needs saving ...kill what needs Killin
And God help us all

Also no one could come up with great sub Saharan civilizations for some reason. :p........cock washers
Some do indeed say The west will rise again one day from the ashes were about to create

Not the first time it's fallen. ....I read an interesting comparison on the rise and fall of past Chinese empires and the latin west ....which we eventually rose from was a couple months ago ...if I find it I'll throw it up

It's our time to bleed again

Save what needs saving ...kill what needs Killin
And God help us all

Also no one could come up with great sub Saharan civilizations for some reason. :p........cock washers

It's a war of a band of satanists against humanity.
But humans will win the battle
I can do this
Ivermecitin is known since more as 40 years, has almost no side effects and has been prescribed billions times in almost any country.In the West it is prohibited now.Why? Because Ivermecitin can cure the Fauci Flu and stop the fake pandemic within few hours.
Western governments know it so any treatment with Ivermecitin is a crime now. Only the Gates's 'Jab' can make you safe.
BTW. In many Western Countries Ivermecitin can be purchased on 'black market', is more expensive as narcotics, so mafia loves politicians because it can make more money without punishment.

For the “crime” of prescribing ivermectin to his patients, a French doctor by the name of Jean-Paul Théron was arrested at his home and dragged out by police officers working on behalf of the medical police state. Footage – watch below – shows a mob of masked jackboots forcefully pulling Théron out of the building against his will as his neighbors and other onlookers scream in horror at the tyranny taking place:
Théron’s arrest happened at the behest of the Council of the Order of Physicians, which filed a complaint against him for saving lives with ivermectin rather than ending lives with “vaccines.”
The incident occurred on September 19 right as Théron was in the middle of consulting with a patient. He reportedly received three other complaints as well from other Branch Covidian entities that accused him of malpractice for administering ivermectin.
A former public health doctor who retired in 2020, Théron currently practices medicine non-contracted, meaning he is independent. He adopted the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) treatment protocol of Dr. Didier Raoult, who is also being persecuted for helping Chinese Virus patients heal.
Dr. Raoult’s protocol involves the use of ivermectin, zinc and a drug called dazitromicin. Many people have been cured of the Wuhan Flu using this approach, including many of Théron’s patients.
Because ivermectin, zinc and other safe and inexpensive remedies cut into the profits and depopulation agenda of the medical deep state, doctors who administer them increasingly face persecution from police officers who are just obeying orders.
“Backing the blue,” in other words, now means supporting full-scale medical fascism in whatever shape it takes form. In France, that looks like licensed medical doctors being dragged from their homes like actual criminals and humiliated in the streets.
In the United States, it currently looks like doctors being threatened with having their medical licenses revoked should they be caught prescribing ivermectin to their covid patients.
In India, on the other hand, ivermectin is widely administered and even handed out for free by the government. Almost nobody is dying there, and almost nobody is taking the “vaccines.”
Unlike much of the rest of the world, India is not seeing mass hospitalizations or deaths from the Chinese Virus because ivermectin is the norm there and Fauci Flu injections are not.
There is a direct correlation between high vaccine compliance and high rates of disease and death. Conversely, low vaccine compliance means a healthier population, especially when other remedies like ivermectin are used in place of the shots.
This is why Théron had to be stopped. He was helping too many people to recover from Chinese Germs and that is not the point of the plandemic. The real goal is to depopulate primarily the West, followed by everyone else once the “superpower” nations are subdued under the heavy boot of medical fascism.
“If you don’t think we are at a tipping point worldwide, then you need to wake up,” wrote one commenter at Citizen Free Press. “Globalists / Marxists are taking over while everyone sits back in denial.”
“The big reset is coming,” wrote another. “Covid, voter fraud, and worldwide ruling by decree is just the beginning.”
Another called on the “Living God” to judge any and all who seek to enslave and harm people for trying to do what is right to help others and fight evil and injustice.

“May the Lord Almighty vindicate his righteousness and rebuke those who serve the dark Lord Satan,” this person added.

Freak man: Ivermectin working in India with people arresting people who give it means this: People want the Covid pandemic to kill people and control people with fear.
Freak man: Ivermectin working in India with people arresting people who give it means this: People want the Covid pandemic to kill people and control people with fear.
Either the people in power want to see a lot of people die or the pharmaceutical industry wants to make a fortune off some very expensive new drug rather than nickels and dimes off some readily available dirt cheap drug.
Either the people in power want to see a lot of people die or the pharmaceutical industry wants to make a fortune off some very expensive new drug rather than nickels and dimes off some readily available dirt cheap drug.
The people in power want money. They don't want is to be healthy. Sick people bring in more money, than healthy people. Those money hungry people put as many bad chiropactic technique's out there as they can, to confuse people, and to make people to be bitter regarding chiropractic. That brings more people to them. The same thing with the many religion thing. That makes hearts to be bitter, too. people snap at anyone, even those that have the truth rejecting them. People remain in the dark. Gonstead, and Diversified pop the neck. ABC, and Core Chiropractic talk themselves up, being bad Chiropractic too. The top bone on the spine will not be properly possitioned beneath the foramen Magnum when the upper back is Compressed. Look on Upper Cervical Health Centers. TheSpesific, NUCCA or Upcspine. wait 4 - 5 days after whiplash, fall or being hit in the head.
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The people in power want money. They don't want is to be healthy. Sick people bring in more money, than healthy people. Those money hungry people put as many bad chiropactic technique's out there as they can, to confuse people, and to make people to be bitter regarding chiropractic. That brings more people to them. The same thing with the many religion thing. That makes hearts to be bitter, too. people snap at anyone, even those that have the truth rejecting them. People remain in the dark. Gonstead, and Diversified pop the neck. ABC, and Core Chiropractic talk themselves up, being bad Chiropractic too. The top bone on the spine will not be properly possitioned beneath the foramen Magnum when the upper back is Compressed. Look on Upper Cervical Health Centers. TheSpesific, NUCCA or Upcspine. wait 4 - 5 days after whiplash, fall or being hit in the head.
Although I sometimes have a hard time following what importance Upper Cervical Chiropractic has to do with the some of the posts in which you mention it, I do agree that it is a wonder of treatment. I've been getting Atlas Orthogonal for three years and it has alleviated an excruciatingly painful condition almost completely. Having escaped Western Washington, I am now working on helping my doctor there find a pathway for moving here to South Dakota, which does not have a single AO Chiropractor.
All crooked, liberal countries hate cheap and affective remedies because big Pharma wants it that way. Anything that gets in the way of their multi billion dollar rigged government contracts will be vilified because our government has been purchased by the pharmaceuticals

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