Free Speech!! Free Speech!!

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Well.... so long as it's speech we like:

Boy punished for T-shirt with gun image
Mon Mar 10, 1:29 PM ET
LANCASTER, Pa. - The family of a middle school student who was given detention for wearing a T-shirt bearing the image of a gun has filed a federal freedom of speech lawsuit against the school district.

Donald Miller III, 14, went to Penn Manor High School in December wearing a T-shirt he said was intended to honor his uncle, a U.S. Army soldier fighting in Iraq.

The shirt bears the image of a military sidearm and on the front pocket says "Volunteer Homeland Security." On the back, over another image of the weapon, are the words "Special issue Resident Lifetime License — United States Terrorist Hunting Permit — Permit No. 91101 — Gun Owner — No Bag Limit."

Officials at the Millersville school told him to turn his shirt inside out. When Miller refused, he got two days of detention.

His parents, Donald and Tina Miller of Holtwood, have accused the Penn Manor School District in a lawsuit of violating their son's First Amendment rights with a "vague Orwellian policy" that stifles both patriotism and free speech.

But an attorney for the school district said school must create a safe environment for students in the post-Columbine era, and bringing even the image of a gun to school violates the district's policy.

I would like someone to explain to me how a picture of a gun creates an unsafe environment.
Ok, I believe that this is a pretty far-fetched and rediculous occurance. The The student shouldn't be punished for wearing a shirt like that. I would have a problem if the shirt had said "Muslim Season." I don't think that this falls into the realm of free speech though. It falls in the realm of assinine.
First of all, it does not create an unsafe envioronment because schools are already unsafe. My point is proven by the high number of school shootings within the last 15 years. These psycopaths know they can go into a school and shoot everyone because they know that no one will shoot back. You don't see these guys running into police stations or military bases and trying to shoot everyone; it's because they wouldn't get very far.

Second, I don't think this should rest with the Freedom of Speech amendment. As much as we, as Americans, would liked to assume that we can say whatever we want, when we want, is pretty naive in itself. The fact is, when a students walk through the front door of school, he/she loses his/her right to freedom of speech. (Not Constitutionally, but they still lose it). If they didn't lose a certain degree of free speech than they could talk the entire day and never learn a thing, and there's nothing anyone could do about it because it's their free speech. (we see the negative parallel to this in the Freedom of Press amendment---they've gone to far with it) The students have freedom of speech as long as it furthers their education and pertains to the environment in which they are placed. If a student had a nazi shirt on that said "every jew in the school was going to be killed", should he be spared because it's his/her freedom of speech?

(I'm not trying to be confrontational, but I'm just calling it like I see it)
Schools are allowed to restrict free speech. It's pretty much settled law.

Were you as ticked off when the kid with the "bong hits for jesus" banner lost his lawsuit against the school that suspended him?
Schools are allowed to restrict free speech. It's pretty much settled law.
That doesnt answer my question.

The reason for the 'ban':

"School must create a safe environment for students in the post-Columbine era, and bringing even the image of a gun to school violates the district's policy"

How does a picture of a gun create an unsafe environment?
ahhh yes.. bong hits for jesus guy...

True story:

In third grade I brought in my recently dead Grandfather's single shot 20 guage for show and tell.

the year after I graduated High School a kid was expelled for having a shotgun in a gun rack in his truck in the school parking lot.
the year after I graduated High School a kid was expelled for having a shotgun in a gun rack in his truck in the school parking lot.
My junior year in HS, I did a ballistics project for the science fair.
I had an AR15 and a couple other rifles, as well as a pair of handguns, in the cafeteria, which was full of school-age kids.

Later, in college, I took my M1A to my History of the Vietnam War class, for a little show-and-tell with the ROTC guys.

Not a word was said by anyone.

Now, kids are getting suspended because of -pictures- of guns. :rolleyes:

No wonder the Japs bombed us.
My junior year in HS, I did a ballistics project for the science fair.
I had an AR15 and a couple other rifles, as well as a pair of handguns, in the cafeteria, which was full of school-age kids.

Later, in college, I took my M1A to my History of the Vietnam War class, for a little show-and-tell with the ROTC guys.

Not a word was said by anyone.

Now, kids are getting suspended because of -pictures- of guns. :rolleyes:

No wonder the Japs bombed us.

Starting mainly with Columbine, there's been a concerted effort to use public violence incidents against us as a population, to eventually lead to being able to take away gun rights.

I'm not saying there's been a conspiracy to create these incidents, but it's awfully funny how all the sudden there are so many in the last 10 years, and they are always beaten to death in the media for weeks, if not months, and sometimes longer.

The establishment wants our guns, and that's all there is to it. They'll get them eventually, too. It's the only protection we have anymore as free citizens. The only way you'll be able to resist is by shooting whoever comes to eventually take your guns from you. And then, of course, they always have bigger guns then you anyway, so they'll eventually get the guns from you, or you'll end up dead.

The mere fact that there are people willing to support such a thing as banning certain t-shirts, and suspending kids for wearing them, should tell you a lot about how well the conditioning process has been going over the last 10-15 years.
The mere fact that there are people willing to support such a thing as banning certain t-shirts, and suspending kids for wearing them, should tell you a lot about how well the conditioning process has been going over the last 10-15 years.
This is exactly why the liberals here take no issue with this -- they know that the fact this is happening means their anti-gun propaganda is working.

But, ban a shirt that says "Jesus is Gay" because it goes agains the same policy and they will go apeshit.
Interesting how this was done in the name of safety, yet we have evidence that repression of taboo things lead to serious problems.

ie: Teen pregnancies in high abstinence taught areas.
Used to play cowboys and indians with cap guns that made a loud bang back in elementary school. How things have changed. Sure glad I'm not part of the govt funded controlled school systems anymore although I was a product of this now laughing stock way of teaching. Worst tax dollars that I'm forced to spend every year.
Used to play cowboys and indians with cap guns that made a loud bang back in elementary school. How things have changed. Sure glad I'm not part of the govt funded controlled school systems anymore although I was a product of this now laughing stock way of teaching. Worst tax dollars that I'm forced to spend every year.

Education is the worst tax dollars you're forced to spend?

Are you sure that title doesn't go to our Bloody Socialism Progam over in Iraq?
Starting mainly with Columbine, there's been a concerted effort to use public violence incidents against us as a population, to eventually lead to being able to take away gun rights.

I'm not saying there's been a conspiracy to create these incidents, but it's awfully funny how all the sudden there are so many in the last 10 years, and they are always beaten to death in the media for weeks, if not months, and sometimes longer.

The establishment wants our guns, and that's all there is to it. They'll get them eventually, too. It's the only protection we have anymore as free citizens. The only way you'll be able to resist is by shooting whoever comes to eventually take your guns from you. And then, of course, they always have bigger guns then you anyway, so they'll eventually get the guns from you, or you'll end up dead.

The mere fact that there are people willing to support such a thing as banning certain t-shirts, and suspending kids for wearing them, should tell you a lot about how well the conditioning process has been going over the last 10-15 years.

It isn't just the "establishment". It's the morons that believe guns kill people, and would have you believe the police will protect you from violent crime.

But they've been at it longer than 10-15 years. first time I remember hearing of the anti-gun knuckleheads was the 70s, and they were an already-established group of fanatics.
You know, you want to see how wonderful our medical est. will be if we socialize it, take a good hard look at how wonderful our schools are doing.

They've been going downhill steadily since it became a requirement that all children attend.

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