Frantic liberals declaring that white males will reassert their dominance...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Women will be forced back to the kitchen...

Hispanics will be deported by the millions, even if they were born here...

Blacks will be forced into the back of the bus, and will once again use separate drinking fountains...

Muslims will be rounded up and put in detention camps for waterboarding...

Homosexuals will be forced back into the closet...

Everyone who isn't a white male will suffer as they did in the bad old days before Democrats came to save them...

This shit is actually out there, not just among the idiots who blog and tweet, but in mainstream media publications.
I'm still waiting for my white male privilege card to arrive in the mail.
Any white male who tries that nonsense will be emasculated.

Now get in the kitchen and make her a sammy!
A liberal friend is threatening to unfriend everyone who supported Trump, saying he is a threat to him and his family.

He's gay by the way, and has a same-sex "fiance".

I'm not going to bother telling him that Trump doesn't give a damn about the gays. He would just unfriend me for telling him that.
I am a White Boy, and let me tell you, its been a tough half century to be a White Boy.

Every damn thing is our fault.

The country is not has problems, and we White Boys are persecuted for every one of them, because we have been in complete control from the get-go.

And yet, while is, or has been, humanity's Greatest Accomplishment....the finest place ever to live...and weren't White Boys in the same control?

Women: We White Boys are more than ready for a Woman President, but we want one who made her own way, like Margaret Thatcher, or Condaleesa Rice...rather then a coat-tail riding Evita-Peron-Wannabe who has fucked up every job her husband got her--which is all of the jobs she's ever had.

Hispanics: Legal=Fine; Illegal=Not Fine. But some of the illegals have redeemed their crime by being good citizens...they can stay...but if they commit a crime, and those who already they go...and if they come back...automatic 5 years in Jail.

Blacks: Am I a racist for quoting the great Black Educator and Social Reformer W. E. B. DuBois, who said in 1906 that the Black Man is going to have to realize that the White Man is not responsible for every problem in his life.

Am I a racist for noticing that Haiti gained its Independence at about the same time that we did here in America?

And now one is the most successful social experiment in human history; and the other is the Basket Case of the Western Hemisphere. Some reasons for the different outcomes, but maybe the main one was:....first thing they did in Haiti was:

Kill All the White Boys.

Muslims: The ones here legally are entitled to every single right the rest of America enjoys. And all religions should be treated the same. But, we think we have enough Middle Easterners to suit us for now thank you. Lets watch them for a few centuries, see if they become less Barbaric...then maybe we can invite a few more.

Let the Persians stop walking the streets of Iran screaming "Death to America" while they flagellate themselves...let them stop that..for a few centuries...then maybe we can take a try on a very few more of them.

Homosexuals: Anything to get them to shut up. Anything except bringing my own Vaseline and bending over and taking one in the bum to show Solidarity.

We White Boys are beat down to where we are anxious to become a Minority, so we can join the Grievance Community.
Anyone who unfriends someone else because of politics is a cuck of deplorable personality, regardless of political belief.
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Frantic liberals declaring that white males will reassert their dominance...

Liberals are so RACIST...
What is it with the left? If they aren't talking about "rights for sodomites" they are ranting about sexual dominance. Did it ever occur to the radical left that the nations they defend would execute them for their views?
What is it with the left? If they aren't talking about "rights for sodomites" they are ranting about sexual dominance. Did it ever occur to the radical left that the nations they defend would execute them for their views?
They are talking about sexism and feminism here in America. You do live in America, yes?

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