Franklin Delano Roosevelt


Mar 11, 2016
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The United States of America was attacked at pearl harbor December 7th 1941 by a far outmoded government Administering a far outmoded regime and set of beliefs and culture, that had recently been newly industrialized by the UK, and then trade with the USA...

A culture that knew nothing but far eastern warfare with their Chinese and Korean and later Russian neighbors, with the industrialization by Britain.

The USA was attacked primarily Because the USA wouldn't supply oil for their war effort against China... who was our friend at that time when it was a democratic, economically free and competitive regime and friends with contemporary western Europe and Britain.

And FDR did what he was supposed to do.

And if he was alive today and running for president, absolutely none of the comparative jokers that we have today.. not even the Clintons would get my vote.
My vote would be going to FDR.
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This does not belong in the Religion forum
The United States of America was attacked at pearl harbor December 7th 1941 by a far outmoded government Administering a far outmoded regime and set of beliefs and culture, that had recently been newly industrialized by the UK, and then trade with the USA...

A culture that knew nothing but far eastern warfare with their Chinese and Korean and later Russian neighbors, with the industrialization by Britain.

The USA was attacked primarily Because the USA wouldn't supply oil for their war effort against China... who was our friend at that time when it was a democratic, economically free and competitive regime and friends with contemporary western Europe and Britain.

And FDR did what he was supposed to do.

And if he was alive today and running for president, absolutely none of the comparative jokers that we have today.. not even the Clintons would get my vote.
My vote would be going to FDR.
Brinkley has a new book, out today I think, about FDR. I watched him on C-Span Saturday night speaking at a bookstore in Tucson, and the book sounds interesting. I was born in the first year of FDRs 2nd term, so my formative years were during his admin, ergo, my hindsight is different from those who now want to re-write the era and paint it over with vitriol as a failed experiment.
FDR goaded the Japanese into an attack and they stupidly complied
FDR goaded the Japanese into an attack and they stupidly complied
The United States of America was attacked at pearl harbor December 7th 1941 by a far outmoded government Administering a far outmoded regime and set of beliefs and culture, that had recently been newly industrialized by the UK, and then trade with the USA...

If FDR had not taken a stand against Japan's fascistic aggression it would have been a matter of time until the entire Far East would be under Japanese control.

At that time, Hitler Germany, which was allied with Japan, was preparing to conquer and occupy England, which its forthcoming V-2 rocket program was certain to facilitate.

At the same time, Mussolini's fascist Italy was aligning with Hitler's intention to sweep across and occupy the entire European continent, which, without aid from an industrially powerful nation (the U.S.), was as certain as was Japan's inevitable conquest of the Far East and, eventually, Australia.

At the same time, Germany was making inroads onto oil-rich Northern Africa, which could easily have supplied the energy needs of an emerging unified fascist empire.

If the combined ambitions of Hirohito, Hitler and Mussolini had resulted in a fully accomplished, irresistibly powerful allied war machine, which would have taken no more than two or three years, there is no way the North-American continent could have withstood a unified attack and occupation.

FDR had to deal with that menacing prospect -- and he did.
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What's not admire about a president who loved and called the greatest butcher of humans at the time "Uncle Joe" Stalin?
What's not admire about a president who loved and called the greatest butcher of humans at the time "Uncle Joe" Stalin?
At the time, "Uncle Joe" Stalin was an indispensable ally. It is not likely we could have defeated Germany without him. If we did it would have taken a lot longer and cost hundreds of thousands more American lives. So if your father fought in Europe during WW-II (mine fought in the Pacific) you might have "Uncle Joe" to thank if your father came home.
This does not belong in the Religion forum
Regardless of what forum the commentary appears in the content would remain the same -- admiration for a great American, FDR.

A great American? The man incinerated the civil rights of Japanese-Americans in gross violation of our Constitution by rounding them up and putting them in camps. He also dragged the depression out years longer than it needed to by doubling down on Hoover's failed economic policies. He threatened the Supreme Court for not initially approving his unconstitutional New Deal programs.

FDR was the closest thing to an elected dictator we've ever had.
The United States of America was attacked at pearl harbor December 7th 1941 by a far outmoded government Administering a far outmoded regime and set of beliefs and culture, that had recently been newly industrialized by the UK, and then trade with the USA...

A culture that knew nothing but far eastern warfare with their Chinese and Korean and later Russian neighbors, with the industrialization by Britain.

The USA was attacked primarily Because the USA wouldn't supply oil for their war effort against China... who was our friend at that time when it was a democratic, economically free and competitive regime and friends with contemporary western Europe and Britain.

And FDR did what he was supposed to do.

And if he was alive today and running for president, absolutely none of the comparative jokers that we have today.. not even the Clintons would get my vote.
My vote would be going to FDR.

The information in that post is inaccurate, and fdr was the lowest scumbag to ever sully the office of the President of the United States.
This does not belong in the Religion forum
Regardless of what forum the commentary appears in the content would remain the same -- admiration for a great American, FDR.

A great American? The man incinerated the civil rights of Japanese-Americans in gross violation of our Constitution by rounding them up and putting them in camps. He also dragged the depression out years longer than it needed to by doubling down on Hoover's failed economic policies. He threatened the Supreme Court for not initially approving his unconstitutional New Deal programs.

FDR was the closest thing to an elected dictator we've ever had.

We should be doing that with these arabs today.

And there is nothing unconstitutional about the new deal.

As for Dictator... its time we had a Government again.
The militant Japanese empire came into power during the FDR administration and Hitler came into power in Germany at the same time. FDR did nothing of importance regarding foreign policy in either arena for his first two terms except whine about it. The old fraud didn't even have the decency to bow out after two terms like all presidents before him. True to form FDR practically goaded the Japanese into attack and then blamed subordinates for his negligence at Pearl Harbor that resulted in 3,000 American deaths. Anybody but FDR.
The militant Japanese empire came into power during the FDR administration and Hitler came into power in Germany at the same time. FDR did nothing of importance regarding foreign policy in either arena for his first two terms except whine about it. The old fraud didn't even have the decency to bow out after two terms like all presidents before him. True to form FDR practically goaded the Japanese into attack and then blamed subordinates for his negligence at Pearl Harbor that resulted in 3,000 American deaths. Anybody but FDR.
Much better than the GOP at the time, including with Japanese Americans...
The militant Japanese empire came into power during the FDR administration and Hitler came into power in Germany at the same time. FDR did nothing of importance regarding foreign policy in either arena for his first two terms except whine about it. The old fraud didn't even have the decency to bow out after two terms like all presidents before him. True to form FDR practically goaded the Japanese into attack and then blamed subordinates for his negligence at Pearl Harbor that resulted in 3,000 American deaths. Anybody but FDR.
Much better than the GOP at the time, including with Japanese Americans...
Say what? FDR had Japanese Americans arrested on the basis of an executive order. They had about 48 hours to get of their property including real estate and democrats in California made a killing in real estate. The former KKK member he appointed to the Supreme Court affirmed FDR's unconstitutional act.
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