Franken: 'So thrilled' at Minn. Senate race win

And we will lean on our Dems when they act like Republicans. Its not going to be easy to make them pass healthcare reform, or to raise taxes on the rich, or to bring troops home or to go green.

Corporate America/lobbyists still run the show and the Supreme Court still tilts in their favor.

And they have the corporate/mainstream media working for them.

Not to mention the house slaves on USMB. Gunny, Del, Skull, Allie, Willow, you guys out there?

Well, every Democrat in Congress and the Senate has to face primaries in two to six years. Bad votes now should mean a real Democrat replacing the present Representative or Senator on the ticket.

Sort of...except we have Democrats in places like West Virginia where either we get a conservative-ish democrat, or no democrat at all.

Exactly. But I think/hope the people in those states want things like healthcare reform too.

And no matter what, the right is going to work hard to smear them, so fuck it. But I understand that the healthcare lobbyists are really leaning on the blue dogs. They're threatening to put all their money on their opponents if they don't play ball.

You know what? That's just bullshit. Excuses, excuses. We need to lean HARD on these blue dogs like Max Baucus. None of them will win if they can't get er done.
Well, every Democrat in Congress and the Senate has to face primaries in two to six years. Bad votes now should mean a real Democrat replacing the present Representative or Senator on the ticket.

Not in Blue Dog States. Those Dems won despite those areas being typically Red. So it will be easy for the lobbyists/corporations/GOP to beat those Blue Dogs if they don't do what they are told.

I think the GOP/lobbyists will work hard to defeat them anyways, so they may as well work with the Dems while they can. Plus, the DMC should tell those blue dogs either work with us or we will defeat you.

We need our own Tom Delay. Instead we got Pelosi/Reed. Two wimps. LOL.

Pelosi isn't a wimp. She is pretty ruthless, the house does what she wants. Reid?...yeah, not so much.

Good. :clap2:
Poor, poor Rushpublicans. They have to live in a Democracy. They cannot torture people anymore. They cannot ignore Hebeas Corpus anymore. They cannot snatch citizens of foreign nations off the streets of other nations anymore, and ignore the laws of all nations involved. Poor, poor Rushpublicans.

What a lot of whining, sniveling, and general dipshit crying going on. But it will all get better. We will have a real Health Care System. And a real Energy Policy that is not administered by big energy corperations. We will get the economy turned arround, then adapt regulations that prevent this debacle from happening again, And even set things up so the assholes that created the debacle pay their fair share of taxes. Ah yes, things are going to be much better. Then we will address other issues during President Obama's second term.

Habeas Corpus isn't a Right, it's Suspendable Priviledge... And on top of that, it doesn't Pertain to Douche-Bag Islamists out of Uniform on the Battle Field...

And if you Think that Barry isn't Continuing and Most Likely EXPANDING each and EVERY thing that (43) did, then you are the Fool.



I'm calling bullshit on this post.

So the government doesn't have to justify your detention? It is a right. And yes, it pertains to all human's. Jeffrey Dahmer ate people and still got a lawyer. And Jose Padilla is a US Citizen.

And these laws are to protect us against guys like Cheney.

Ah, the old Barry the Socialist is just like the GOP. Which is it? Is he a socialist/secret muslim or is he just like Bush? You tried to do both in one post. LOVE IT!

Although I agree with you that it should pertain to all humans, the right of habeus corpus does not pertain to non-citizens. It should be a human right rather than simply a Constitutional Right. Unfortunately, the government does not have to justify your detention and it seems that today, they don't even have to justify it if you are a citizen. They simply declare you a terrorist, like Jose Padilla, and you are gone.

These laws are to protect us from people like Cheney, but the scary thing is that President Obama isn't changing Bush policies in this regard. Those rights are supposed to protect us from government gone wild. It doesn't matter whether the Bush Administration or the Obama Administration goes wild. What matters is that our protections have been diminished.

I'm calling bullshit on this post.

So the government doesn't have to justify your detention? It is a right. And yes, it pertains to all human's. Jeffrey Dahmer ate people and still got a lawyer. And Jose Padilla is a US Citizen.

And these laws are to protect us against guys like Cheney.

Ah, the old Barry the Socialist is just like the GOP. Which is it? Is he a socialist/secret muslim or is he just like Bush? You tried to do both in one post. LOVE IT!

Call Bullshit on it all you want... Habeas Corpus is a Suspendable Priviledge as Illustrated SPECIFICALLY in the Body of the Constitution...

And that's for American CITIZENS that it can be Suspended.

Read your Constitution and get back to me.


the right of habeus corpus does not pertain to non-citizens. It should be a human right rather than simply a Constitutional Right.

Not a Right... A Suspendable Priviledge.

Has anyone here Read the Constitution?...

For Fuck's Sake, People!...

This is Basic Shit.



No, its a suspendable right. You have a right unless the entity (the government) that guarantees that right is in danger of being destroyed.
Wow, one has to come to the conclusion that the republicans on board don't like the results of a democracy! Oh sorry, forgot for a second there who I was talking about....

yes of course,, we are supposed to be like you,, embrace an election in which there were more votes cast than there were registered voters.. that's some frickin democracy! a DUmmie kind.. go ACORN

We are talking about the Minnesotan election, not the Iranian one. Get your facts straight. It is NOT true that more people voted in Minnesota than were registered to vote.

Minnesota is the one I'm talking about donkeyface!
Wow, one has to come to the conclusion that the republicans on board don't like the results of a democracy! Oh sorry, forgot for a second there who I was talking about....

yes of course,, we are supposed to be like you,, embrace an election in which there were more votes cast than there were registered voters.. that's some frickin democracy! a DUmmie kind.. go ACORN


Franken won and Norm shoved his career into a ditch and buried it deep. Time to move on and for Rs to attempt resuscitation on their sad little party.

another democwat weighs in,, fond of voter fraud when it benefits the democwat side! go democwats.. go..
I'm calling bullshit on this post.

So the government doesn't have to justify your detention? It is a right. And yes, it pertains to all human's. Jeffrey Dahmer ate people and still got a lawyer. And Jose Padilla is a US Citizen.

And these laws are to protect us against guys like Cheney.

Ah, the old Barry the Socialist is just like the GOP. Which is it? Is he a socialist/secret muslim or is he just like Bush? You tried to do both in one post. LOVE IT!

Call Bullshit on it all you want... Habeas Corpus is a Suspendable Priviledge as Illustrated SPECIFICALLY in the Body of the Constitution...

And that's for American CITIZENS that it can be Suspended.

Read your Constitution and get back to me.



Then quit crying about rights or freedoms as if you care. You aren't free. You only use it as a wedge issue.

And don't cry about abuse of power. Hope you enjoy Obama and the Dems having this power.

And I know during the civil war Lincoln did suspend Habius because it was American vs. American. He said he was sad for having to do it.

Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld know the Constitution and History too. That's why GW wanted to be a wartime president. That's why they hoped/let 9-11 happen.

And Obama is a Constitutional Scholar too, correct? Yea, you aren't the only one who knows the constitution.

I suspect you know what Bush did to the constitution too with the Patriot Act and spying on us, but I'm sure you could lawyer up about that too. And you guys say you want tort reform? HA!

Remember when Clinton said, "that depends on what your definition of IS is?

Get a clue. The GOP can tell you anything and you'll swallow it. I wish they would tell you that my gizz is mouthwash.
the right of habeus corpus does not pertain to non-citizens. It should be a human right rather than simply a Constitutional Right.

Not a Right... A Suspendable Priviledge.

Has anyone here Read the Constitution?...

For Fuck's Sake, People!...

This is Basic Shit.



No, its a suspendable right. You have a right unless the entity (the government) that guarantees that right is in danger of being destroyed.

That's why it's written in such a way that rights are not given by the government, and therefore cannot be taken away by the government. It's sad seeing the total lack of education and understanding of American citizens. It's why we're in the position we're in right now.
yes of course,, we are supposed to be like you,, embrace an election in which there were more votes cast than there were registered voters.. that's some frickin democracy! a DUmmie kind.. go ACORN


Franken won and Norm shoved his career into a ditch and buried it deep. Time to move on and for Rs to attempt resuscitation on their sad little party.

nother democwat weighs in,, fond of voter fraud when it benefits the democwat side! go democwats.. go..

Turns out no matter how hard you try, no one is buying your ACORN bullshit.

Just like they didn't care when the GOP stole Florida and Ohio.

Now you care? Fuck off loser. I hope you blow up lighting fireworks this weekend. Or at least your fingers so you can't type this bullshit.

And go enlist in the military coward. :lol:
Not a Right... A Suspendable Priviledge.

Has anyone here Read the Constitution?...

For Fuck's Sake, People!...

This is Basic Shit.



No, its a suspendable right. You have a right unless the entity (the government) that guarantees that right is in danger of being destroyed.

That's why it's written in such a way that rights are not given by the government, and therefore cannot be taken away by the government. It's sad seeing the total lack of education and understanding of American citizens. It's why we're in the position we're in right now.

Yes! Finally we agree. Just look at what Malcontent wrote!!!
yes of course,, we are supposed to be like you,, embrace an election in which there were more votes cast than there were registered voters.. that's some frickin democracy! a DUmmie kind.. go ACORN

We are talking about the Minnesotan election, not the Iranian one. Get your facts straight. It is NOT true that more people voted in Minnesota than were registered to vote.

Minnesota is the one I'm talking about donkeyface!

Oh, well then you are just lying. I was trying to be charitable to you, but I guess you are just a liar.
Not a Right... A Suspendable Priviledge.

Has anyone here Read the Constitution?...

For Fuck's Sake, People!...

This is Basic Shit.



No, its a suspendable right. You have a right unless the entity (the government) that guarantees that right is in danger of being destroyed.

That's why it's written in such a way that rights are not given by the government, and therefore cannot be taken away by the government. It's sad seeing the total lack of education and understanding of American citizens. It's why we're in the position we're in right now.

Are you really this fucking retarded?

The Constitution specifically lays out that the government can suspend Habeas. Whatever implication you want to draw about where the rights derive from, thats your own issue, but the Constitution specifically says that habeas can be suspended, and when it can be suspended.

Tool. Don't talk about other peoples educations until you read the damn thing yourself.
yes of course,, we are supposed to be like you,, embrace an election in which there were more votes cast than there were registered voters.. that's some frickin democracy! a DUmmie kind.. go ACORN

We are talking about the Minnesotan election, not the Iranian one. Get your facts straight. It is NOT true that more people voted in Minnesota than were registered to vote.

Minnesota is the one I'm talking about donkeyface!

Then you are a liar or repeating lies. Which one?

There are a bunch of votes that were not counted in Minnesota, for various reasons. That should THRILL you Willow!! Voter suppression, not voter fraud! That usually benefits your party. :lol::cuckoo:





Franken won and Norm shoved his career into a ditch and buried it deep. Time to move on and for Rs to attempt resuscitation on their sad little party.

nother democwat weighs in,, fond of voter fraud when it benefits the democwat side! go democwats.. go..

Turns out no matter how hard you try, no one is buying your ACORN bullshit.

Just like they didn't care when the GOP stole Florida and Ohio.

Now you care? Fuck off loser. I hope you blow up lighting fireworks this weekend. Or at least your fingers so you can't type this bullshit.

And go enlist in the military coward. :lol:

Ha ha ! call me loser? I live in paradise. You live in Deeeeetroit City! home of Monica Conyers.......................:lol: oh it sucks to be a democwat!
We are talking about the Minnesotan election, not the Iranian one. Get your facts straight. It is NOT true that more people voted in Minnesota than were registered to vote.

Minnesota is the one I'm talking about donkeyface!

Oh, well then you are just lying. I was trying to be charitable to you, but I guess you are just a liar.

Willow is USMB's Village Idiot.
We are talking about the Minnesotan election, not the Iranian one. Get your facts straight. It is NOT true that more people voted in Minnesota than were registered to vote.

Minnesota is the one I'm talking about donkeyface!

Then you are a liar or repeating lies. Which one?

There are a bunch of votes that were not counted in Minnesota, for various reasons. That should THRILL you Willow!! Voter suppression, not voter fraud! That usually benefits your party. :lol::cuckoo:





democwats love voter fraud when it benefits them.. go ACORN.