Franken/Coleman Challenged Ballots

Ballot #1: The Autograph

If you worked the polls and wanted to invalidate a bunch of ballots, this is a great way to do it.

And I must admit, I too voted for the Lizard people.
It looks like most of the people who voted on this website are pro-Franken. For example, Ballot #11: The Underline. It looks like Franken's name was marked out, yet 58% said neither should get the vote. Ballot #5: Lizard People. Franken's name was x'ed out, yet 62% said he should get the vote.
It looks like most of the people who voted on this website are pro-Franken. For example, Ballot #11: The Underline. It looks like Franken's name was marked out, yet 58% said neither should get the vote. Ballot #5: Lizard People. Franken's name was x'ed out, yet 62% said he should get the vote.

#11 should be tossed.

In #5 the voter didn't fill in the lizard people circle.
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Shouldn't we be more worried that there's actually that many people who don't know how to follow simple directions and fill in a circle?

I bet some of those idiots are actually raising children, too.

We're so fucked.
How about Franken's camp wanting to pay a visit to all the provisional voters with unclear ballots to find out in person what each of their intended votes were?

:rolleyes: Only liberals.
Shouldn't we be more worried that there's actually that many people who don't know how to follow simple directions and fill in a circle?

I bet some of those idiots are actually raising children, too.

We're so fucked.

Good grief, those were exactly my thoughts.
Paulitics Wrote:
Shouldn't we be more worried that there's actually that many people who don't know how to follow simple directions and fill in a circle?

I bet some of those idiots are actually raising children, too.

We're so fucked.

My thoughts exactly.
It looks like most of the people who voted on this website are pro-Franken. For example, Ballot #11: The Underline. It looks like Franken's name was marked out, yet 58% said neither should get the vote. Ballot #5: Lizard People. Franken's name was x'ed out, yet 62% said he should get the vote.

#11 should be disqualified because they bubbled in both names. if they had put NO beside Fraken's name like they did in the other instance when both were bubbled in then you could establish voter intent. Either way, if two candidates are chosen the ballot is spoiled IMO.

# 5 should be thrown out too because it's an overvote. You can't pick a candidate AND write in a candidate, even one that is ridiculous.
Shouldn't we be more worried that there's actually that many people who don't know how to follow simple directions and fill in a circle?

I bet some of those idiots are actually raising children, too.

We're so fucked.
no kidding
FL 2000 all over again
people too damn stupid to be voting
If the "intent" of the voter is the decider in Minn. which I am led to believe it is and from what I know it is a very liberal voter "intent" then one can see this Franken/Coleman race ending up in a court room pretty quickly. On some of the ballots it was clear that the voter intnded to vote for Franken, like the so called "arrow" now it may be old Aviator eyes at play here but it looked to me as if the person that filled in the box had an unsteady hand. Some of them like the one where two or more names were on the ballot IMO those should jsut be tossed as who can determine what the voter meant. The "lizard people" ballot should be tossed as it is seems obvious that person was not serious and if they were then I submit that the ballot should be tossed as lizards don't meet the Minn. qualifications for US Senator. *laughs* . Seriously though if someone clearly intends to vote for one candidate or another and goes outside a line or circles the wrong box next to the candidate we should be strong enough as a society to give them the benefit of the doubt. In the case of the ones that clearly have more than one or look like a bunch of sailors on liberty walked all over it after stepping in mud, we should also be big enough as a society to reject those.

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