France makes abortion a constitutional right

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Rejoice. A great day for french women.
Macron proposed this as a sop to the left. Le Pen and her goons had the sense to keep their heads down. They realised that it would be suicidal to object.
This is how you do it. A great day.
democrats had 50 years to do it, and kept kicking the can down the road.

They blew their chance

Rejoice. A great day for french women.
Macron proposed this as a sop to the left. Le Pen and her goons had the sense to keep their heads down. They realised that it would be suicidal to object.
This is how you do it. A great day.
Well not a great day for all the small women killed by abortion.

Worldwide the number of small women killed by abortion exceeds 160 million!

And racist right-wingers love abortion.


Rejoice. A great day for french women.
Macron proposed this as a sop to the left. Le Pen and her goons had the sense to keep their heads down. They realised that it would be suicidal to object.
This is how you do it. A great day.
What is so great about killing babies?
Maybe Macron will make Sodomy a constitutional right as well? Then you'll be able to get your butthole violated if you even take the chunnel there.

Rejoice. A great day for french women. ...

What a nonsense. A great day for all French men who like to fuck every woman and do the same time not like to overtake the responsibility for their own children. A great day for French women would it be when no French woman would see any need to have to let others kill their own babies.

And for the system of justice this step is anyway a disaster. This is a break with the god given human right to live. The killed human beings - in their most helpless situation doing the "crime" to be too young - have no legal defender in France any longer. But every mass-murderer has.
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It protects women from odd balls like you.

I do not understand your "moral" the death of a human being is better than 9 month gestation for intercourse with the wrong man. Gives the French state - or your British state - every woman the chance to give her baby to an institution of the state when she has the feeling not to be able to overtake the responsiblity for her own child any longer?

For me means by the way your way to argue here ("do force all others with laws") and this law in the constitution of France a sign that the philosophy of the Enlightenment has finally failed. And to have to accept this I hate very much on my own, because I am a child of the Enlightenment. ¿Or am I now an aborted child of the Enlightenment?
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What a nonsense. A great day for all French men who like to fuck every woman and do the same time not like to overtake the responsibility for their own children. A great day for French women would it be when no French woman would see any need to have to let others kill their own babies.

And for the system of justice this step is anyway a disaster. This is a break with the god given human right to live. The killed human beings - in their most helpless situation doing the "crime" to be too young - have no legal defender in France any longer. But every mass-murderer has.
A great day in France will be when there are no French!

Slave of Putin, do not forget to tell your fake-god Putin to leave the Ukraine with all of his fake-angels. Yesterday!

And you personally should slowly start to learn something what has a little more intellectual substance as to believe only that your death will be your end. Responsibility is in the end always only responsibility in the eyes of god - even if this idea might transcend your aggressive brainwash ideas made of empty propaganda phrases.
So don't be too late for the resurrection of the dead. Start now not to be too late. And even if you will not be too late in the end of your time: Perhaps you will have to answer some billion questions of hundreds of millions of human souls who nearly not lived - also because of your own "will" - better to say: of your own slavery.
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Rejoice. A great day for french women.
Macron proposed this as a sop to the left. Le Pen and her goons had the sense to keep their heads down. They realised that it would be suicidal to object.
This is how you do it. A great day.
14 weeks.

You Leftards are claiming States are murdering women with such restrictions at 22 weeks.
A great day in France will be when there are no French!

"France" is by the way a German word. "America" too. Same with "England". And also Andalusia (=Vandalusia) is a German word. And all Germans and their descendents have Germanic, Celtic and Latin ancestors. And intellectually everyone in the whole world is a Greek.

It was said after Hitler had conquered Paris he took a look at Paris and liked to destroy it totally. I do not know what changed his mind - but he never did do so. If he had done so the world today would be in a much more worse disaster. Everything has consequences.

So please: Show me a little portion of your own heritage when you try to speak with me.

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Tommy Tainant

Up to now I thought you are a relativelly rational human being. Your "funny"-comment remembered me that I also thought once Putin is a relativelly rational human being.
"France" is by the way a German word. "America" too. Same with "England". And also Andalusia (=Vandalusia) is a German word. And all Germans and their descendents have Germanic, Celtic and Latin ancestors. And intellectually everyone in the whole world is a Greek.

It was said after Hitler had conquered Paris he took a look at Paris and liked to destroy it totally. I do not know what changed his mind - but he never did do so. If he had done so the world today would be in a much more worse disaster. Everything has consequences.

So please: Show me a little portion of your own heritage when you try to speak with me.

There is a painful joke that Europeans often tell of their Gallic neighbors: God created France, the most beautiful country in the world with so much good in it, and ended up feeling guilty about it. He had to do something to make it fair. And so, he created the French people.

Janine di Giovanni
Hence -

France is lovely, just a shame it's so full of French people​

There is a painful joke that Europeans often tell of their Gallic neighbors: God created France, the most beautiful country in the world with so much good in it, and ended up feeling guilty about it. He had to do something to make it fair. And so, he created the French people.

Janine di Giovanni
Hence -

France is lovely, just a shame it's so full of French people​

Says a gay Englishman?

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democrats had 50 years to do it, and kept kicking the can down the road.

They blew their chance

You just pinpointed the problem with democrats in a nutshell, lack of balls and inability to accomplish anything.
Says a gay Englishman?

The purpose of a put-down is to reduce someone else in the status hierarchy. So it is hardly surprising that insults will often refer to a person's social status in terms of ancestry, lack of prestige, or membership in a despised out-group; for example, Nazis or vagrants. Otherwise, the content of insults across the ages is monotonously predictable: Many insults feature a sexual component, refer to sexual organs, or bring up shameful or ineffectual sexual behavior. In addition to status and sexuality, insults inflict shame by mentioning unappealing traits—fatness, shortness, baldness, spottiness, and contagious diseases.

Please do try better, you're no longer in the playground
The purpose of a put-down is to reduce someone else in the status hierarchy. So it is hardly surprising that insults will often refer to a person's social status in terms of ancestry, lack of prestige, or membership in a despised out-group; for example, Nazis or vagrants. Otherwise, the content of insults across the ages is monotonously predictable: Many insults feature a sexual component, refer to sexual organs, or bring up shameful or ineffectual sexual behavior. In addition to status and sexuality, insults inflict shame by mentioning unappealing traits—fatness, shortness, baldness, spottiness, and contagious diseases.

Please do try better, you're no longer in the playground

Eh? Sorry - but you are an anti-French racist and feel insulted because you think "gay Englishman" is an insult? Sure it is if Monthy Phyton is right.

Eh? Sorry - but you are an anti-French racist and feel insulted because you think "gay Englishman" is an insult? Sure it is if Monthy Phyton is right.

I've been to France twice. The inhabitants seemed ok. Nicest bottle of wine I had was in Paris -


It's just a common stereotype phrase in the UK about the disappointing thing about France is that it's full of French folk, and your tampon fell out. Take a chill pill.

Rejoice. A great day for french women.
Macron proposed this as a sop to the left. Le Pen and her goons had the sense to keep their heads down. They realised that it would be suicidal to object.
This is how you do it. A great day.
While the United States continues its decline into a right-wing Dark Age of authoritarian oppression.

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