
How exactly was he framed? He admits he entered the Capitol with the mob.
Everything you believe is bullshit propaganda. The Twitter files and the Durham report proved that. Next.
Next? I'm not going to iterate over all your bs. That would be an endless task. The interesting thing is, I actually agree that Jan 6th protesters are getting fucked. But, as a rule, I don't believe anything you post. You're a serial propagandist, a fear mongering puddle of runny shit. Get a life.
They said he was violent.
That’s not being “framed” and he wasn’t charged with being violent.

He mentions that it couldn’t have been him banging in the door because the hand banging on the door wasn’t wearing gloves and he was.

Which begs a question, does think we aren’t aware that gloves can be taken off?

That’s not being “framed” and he wasn’t charged with being violent.

He mentions that it couldn’t have been him banging in the door because the hand banging on the door wasn’t wearing gloves and he was.

Which begs a question, does think we aren’t aware that gloves can be taken off?

32 months for tresspassing? Get fucking real. They are abusing Americans to intimidate Americans. That is a fucking fact. Why don't you have the balls to admit it?
32 months for tresspassing? Get fucking real. They are abusing Americans to intimidate Americans. That is a fucking fact. Why don't you have the balls to admit it?
Disorderly conduct. Impeding congressional proceedings. Parading. And trespassing.

I’m not intimidated by this and neither should you. They’re criminals.
A fourteen minute video proves the prosecutors lied. The MSM will not touch this. People have the right to know the levels of corruption. Watch the video or do not comment.

The video is well scripted. The evidence shown in the video seems to very plausibly support Strand’s positions on what he did and didn’t do. That said, it doesn’t “prove” his side just as I believe it doesn’t prove the Government’s side.

It appears to me that he does have some useful material for the appeal. But a reversal of a conviction usually requires more than a dispute with the jury’s verdict. I’m not sure the video evidence will establish that the conviction was obtained “fraudulently.”

He might very well be as innocent as he claims. But this doesn’t assure a reversal of the conviction.
The fact that there is no evidence this man was framed. He was there. He was caught on video.
End of story. Bet he'll never do it again. :)
I guess that depends on if they try to defraud the winner of the next presidential election. That was a protest to get the election investigated before certifying . Congress refused because they were complicit.
The video is well scripted. The evidence shown in the video seems to very plausibly support Strand’s positions on what he did and didn’t do. That said, it doesn’t “prove” his side just as I believe it doesn’t prove the Government’s side.

It appears to me that he does have some useful material for the appeal. But a reversal of a conviction usually requires more than a dispute with the jury’s verdict. I’m not sure the video evidence will establish that the conviction was obtained “fraudulently.”

He might very well be as innocent as he claims. But this doesn’t assure a reversal of the conviction.
Do you consider this a conspiracy?
The video is well scripted. The evidence shown in the video seems to very plausibly support Strand’s positions on what he did and didn’t do. That said, it doesn’t “prove” his side just as I believe it doesn’t prove the Government’s side.

It appears to me that he does have some useful material for the appeal. But a reversal of a conviction usually requires more than a dispute with the jury’s verdict. I’m not sure the video evidence will establish that the conviction was obtained “fraudulently.”

He might very well be as innocent as he claims. But this doesn’t assure a reversal of the conviction.
I humbly ask you to read the article from Rolling Stone I previously posted.

He has no grounds for appeal. Here is his indictment.

He could have gotten 24 years. He should count himself extremely lucky to just get 32 months. An appeal just might get him more time, not to mention opening up a charge of perjury. The fool took the stand, made up a complete fairy tale, and got caught. He was convicted on all five counts.
I humbly ask you to read the article from Rolling Stone I previously posted.

He has no grounds for appeal. Here is his indictment.

He could have gotten 24 years. He should count himself extremely lucky to just get 32 months. An appeal just might get him more time, not to mention opening up a charge of perjury. The fool took the stand, made up a complete fairy tale, and got caught. He was convicted on all five counts.
I looked at the Rolling Stone piece. Pretty valueless. So is the indictment itself.

The issue is whether the prosecutor misrepresented the evidence. It looks like some of that happened. What’s unclear — from my vantage point — is the extent to which any such missteps by the prosecutor suffice to have undermined Strand’s right to a fair trial.

Reversals do happen. But they aren’t easily obtained.
I looked at the Rolling Stone piece. Pretty valueless. So is the indictment itself.

The issue is whether the prosecutor misrepresented the evidence. It looks like some of that happened. What’s unclear — from my vantage point — is the extent to which any such missteps by the prosecutor suffice to have undermined Strand’s right to a fair trial.

Reversals do happen. But they aren’t easily obtained.
I think you need to reread the indictment. A big part of the video was the claim that the prosecutor attempted to portray Strand's actions as violent, yet nowhere in the indictment does it say anything about violence.

Count one--impeding an official proceeding.

Yep, did that, Attempting to claim it wasn't on purpose but his posts and tweets demonstrated otherwise.

Count two--Entering and remaining in a restrictive ground.

Yep, did that. Attempted to throw his girlfriend under the bus, but again, his texts show otherwise.

Count three--disorderly conduct

His former girlfriend copped a plea to that charge. He should have as well. Pretty obvious that is what he did, the whole fist thump in the video demonstrates as much.

Count four--the disorderly conduct was an attempt to impede a Congressional action.

His bravado posts, claiming he is a patriot, will never accept the result of a stolen election, pretty much nails that one.

Count five--willfully picketed in the United States Capital building.

That one is a give me. Hell, she was scheduled to speak. And he never even amounted a defense on that charge.

From where I sit, this little prick has one avenue to appeal. His lawyer was one stupid shit to allow him to take the stand.
I think you need to reread the indictment. A big part of the video was the claim that the prosecutor attempted to portray Strand's actions as violent, yet nowhere in the indictment does it say anything about violence.

Count one--impeding an official proceeding.

Yep, did that, Attempting to claim it wasn't on purpose but his posts and tweets demonstrated otherwise.

Count two--Entering and remaining in a restrictive ground.

Yep, did that. Attempted to throw his girlfriend under the bus, but again, his texts show otherwise.

Count three--disorderly conduct

His former girlfriend copped a plea to that charge. He should have as well. Pretty obvious that is what he did, the whole fist thump in the video demonstrates as much.

Count four--the disorderly conduct was an attempt to impede a Congressional action.

His bravado posts, claiming he is a patriot, will never accept the result of a stolen election, pretty much nails that one.

Count five--willfully picketed in the United States Capital building.

That one is a give me. Hell, she was scheduled to speak. And he never even amounted a defense on that charge.

From where I sit, this little prick has one avenue to appeal. His lawyer was one stupid shit to allow him to take the stand.
Meh. He didn’t impede shit.

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