FOXNEWS Is Now A Full-Time Conspiracy Peddling Network

:lol:Rush (he is a lunatic anyway) " the deep state democrats gave false info to Bush about Hussein to embarrass the Republicans". Unreal. They are very hard up, Fox is the worst, save Baier and Shep.

FBI Director Christopher Wray seems to acting independent of Trump which is good, glad Trump is frustrated (he should be).

I tune in now and then for a good laugh.
"Conspiracy theories". How ironic.

Do you know what the term ironic means?
Yep, sure do. And it's pretty ironic that you shitheads accuse Fox of peddling conspiracy theories after the "Russia collusion" conspiracy theory CNN has been pushing for over a year now.

Conservatives just don't understand the term "fake news"
Fake news is not news you do not like

There is a full blown Russia investigation that is ongoing and it extends far beyond collusion. Several key Trump aids have already plead guilty in the investigation. Also of note is that the investigations are being conducted by the Republican controlled Justice Department and Congress.
The whole world is conspiring against poor Donald...

  • He didn't violate the law.
  • Even if Mueller has rock solid evidence of law breaking by Trump, that evidence is invalid because two FBI agents were texting each other and seem to not have a liking for Trump
What law did Trump violate? Supposition or legal proof?
Two FBI agents weren't texting that they didn't like him. These were two agents who were directly involved in his investigation who clearly showed an extreme bias and said they were out to stop him from being president, remove him from office if he was, and were having secret meetings about with others in a coordinated way. This is a case where government has grown so arrogant as to think they get to decide who is the president THEY want and who is not.

Please don't come here and try to blow your sorry-ass commie smoke up our asses as you try to make light of perhaps the greatest criminal abuse by government is the history of this country!
What law did Trump violate? Supposition or legal proof?
Two FBI agents weren't texting that they didn't like him. These were two agents who were directly involved in his investigation who clearly showed an extreme bias and said they were out to stop him from being president, remove him from office if he was, and were having secret meetings about with others in a coordinated way. This is a case where government has grown so arrogant as to think they get to decide who is the president THEY want and who is not.

Please don't come here and try to blow your sorry-ass commie smoke up our asses as you try to make light of perhaps the greatest criminal abuse by government is the history of this country!
Go blow it out your ass hack!

I'm gonna have to side with the Lefties this time.....

UNLESS there's actually arrests, convictions's all BS
Maybe the deep state is playing us for fools using the media to keep us at each other?
If you read Fox it says Leftist meltdown....Read CNN & Yahoo...they say Right wing melt down.

Too many of these seemingly outrageous stories that never go anywhere.
What law did Trump violate? Supposition or legal proof?
Two FBI agents weren't texting that they didn't like him. These were two agents who were directly involved in his investigation who clearly showed an extreme bias and said they were out to stop him from being president, remove him from office if he was, and were having secret meetings about with others in a coordinated way. This is a case where government has grown so arrogant as to think they get to decide who is the president THEY want and who is not.

Please don't come here and try to blow your sorry-ass commie smoke up our asses as you try to make light of perhaps the greatest criminal abuse by government is the history of this country!
Go blow it out your ass hack!

Why don't you do it for me while you produce some FACTS to back up any of your claims, you sniveling little girl whining America-hating communist apologist propagandist?!

Have you actually been observing the players?

Trump spoke to a conference of Mayors today, looking for all the world as he would discoursing on beef taquitos at a beach in Aruba. He looked healthy, was animated, funny and as relaxed as can be.

Expecting a situation to spring into being because a story writer excites you with a self-masturbatory tale of woe is just plain silly.
Fake news is not news you do not like
No, it's shit you make up to manipulate people's opinion. Shit like "Trump colluded with the Russians to win an election".

There is a full blown Russia investigation that is ongoing and it extends far beyond collusion.
It extends far beyond collusion because there was no collusion (the reason for the investigation in the first place). Therefore, they have to keep fishing to find something else, anything, so they can justify spending millions of taxpayer dollars on something they KNOW never happened.

Several key Trump aids have already plead guilty in the investigation.
Not to anything having to do with colluding with Russians. Looks like you just struck out.

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