FoxNews has full ISIS hostage burning video online


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Fox has the full uncensored video online. I hadnt seen it until now. cant unsee it once you see it. Its worse than the beheading videos.

I dont know how I feel about Fox having it. One hand says dont give ISIS the exposure they want. The other says...give it. Show the true pure evil we are dealing with.

If anyone still thinks Islamic extremism is anything but pure evil and an aggressive social're insane.

We had better get serious. Glad to see Jordan's president just said he'll fight ISIS "until fuel and ammo runs out".
Fox refused to show it on television but it anyone wants to see it, it's available. I don't particularly want to see obama's friends showing off.
Fox has the full uncensored video online. I hadnt seen it until now. cant unsee it once you see it. Its worse than the beheading videos.

I dont know how I feel about Fox having it. One hand says dont give ISIS the exposure they want. The other says...give it. Show the true pure evil we are dealing with.

If anyone still thinks Islamic extremism is anything but pure evil and an aggressive social're insane.

We had better get serious. Glad to see Jordan's president just said he'll fight ISIS "until fuel and ammo runs out".
Thanks but I'll pass. Still sorting out american sniper...
Fox has the full uncensored video online. I hadnt seen it until now. cant unsee it once you see it. Its worse than the beheading videos.

I dont know how I feel about Fox having it. One hand says dont give ISIS the exposure they want. The other says...give it. Show the true pure evil we are dealing with.

If anyone still thinks Islamic extremism is anything but pure evil and an aggressive social're insane.

We had better get serious. Glad to see Jordan's president just said he'll fight ISIS "until fuel and ammo runs out".


We are serious. Nobody thinks ISLAMIC EXTREMISM is anything but pure evil. You fucking asshole.

You wouldn't be satisfied if Obama grabbed a fucking ISIS member and personally cut his fucking head off. YOU ARE CRAZED.

Get help.
Fox has the full uncensored video online. I hadnt seen it until now. cant unsee it once you see it. Its worse than the beheading videos.

I dont know how I feel about Fox having it. One hand says dont give ISIS the exposure they want. The other says...give it. Show the true pure evil we are dealing with.

If anyone still thinks Islamic extremism is anything but pure evil and an aggressive social're insane.

We had better get serious. Glad to see Jordan's president just said he'll fight ISIS "until fuel and ammo runs out".


We are serious. Nobody thinks ISLAMIC EXTREMISM is anything but pure evil. You fucking asshole.

You wouldn't be satisfied if Obama grabbed a fucking ISIS member and personally cut his fucking head off. YOU ARE CRAZED.

Get help. post didnt mention Obama or the GOP or Democrats. .

This Islamic radicalism will be a problem after Obama and after his predecessor and after 5 more US presidential elections.

This is gonna be like old Biblical times shit that goes on for a century.
Fox has the full uncensored video online. I hadnt seen it until now. cant unsee it once you see it. Its worse than the beheading videos.

I dont know how I feel about Fox having it. One hand says dont give ISIS the exposure they want. The other says...give it. Show the true pure evil we are dealing with.

If anyone still thinks Islamic extremism is anything but pure evil and an aggressive social're insane.

We had better get serious. Glad to see Jordan's president just said he'll fight ISIS "until fuel and ammo runs out".


We are serious. Nobody thinks ISLAMIC EXTREMISM is anything but pure evil. You fucking asshole.

You wouldn't be satisfied if Obama grabbed a fucking ISIS member and personally cut his fucking head off. YOU ARE CRAZED.

Get help.

I wouldn't be satisfied, but it would improve Obama's approval rating !
i just watched it
it is so disturbing that i recommend people faint of heart don't. never for children.
i can tell you it's out there and easy to access. there are no words to describe our collective anger here. something has to change, before it comes to our shores again.

i want to know what people are thinking....
down the road i will ask a poll question or two.

this is one over those pivitol world moments forever frozen in time
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Fox refused to show it on television but it anyone wants to see it, it's available. I don't particularly want to see obama's friends showing off.
Do you EVER take a day off from being an eXtreme partisan jackass? Just wondering.

As to the OP, EVERYONE knows what Fox TV's claim to fame is: sensationalism and overblown rhetoric .
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And STILL the Republicans refuse to act.

Thank you Mr. President, for killing more than 6000 Isis in more than US-led air attacks.

This is far bigger than GOP vs democrats. ISIS is laughing at how we divide ourselves. Hell we're doing half their goal for them with how much we've turned on each other.
I agree. Its extremely disturbing. Its as scary and creepy as anything Hollywood could've produced.

Its truly a gut check moment.

Regardless of our political beliefs...we'll all need each others support as fellow civilized humans to defeat this evil.
These people are beyond twisted. What a great religion they have there.
Its so bad that It actually makes me know all Muslims are NOT like that. If 1/6 of all humans were like that our world would've ended already.

We truly need sane Muslims to step up. And it seems that is slowly starting to happen.

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