Fox tweets about President Obama's "accent" during eulogy for miners


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Jan 4, 2010
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The Political Carnival: Fox tweets about President Obama's "accent" during eulogy for miners
ClusterFox just keeps topping itself in its efforts to remain the most tasteless, repulsive organization in the world:

"Lovely speech, but what's going on with President Obama's accent in this video?"
Way to keep it classy and honor the dead, FUAX.

How is questioning Obama's "accent" dishonoring the dead?

Your a fucking moron. How would you like it if MSNBC tweeted about President Bush's "accent," during a 9/11 memorial service?
The Political Carnival: Fox tweets about President Obama's "accent" during eulogy for miners
ClusterFox just keeps topping itself in its efforts to remain the most tasteless, repulsive organization in the world:

"Lovely speech, but what's going on with President Obama's accent in this video?"
Way to keep it classy and honor the dead, FUAX.

How is questioning Obama's "accent" dishonoring the dead?

because everyone at the funeral was following some guy from fox's tweets, of course.

How is questioning Obama's "accent" dishonoring the dead?

Your a fucking moron. How would you like it if MSNBC tweeted about President Bush's "accent," during a 9/11 memorial service?

like most rational people, i wouldn't give a fuck. enjoy your self-righteous indignation over nothing, though. you have a lot more in common with fox than you think. :lol:
Excuses, excuses, excuses. I have never heard a right-winger criticize FUX. Bottom line, It IS disrespectful to the dead and the family of the dead to use a service honoring them to jump on Obama.
Excuses, excuses, excuses. I have never heard a right-winger criticize FUX. Bottom line, It IS disrespectful to the dead and the family of the dead to use a service honoring them to jump on Obama.

cry us a fucking river whydonchya?
Excuses, excuses, excuses. I have never heard a right-winger criticize FUX. Bottom line, It IS disrespectful to the dead and the family of the dead to use a service honoring them to jump on Obama.

But it's ok to use children to make an ideological statement as you're doing with your current avatar.
Excuses, excuses, excuses. I have never heard a right-winger criticize FUX. Bottom line, It IS disrespectful to the dead and the family of the dead to use a service honoring them to jump on Obama.

Is this the "Fox" you are referring to?

"Fox is the most trusted television news network in the country, according to a new poll out Tuesday.
A Public Policy Polling nationwide survey of 1,151 registered voters Jan. 18-19 found that 49 percent of Americans trusted Fox News, 10 percentage points more than any other network.
Thirty-seven percent said they didn’t trust Fox, also the lowest level of distrust that any of the networks recorded. "

Read more: Poll: Fox most trusted name in news - Andy Barr -

"Fox News had its best January in the history of the network, and was the only cable news network to grow year-to-year.
FNC also had the top 13 programs on cable news in total viewers for the fifth month in a row, and the top 13 programs in the A25-54 demographic for the first time in more than five years.
• FNC grew in double digits in both total viewers and the A25-54 demographic from January 2009. In prime time, it was up 22% in total viewers and 51% in the demo. CNN was down 34% and 37% and MSNBC down 26% and 38%. In total day, FNC was up 16% and 28%. CNN was down 34% and 41% and MSNBC down 28% and 39%. Last January all networks performed while with the Inauguration coverage. This month, the big political event was Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts, which FNC dominated in the ratings.
• Special Report with Bret Baier/Brit Hume was #1 for the 100th consecutive month.
• Fox Report #1 for 100th consecutive month.
• Sean Hannity had his best month ever (since it launched as Hannity)."
. Still Rolling: Fox News Has Its Best January Ever | Mediaite

"Fox News, 1, CNN, MSNBC, White House O
March 30, 2010

Just-released ratings for the first quarter of 2010 show that CNN is in a precipitous free-fall, its prime-time hosts losing half their audience. Larry King, the septuagenarian who has been hosting a CNN show for 25 years, dropped from 1.34 million viewers for the first quarter of 2009 to 771,000 for the same period this year.
True, last year was all the hoopla over the inauguration of a new president. But this year saw plenty of action too--the earthquake in Haiti, the epic battle over healthcare overhaul. Ratings on MSNBC plunged too. Conservatives are hailing the ratings news as more evidence of a "liberal media death spiral."
Meanwhile Fox News, which broke records last year, continues to grow. Greta Van Susteren's show was up 25%. Bill O'Reilly, whose show commands the biggest audience in prime time with 3.65 million viewers, was up 28%. And Glenn Beck, that conspiracy-fueling tinderbox for the Right? His audience was up 50% from last year."
Fox News, 1, CNN, MSNBC, White House O | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

"[The left, however, still rules the worlds of broadcast television, newspapers, public radio and wire services (nonjournalistic cultural institutions like Hollywood and higher education are beyond the scope of this discussion). The wire services, such as the Associated Press and Bloomberg, are especially important, because they have filled much of the gap in basic news reporting as newspapers and TV network news divisions have cut back.
It is possible, now, for a conservative to opt out of the liberal media and get all his news from more or less congenial sources. But our guess is that it is not yet common practice. For now, we are inclined to discount the warnings of Budowsky and Frum."]

Just trying to help you with your spelling.
Excuses, excuses, excuses. I have never heard a right-winger criticize FUX. Bottom line, It IS disrespectful to the dead and the family of the dead to use a service honoring them to jump on Obama.

But it's ok to use children to make an ideological statement as you're doing with your current avatar.

that child's parents decided to use him to make an ideological statement.

and no, it's not ok that they did that. but so long as they did, it's fair game to use the picture to show how stupid that ideological statement was.
Excuses, excuses, excuses. I have never heard a right-winger criticize FUX. Bottom line, It IS disrespectful to the dead and the family of the dead to use a service honoring them to jump on Obama.

But it's ok to use children to make an ideological statement as you're doing with your current avatar.

that child's parents decided to use him to make an ideological statement.

and no, it's not ok that they did that. but so long as they did, it's fair game to use the picture to show how stupid that ideological statement was.

So that makes it ok for just anyone to exploit the child?

Doesn't that sound hypocritical to you?
So that makes it ok for just anyone to exploit the child?

Doesn't that sound hypocritical to you?

the only thing hypocritical is you complaining about someone using the image that the parents INTENDED be used for political purpose.

the parents exploited the child. feel free to drop a note in their suggestion box that they not do so in the future.
Excuses, excuses, excuses. I have never heard a right-winger criticize FUX. Bottom line, It IS disrespectful to the dead and the family of the dead to use a service honoring them to jump on Obama.

Is this the "Fox" you are referring to?

"Fox is the most trusted television news network in the country, according to a new poll out Tuesday.
A Public Policy Polling nationwide survey of 1,151 registered voters Jan. 18-19 found that 49 percent of Americans trusted Fox News, 10 percentage points more than any other network.
Thirty-seven percent said they didn’t trust Fox, also the lowest level of distrust that any of the networks recorded. "

Read more: Poll: Fox most trusted name in news - Andy Barr -

"Fox News had its best January in the history of the network, and was the only cable news network to grow year-to-year.
FNC also had the top 13 programs on cable news in total viewers for the fifth month in a row, and the top 13 programs in the A25-54 demographic for the first time in more than five years.
• FNC grew in double digits in both total viewers and the A25-54 demographic from January 2009. In prime time, it was up 22% in total viewers and 51% in the demo. CNN was down 34% and 37% and MSNBC down 26% and 38%. In total day, FNC was up 16% and 28%. CNN was down 34% and 41% and MSNBC down 28% and 39%. Last January all networks performed while with the Inauguration coverage. This month, the big political event was Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts, which FNC dominated in the ratings.
• Special Report with Bret Baier/Brit Hume was #1 for the 100th consecutive month.
• Fox Report #1 for 100th consecutive month.
• Sean Hannity had his best month ever (since it launched as Hannity)."
. Still Rolling: Fox News Has Its Best January Ever | Mediaite

"Fox News, 1, CNN, MSNBC, White House O
March 30, 2010

Just-released ratings for the first quarter of 2010 show that CNN is in a precipitous free-fall, its prime-time hosts losing half their audience. Larry King, the septuagenarian who has been hosting a CNN show for 25 years, dropped from 1.34 million viewers for the first quarter of 2009 to 771,000 for the same period this year.
True, last year was all the hoopla over the inauguration of a new president. But this year saw plenty of action too--the earthquake in Haiti, the epic battle over healthcare overhaul. Ratings on MSNBC plunged too. Conservatives are hailing the ratings news as more evidence of a "liberal media death spiral."
Meanwhile Fox News, which broke records last year, continues to grow. Greta Van Susteren's show was up 25%. Bill O'Reilly, whose show commands the biggest audience in prime time with 3.65 million viewers, was up 28%. And Glenn Beck, that conspiracy-fueling tinderbox for the Right? His audience was up 50% from last year."
Fox News, 1, CNN, MSNBC, White House O | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

"[The left, however, still rules the worlds of broadcast television, newspapers, public radio and wire services (nonjournalistic cultural institutions like Hollywood and higher education are beyond the scope of this discussion). The wire services, such as the Associated Press and Bloomberg, are especially important, because they have filled much of the gap in basic news reporting as newspapers and TV network news divisions have cut back.
It is possible, now, for a conservative to opt out of the liberal media and get all his news from more or less congenial sources. But our guess is that it is not yet common practice. For now, we are inclined to discount the warnings of Budowsky and Frum."]

Just trying to help you with your spelling.

Once again, you are so full of shit, the pressure behind your eyeballs must be enormous.

The left, however, still rules the worlds of broadcast television, newspapers, public radio and wire services

Talk radio in this country is more than 90% right wing crap.

If the news services were so slanted towards the "liberals", then people would know that Rev. Wright served in the US Marines and the Navy Medical Corps and earned three White House commendations and all of those clips played over and over came from two sermons from more than 25 years of preaching.

What was done to Gore's and Kerry's military service would never have been allowed and MIA Bush and Deferment Cheney would have been all over the news.

The reason Billo, that "Bold Fresh Steaming Piece of Humanity" and other white wingers get such big audiences, is because their audience is all white.

If you add BET, the Asian network, the Indian and Muslim outlets, not to mention Logo and other gay networks, and the Hispanic channels to MSNBC and CNN, I suspect it would rival or surpass white wing Fox. You betcha. Just like at the polls.
Last edited by a moderator:
So that makes it ok for just anyone to exploit the child?

Doesn't that sound hypocritical to you?

the only thing hypocritical is you complaining about someone using the image that the parents INTENDED be used for political purpose.

the parents exploited the child. feel free to drop a note in their suggestion box that they not do so in the future.

Hey as a parent I can teach my child as I see fit, that does not give you or anyone else the right to use my child for your political purposes. But you being a hypocrite yourself I don't expect you to understand.

Now I heard you were an attorney. Is that what you tell the judge "they did it first"? After reading your post for the past few months I have concluded that you are not and have never been any type of attorney. Especially after your defense here.
Excuses, excuses, excuses. I have never heard a right-winger criticize FUX. Bottom line, It IS disrespectful to the dead and the family of the dead to use a service honoring them to jump on Obama.

Is this the "Fox" you are referring to?

"Fox is the most trusted television news network in the country, according to a new poll out Tuesday.
A Public Policy Polling nationwide survey of 1,151 registered voters Jan. 18-19 found that 49 percent of Americans trusted Fox News, 10 percentage points more than any other network.
Thirty-seven percent said they didn’t trust Fox, also the lowest level of distrust that any of the networks recorded. "

Read more: Poll: Fox most trusted name in news - Andy Barr -

"Fox News had its best January in the history of the network, and was the only cable news network to grow year-to-year.
FNC also had the top 13 programs on cable news in total viewers for the fifth month in a row, and the top 13 programs in the A25-54 demographic for the first time in more than five years.
• FNC grew in double digits in both total viewers and the A25-54 demographic from January 2009. In prime time, it was up 22% in total viewers and 51% in the demo. CNN was down 34% and 37% and MSNBC down 26% and 38%. In total day, FNC was up 16% and 28%. CNN was down 34% and 41% and MSNBC down 28% and 39%. Last January all networks performed while with the Inauguration coverage. This month, the big political event was Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts, which FNC dominated in the ratings.
• Special Report with Bret Baier/Brit Hume was #1 for the 100th consecutive month.
• Fox Report #1 for 100th consecutive month.
• Sean Hannity had his best month ever (since it launched as Hannity)."
. Still Rolling: Fox News Has Its Best January Ever | Mediaite

"Fox News, 1, CNN, MSNBC, White House O
March 30, 2010

Just-released ratings for the first quarter of 2010 show that CNN is in a precipitous free-fall, its prime-time hosts losing half their audience. Larry King, the septuagenarian who has been hosting a CNN show for 25 years, dropped from 1.34 million viewers for the first quarter of 2009 to 771,000 for the same period this year.
True, last year was all the hoopla over the inauguration of a new president. But this year saw plenty of action too--the earthquake in Haiti, the epic battle over healthcare overhaul. Ratings on MSNBC plunged too. Conservatives are hailing the ratings news as more evidence of a "liberal media death spiral."
Meanwhile Fox News, which broke records last year, continues to grow. Greta Van Susteren's show was up 25%. Bill O'Reilly, whose show commands the biggest audience in prime time with 3.65 million viewers, was up 28%. And Glenn Beck, that conspiracy-fueling tinderbox for the Right? His audience was up 50% from last year."
Fox News, 1, CNN, MSNBC, White House O | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

"[The left, however, still rules the worlds of broadcast television, newspapers, public radio and wire services (nonjournalistic cultural institutions like Hollywood and higher education are beyond the scope of this discussion). The wire services, such as the Associated Press and Bloomberg, are especially important, because they have filled much of the gap in basic news reporting as newspapers and TV network news divisions have cut back.
It is possible, now, for a conservative to opt out of the liberal media and get all his news from more or less congenial sources. But our guess is that it is not yet common practice. For now, we are inclined to discount the warnings of Budowsky and Frum."]

Just trying to help you with your spelling.

Once again, you are so full of shit, the pressure behind your eyeballs must be enormous.

The left, however, still rules the worlds of broadcast television, newspapers, public radio and wire services

Talk radio in this country is more than 90% right wing crap.

If the news services were so slanted towards the "liberals", then people would know that Rev. Wright served in the US Marines and the Navy Medical Corps and earned three White House commendations and all of those clips played over and over came from two sermons from more than 25 years of preaching.

What was done to Gore's and Kerry's military service would never have been allowed and MIA Bush and Deferment Cheney would have been all over the news.

The reason Billo, that "Bold Fresh Steaming Piece of Humanity" and other white wingers get such big audiences, is because their audience is all white.

If you add BET, the Asian network, the Indian and Muslim outlets, not to mention Logo and other gay networks, and the Hispanic channels to MSNBC and CNN, I suspect it would rival or surpass white wing Fox. You betcha. Just like at the polls.

I note that you seem to be getting more and more rabid...and since nudging you into that condition is my goal: Mission Accomplished!

And as part of my research, I’m looking for evidence to determine exactly when your grey matter entered the dead zone, and based on my extensive experience watching CSI, I know that I should check for signs of insect activity: let’s call in the entomologist to pin down the moment of pupation!
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