FOX: "None of your Damn business what president trump does!"

The President of the United States is not a king. However, he can't be impeached because the Democrats don't like him. He has to have done something illegal.
The President of the United States is not a king. However, he can't be impeached because the Democrats don't like him. He has to have done something illegal.

He has done numerous acts that should impeach anyone else...Extorting a foreign country with appropriated tax payer money to benefit politically....for starters....neither Nixon or Clinton stooped so low!
The President of the United States is not a king. However, he can't be impeached because the Democrats don't like him. He has to have done something illegal.

He has done numerous acts that should impeach anyone else...Extorting a foreign country with appropriated tax payer money to benefit politically....for starters....neither Nixon or Clinton stooped so low!
That has not been proved. Try again-harder this time.
The President of the United States is not a king. However, he can't be impeached because the Democrats don't like him. He has to have done something illegal.

He has done numerous acts that should impeach anyone else...Extorting a foreign country with appropriated tax payer money to benefit politically....for starters....neither Nixon or Clinton stooped so low!

Joe Biden did. Where's the outrage over that?
Only in that tiny bit of brain where y'all keep the last of your hope alive.
Hmm, no, in everyone's brains, including the trump acolytes who sought to defend trump by hiding the phone call. By the way, that's called a "cover up".
The President of the United States is not a king. However, he can't be impeached because the Democrats don't like him. He has to have done something illegal.

He has done numerous acts that should impeach anyone else...Extorting a foreign country with appropriated tax payer money to benefit politically....for starters....neither Nixon or Clinton stooped so low!
Such as?
Only in that tiny bit of brain where y'all keep the last of your hope alive.
Hmm, no, in everyone's brains, including the trump acolytes who sought to defend trump by hiding the phone call. By the way, that's called a "cover up".
The phone calls are classified. They are "hidden" according to standard government procedure.

You must believe the CIA is one big coverup.
Only in that tiny bit of brain where y'all keep the last of your hope alive.
Hmm, no, in everyone's brains, including the trump acolytes who sought to defend trump by hiding the phone call. By the way, that's called a "cover up".

Nobody "hid" anything. The transcript wasn't good enough for you? Do you think there's some "conspiracy" going on, or some hidden words in the transcript?

Maybe they used some invisible ink, when they transcribed the phone call. You could get a copy of it and maybe sprinkle some lemon juice on it. That's supposed to make whatever's written in invisible ink show up.

Or maybe look at it under a black light. Be sure to wear your super-secret Nancy Pelosi decoder ring, so you can decipher the hidden meaning in the transcript. And wear some protective goggles too: Ultraviolet light is hell on the old corneas.

Or better yet, make yourself a time machine, go back in time, and ask some Navajo code-talkers to find the hidden meaning in the transcript. You should be able to do that with some readily-available parts you have lying around the garage, shouldn't you? Maybe some parts out of an old lawnmower and a broken radio?

Come on, mang. I know you can do it. The media will thank you and maybe even make you the "Man of the Year." Just think: Your picture would be on the cover of every magazine in this country.

The phone calls are classified. They are "hidden" according to standard government procedure.
Another freakish lie... clearly it was not standard procedure for them to be hidden as they were. Literally the entire world but you appears to have learned this a while ago.
Nobody "hid" anything.
Good grief.... yes, they hid the phone call on a server usually reserved not for presidents' phone conversations, but for top secret materials. It was irregular. And they did it to hide them.

This is pointless. You people are horrible liars and bad actors.
The President of the United States is not a king. However, he can't be impeached because the Democrats don't like him. He has to have done something illegal.
You're absolutely right. He cannot be impeached because he is disliked. He cannot be impeached because his political,opposition disagrees with his policy decisions.

He can, however, be impeached for abusing his powers. Bank on it.

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