Fox Noise contributor behind pr campaign against Bergdahl......

So what if the guy just cracked up over there? Is that the new standard for throwing soldiers under the bus?

Shouldn't we thus do that with ALL the guys who've come home with mental problems, PTSD, etc.,

just say fuck them, they couldn't handle it, it's their fault?

Hey, it would be cheaper, right? Fewer patients at the VA. Less of your taxpayer dollar going to help the wounded...

You don't EVER, EVER desert your mates ! PERIOD !

That you don't understand the simple concept of a mental breakdown causing one to lose the ability to think rationally is the most unsurprising revelation I've seen all week.
The US Army is not quite as inclined to play Liberal Patty-Cake Excuse Maker with deserters, as some folks on the outside might be.
You don't EVER, EVER desert your mates ! PERIOD !

That you don't understand the simple concept of a mental breakdown causing one to lose the ability to think rationally is the most unsurprising revelation I've seen all week.
The US Army is not quite as inclined to play Liberal Patty-Cake Excuse Maker with deserters, as some folks on the outside might be.

Mental disorders caused by war are the reality; your denial is the fantasy.
All Bergdahl has to do is say, "PTSD" and guess what, that's a get out of jail free card.

The rightwing propaganda machine is already committed to the categorical, unequivocal rejection of the possibility that Bergdahl suffered a mental breakdown.
Why do you say this?

Will Bergdahl not have his day in court?

Will Bergdahl not be treated as Innocent Until Proven Guilty, at law?

He must now take his chances, with the justice system, like anyone else who acted in the way that he reportedly did.

If he is found 'Not Guilty', then, that's the end of it.

If he is found 'Guilty', then, mitigating circumstances, if any, will be evaluated, for relevance, and depth of impact.

It is now up to the military justice system.

And, if that makes the Failed Messiah in the White House look worse (if that is even possible at this late stage in the game), for negotiating with terrorists, in order to fetch-back a deserter, then, so be it.
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It has been a very long time since we executed anybody for Desertion.

We haven't done it as a regular practice since the Civil War (1861-1865).

We shot one in WWII - the only one since the Civil War.

And that was only because he repeatedly refused to do his duty under combat conditions.

Bergdahl's case might prove equally egregious, if media reports are to be believed.

As I recall, most deserters in modern times have received lengthy prison sentences, and a dishonorable discharge.

The question for the Army will be, was Bergdahl's flavor of Desertion particularly heinous or egregious, and warranting the harsher (death) penalty.

Assuming that he's guilty at all.

At present, we must abide by the injunction: "Innocent until proven guilty."

But there does seem to be sufficient evidence, to merit a pre-trial Investigation and Discovery process on the part of the Judge Advocate General's office.

Time to get underway with that.

The average time served for Iraqi war deserters is about a year, or less.
If various media reports are to be believed at this early juncture...

Six of his comrades died trying to rescue him...

If true, then, that automatically changes things...

Rendering the case anything BUT your 'average' case of Desertion...

Well, that's an opinion, for sure, and probably right, td.

However, the evidence to try him does not exist.

And I believe an "incident" will occur in Qatar that will relieve most of the problem.

The evidence to try him in the court of public opinion is certainly growing and I believe that given the opportunity this boy, perhaps with the aid of his dad, may one day become a homegrown terror-rat.
All Bergdahl has to do is say, "PTSD" and guess what, that's a get out of jail free card.

The rightwing propaganda machine is already committed to the categorical, unequivocal rejection of the possibility that Bergdahl suffered a mental breakdown.

That "mental breakdown" defense is likely to be trotted out by Bowe's lawyers but first he will have to admit that which the loony left here have been furiously denying ... that he not only willfully abandoned his post and DESERTED but perhaps aided and abetted the enemy during war. :mad:
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All Bergdahl has to do is say, "PTSD" and guess what, that's a get out of jail free card.

Of course, PTSD comes with strings attached. He'd have to admit to or be found guilty of desertion under fire.
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My guess is Bowe will not now start a construction biz, marry and have kids and settle into the American Dream. Jobs may be difficult to come by and his daddy may have to support him for a long, long time.
All Bergdahl has to do is say, "PTSD" and guess what, that's a get out of jail free card.

The rightwing propaganda machine is already committed to the categorical, unequivocal rejection of the possibility that Bergdahl suffered a mental breakdown.

That "mental breakdown" defense is likely to be trotted out by Bowe's lawyers but first he will have to admit that which the loony left here have been furiously denying ... that he not only willfully abandoned his post and DESERTED but perhaps aided and abetted the enemy during war. :mad:

If Bergdahl gets to use a mental breakdown defense, how about his Dad? Dad encouraged him. He is a Taliban sympathizer himself.

There was no mental breakdown. Bergdahl's actions were deliberate, thoughtful and premeditated.
I feel sorry for the deserter. (He could have been Obama's son if his whore mother hadn't craved 'BBCs'.)
Anyway I feel sorry that the deserter didn't have enough brains to understand that the Taliban weren't into giving their new found friend ballet lessons.
The DESERTER (I will never lower myself to use his name) lost out on his best potential years as a ballet dancer.
Anyway, I predict that the Deserter will have to remain in hiding for the rest of what's left of his life.
'THE DESERTER' The most hated person in America.
It will be interesting to watch EVERY FUCKING LIB politician in the country scrambling to get as far away as possible from the DESERTER. When the good Rev Sharpton comes running to the DESERTER'S defence you can bet something stinks.
Of course, there's no court-ready evidence of any of these dark suspicions except a tidal wave of Fox/Rush/Beck/Sean generated character assassination and BS infotainment for the ignorant hater chumps. A snarling, idiotic disgrace.His father did nothing but try to get the sympathy of the Taliban and save his kid, who we know no more about than we did 5 years ago.
Of course, there's no court-ready evidence of any of these dark suspicions except a tidal wave of Fox/Rush/Beck/Sean generated character assassination and BS infotainment for the ignorant hater chumps. A snarling, idiotic disgrace.His father did nothing but try to get the sympathy of the Taliban and save his kid, who we know no more about than we did 5 years ago.

Right, this deserter somehow got assigned to an entire Army unit of liars that will say anything about him in order to make obie look bad.
All Bergdahl has to do is say, "PTSD" and guess what, that's a get out of jail free card.

The rightwing propaganda machine is already committed to the categorical, unequivocal rejection of the possibility that Bergdahl suffered a mental breakdown.
Why do you say this?

Will Bergdahl not have his day in court?

Will Bergdahl not be treated as Innocent Until Proven Guilty, at law?

He must now take his chances, with the justice system, like anyone else who acted in the way that he reportedly did.

If he is found 'Not Guilty', then, that's the end of it.

If he is found 'Guilty', then, mitigating circumstances, if any, will be evaluated, for relevance, and depth of impact.

It is now up to the military justice system.

And, if that makes the Failed Messiah in the White House look worse (if that is even possible at this late stage in the game), for negotiating with terrorists, in order to fetch-back a deserter, then, so be it.

Nothing you post here (your legal scenario) has anything to do with the propaganda machine and its efforts.
Of course, there's no court-ready evidence of any of these dark suspicions except a tidal wave of Fox/Rush/Beck/Sean generated character assassination and BS infotainment for the ignorant hater chumps. A snarling, idiotic disgrace.His father did nothing but try to get the sympathy of the Taliban and save his kid, who we know no more about than we did 5 years ago.

Right, this deserter somehow got assigned to an entire Army unit of liars that will say anything about him in order to make obie look bad.

You're just seeing the RWers who have a PR man from Fox. How many? Others will testify. No one's crazy enough to come forward now to cross the violent idiot loudmouth propaganda machine in full hate mode...a disgrace...
So what if the guy just cracked up over there? Is that the new standard for throwing soldiers under the bus?

Shouldn't we thus do that with ALL the guys who've come home with mental problems, PTSD, etc.,

just say fuck them, they couldn't handle it, it's their fault?

Hey, it would be cheaper, right? Fewer patients at the VA. Less of your taxpayer dollar going to help the wounded...

You don't EVER, EVER desert your mates ! PERIOD !

From what it looks like, Bergdahl was kind of an outsider the other guys in the unit never liked.

We don't know why he walked off. We don't know if he intentionally abandoned his post, or if the Taliban just caught him when he was off in the woods taking a dump.

And in the end, it really isn't that important.

Nah, not important, we shouldn't care if our soldiers abandon their posts, or their fellow solders. It's no biggee if a few other soldiers died trying to get his sorry ass back. Nah, not important.
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Me too:

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He babbles about "Fox Noise" then cites mediafuckingmatters... how rich.


What an imbecile.
notice how the Dear One Obama pulls this stunt then skips town?

the show of a real leader alright

they did get our OTHER VETS off the front pages, THE VA

we see all the sympathies for them huh? one week then POOF onto someone new

I'm pretty sure it's the Pavlovian outrage from the Right that has pushed this to the front of the news.

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